1705134156 · Exercise 4:
1705134158 For Deputy Prime Minister Speech: Modify the exercise listed above by having the debaters listen to a sample speech by the Leader of Opposition. These samples can be found at http:// willamette.edu/cla/china_debate/curriculum/index.html or at a number of other places on the Internet. Give each debater three minutes to discuss how they might refute the arguments introduced by the Leader of Opposition, how they might rebuild the arguments introduced by the Prime Minister, and what new constructive arguments they might present.
1705134162 · Exercise 5:
1705134164 For Deputy Prime Minister Speech: Using the materials that students developed in Exercises 3 and 4, have one or more students present a full Deputy Prime Minister speech followed by constructive critique.
1705134171 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132373]
1705134172 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 7Arguments by First Opposition Teams
1705134174 Robert Trapp
1705134176 Chapter Outline
1705134178 7.1 Role of Leader of Opposition
1705134180 7.2 Role of the Deputy Leader of Opposition
1705134182 7.3 Common Kinds of Opposition Arguments
1705134184 7.4 Summary
1705134186 7.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 7
1705134188 7.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 7
1705134190 7.7 Exercises for Chapter 7
1705134192 The roles of the Leader and Deputy Leader of Opposition are analogous to those of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, with the role of the Leader of Opposition being similar to that of the Prime Minister. Like the Prime Minister is primarily responsible for describing the position the Government side will defend, the Leader of Opposition will describe the stance to be taken by the Opposition side in the debate. As the Prime Minister is responsible for constructing most of the arguments of the First Government Team, the Leader of Opposition is responsible for constructing most of the arguments of the First Opposition Team.
1705134196 Debaters assigned to debate for Opposition side need to remember that they must do more than simply oppose the motion. They need to oppose the particular stance or the model offered by the First Government Team. Consider a situation where the motion is, “Nations should provide a minimal level of education to all their citizens.” The First Government Team might decide to focus the debate on Sub-Saharan Africa and might present a model that suggests that all nations of Sub-Saharan Africa should provide at least a secondary education for all their citizens. In such a case, the First Opposition Team would need to focus their arguments on the model, not just on the general motion. The Opposition side would be expected to engage the First Government Team with arguments about Sub-Saharan Africa, not nations in general. Furthermore, they would be expected to focus on the question of secondary education. Opposition debaters who raise issues about education in East Asia or issues about post-secondary education would miss the mark because they focused on the motion in general, not on the model offered by the First Government Team. Those arguments would not address the central point of the debate.
1705134198 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132374]
1705134199 7.1 Role of Leader of Opposition
1705134201 The Leader of Opposition is responsible for the following: 1) providing a clear statement of the Opposition stance in the debate, 2) refuting arguments made by the Prime Minister, and 3) constructing at least one independent argument against the position advocated by the Prime Minister.
1705134203 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132375]
1705134204 7.1.1 Provide a Clear Statement of the Opposition Stance in the Debate
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