1705133999 Other concepts important to creating arguments for First Government Teams were briefly introduced in Chapter 3. In that chapter, the notions of principles and consequences were briefly discussed. In this current chapter, examples of First Government arguments using both principles and consequences will be provided. Discussions of consequences and principles will not be repeated in this chapter but will be discussed in greater depth in Chapter 19.
1705134001 Chapter 20 will describe further how to create an argument or even a complete case by combining claims of description, association, and evaluation. A case, as described earlier, is an argument or series of arguments to support the motion. One pattern whereby a series of claims can be coherently combined is what this text will call the describe, associate, evaluate pattern. The describe, associate, evaluate pattern, used throughout the text will be briefly introduced here and later expanded on in Chapter 20. That basic pattern asks debaters to create an argument or arguments supported by the following kinds of claims: 1) a claim that describes a feature of the object, concept, or policy to be evaluated, 2) a claim that associates that feature with a consequence or a principle, and 3) a claim that evaluates that concept or principle. This basic pattern will be used in this chapter to illustrate arguments that can be used to support a case.
1705134003 This chapter will create two rather complete outlines of cases that might be made by the Prime Minister. Those outlines can be used as examples by beginning or experienced students as a way to create a case. Both outlines involve evaluative motions. The first uses a value motion that applies a value to an object and the second uses a policy motion that advocates a change in an action or policy.
1705134005 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132366]
1705134006 6.2 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Value Motion
1705134008 Introduction
1705134010 Motion for debate: “Traditional Chinese medicine has an important place in overall health care.”
1705134012 Definition and interpretation: “Traditional Chinese Medicine” is defined as having a tradition of over 2000 years. The tradition includes herbal medicine, massage, acupuncture and other non-invasive techniques. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is interpreted for the purposes of this debate as acupuncture because it is so central to TCM.
1705134014 “Important place in overall health care” is interpreted to mean that TCM is one of a range of options that should be included in health care. We are not saying it is the only option that should be available, just one appropriate method.
1705134016 Statement of advocacy: As the Government, we will argue that acupuncture is one technique that deserves a place in the overall system of health care. We do not argue that it is the only, or even the most important technique; simply that it is one important technique.
1705134018 Speech preview: During the remainder of this speech, I will present two arguments: 1) that acupuncture is a useful technique for certain conditions and 2) that acupuncture is not harmful to patients. My colleague, the Deputy Prime Minister, will then argue that acupuncture will help to eliminate unnecessary surgery.
1705134020 Argument 1: Acupuncture is a useful technique for certain conditions.
1705134022 Sub-claim 1: descriptive claim. Acupuncture uses needles to correct imbalances of qi through the body’s meridians.
1705134024 Sub-claim 2: associative claim. Correcting imbalances of qi can reduce pain caused by certain conditions.
1705134026 Sub-claim 3: evaluative claim. Pain reduction is important for a number of patients.
1705134028 Argument 2: Acupuncture is not harmful to patients.
1705134030 Sub-claim 1: descriptive claim. Acupuncture, unlike Western medicine, does not involve surgery.
1705134032 Sub-claim 2: associative claim. Western medicine is associated with unnecessary surgery.
1705134034 Sub-claim 3: evaluative claim. Unnecessary surgery is harmful to tens of thousands of patients annually.
1705134036 Conclusion
1705134038 As can be seen from the outline above, the actual Prime Minister speech has a few features not mentioned before. For instance, this speech, and all other speeches in the debate should begin with an introduction. One of the main purposes of the introduction is to establish the credibility and competence of the speaker. In most cases, the debater is speaking to a judge or audience who is unfamiliar with the debater and, thus, does not have much information about him or her. By beginning with a strong introduction, the debater can communicate an image of competence. Because first impressions are frequently long-lasting impressions, making a good first impression in the beginning of the speech is important. The introduction can be short, lasting ordinarily no more than 30 seconds.
1705134040 After the introduction, the debater will ordinarily state the motion for debate, and then will present the First Government Team’s definitions and interpretations of that motion. As stated earlier, the definitions and interpretations are important because they set the stage for the rest of the debate. As important as this part of the speech is, it can be accomplished quite well in a short period of time, usually 30 seconds to 1 minute.
1705134042 Before actually getting to the case, the Prime Minister will ordinarily offer a statement of advocacy and preview of his or her speech in terms of naming the arguments to be presented. Following the preview, the debater will present an advocacy statement to clarify the approach that the First Government is taking so that everyone will be clear about the focus of the debate. The purpose of the advocacy statement and preview is to set the arguments clearly in the mind of the judge so the judge will recognize the arguments when they are presented. Presentation of the preview and advocacy statement takes very little time, no more than 30 seconds.
1705134044 The previous example was a typical outline of a Prime Minister speech on a motion of value. A Prime Minister speech on a policy motion contains similar categories but has some subtle differences. An outline of a speech on a motion of policy is included below:
1705134046 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132367]
1705134047 6.3 Outline of a Prime Minister Speech Supporting a Policy Motion
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