Sub-claim 3: Evaluation. The rights to life, liberty, and protection from torture are important to Great Apes.
Argument 2: Declaration of Rights of Great Apes is financially beneficial.
Sub-claim 1: Descriptive. The DRGA would be enforced by UN peacekeepers who would enforce non-poaching laws.
Sub-claim 2: Association. Enforcement of non-poaching laws would increase the population of Great Apes.
Sub-claim 3: Evaluation. Larger populations of Great Apes would increase tourism to regions in which they live.
As can be seen by examining the previous outline, the Prime Minister’s speech on a motion of policy is not much different from a speech on a motion about value. Some differences as well as similarities between this speech and the last are worth noting. First, both speeches contain an introduction, statement of the motion for debate, definitions and interpretations. The statement of advocacy is different in the policy motion because it specifies a model including the actor and action to be taken, a specification that was not necessary in the value motion.
Both speeches should contain a preview of the main arguments that each of the speakers will be expecting and, obviously, both speeches will include substantive arguments in support of the Government interpretation of the motion. Thus, the speeches are more alike than different, but still contain subtle differences.
The previous section of this chapter dealt generally with arguments for the First Government Team, but particularly with the Prime Minister’s speech. The next section will focus on the speech to be given by the Deputy Prime Minister.
6.4 Role of the Deputy Prime Minister
In some ways, the Deputy Prime Minister provides a supporting role for the Prime Minister, but serves an independent role, as well. The Deputy Prime Minister needs to accomplish the following in his or her speech: 1) refute arguments presented by the Leader of Opposition, 2) rebuild the arguments provided by the Prime Minister, and 3) construct at least one additional argument in support of the motion as interpreted by the First Government Team’s case.
First, the Deputy Prime Minister should refute arguments presented by the Leader of Opposition. Refutation is the topic of Chapter 10 and that process will be more fully discussed there. For now, it is sufficient to say that the Deputy Prime Minister should challenge the best of the arguments offered by the Leader of Opposition. Refutation is an important part of the speech, but the Deputy Prime Minister should not devote a majority of speech time to this process. Although the amount of time used in refutation of the Leader of Opposition’s argument will vary according to the situation, that process probably should not take more than one or two minutes. Debaters need to remember that devoting time to an opponent’s argument is a necessary feature of a good debate speech, and gives added credibility to that opponent’s argument, as well.
Second, the Deputy Prime Minister should support the arguments presented by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will have already presented one or two arguments in support of the motion as he or she interpreted it. Then, the Leader of Opposition will, in all likelihood, have refuted those arguments. The role now for the Deputy Prime Minister is to rebuild those original arguments. That process of rebuilding the Prime Minister’s arguments must include refutation of the Leader of Opposition’s arguments that were raised against them. So, the process might unfold something like this: the Deputy Prime Minister will very briefly review the Prime Minister’s argument then state the Leader of Opposition’s objections. Then, the Deputy will refute those arguments raised by the Leader of Opposition and, in so doing, will rebuild the Prime Minister’s argument. The Deputy Prime Minister needs to remember that the second step needs to be accomplished by following the outline of the Prime Minister, not the outline of the Leader of Opposition. By following the outline of the Prime Minister, the Deputy keeps the Prime Minister’s case in focus.
The process of supporting the arguments raised by the Prime Minister is an important one. Judges and audiences alike have the right to assume that the arguments raised by the Prime Minister are among the most important arguments the First Government Team will make. If those arguments are refuted by the Leader of Opposition and then not supported again, the arguments will lose a considerable amount of their credibility.
Finally, the Deputy Prime Minister should add at least one new argument to the debate—an argument that is different from yet supportive of the arguments presented by the Prime Minister. The purpose of the new argument is to demonstrate that the Deputy Prime Minister takes more than a supportive role in that debate—that he or she is able to construct independent arguments as well as refute and support previous arguments.
6.5 Summary
This chapter has focused on how the First Government Team creates arguments in support of their interpretation of the motion. Because of its importance in the overall debate, much of the focus has been on the speech of the Prime Minister. The chapter introduced the components of the First Government case, including defining and interpreting the motion, clarifying and specifying the position that the First Government will advocate and defend, and constructing a series of arguments to support the case.
The chapter then focused briefly on the role of the Deputy Prime Minister. That role includes refuting arguments offered by the Leader of Opposition, supporting arguments made by the Prime Minister, and constructing independent arguments to support the Prime Minister’s interpretation of the motion.
6.6 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 6
Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
· First Government Team’s right to define and interpret the motion
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