1705134236 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132376]
1705134237 7.1.2 Refutation of the Case of the Prime Minister
1705134239 The second important responsibility of the Leader of Opposition is to provide explicit refutation of the Prime Minister’s case. Refutation is an important element of the debate because it is the feature that allows the audience and the judge to see not only the arguments of each side, but also how the arguments contrast with each other. Judges expect speakers to refute the most important arguments of the opposing side.
1705134241 Refutation is important, but it is not the only important thing that needs to be accomplished in the Leader of Opposition speech. A more complete discussion of refutation will be presented in Chapter 10. For now, the most important thing to remember is that the Leader of Opposition needs to refute at least the most important arguments made by the Prime Minister. The process of refutation might not take more than one or two minutes, but it is an important process, nevertheless.
1705134243 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132377]
1705134244 7.1.3 Construct Arguments to Oppose the Prime Minister’s Interpretation of the Motion
1705134246 The final responsibility of the Leader of Opposition is to construct arguments to oppose the Prime Minister’s interpretation of the motion. These arguments should simultaneously oppose the First Government Team’s model and support the Opposition Team’s stance in the debate. So, if the first Opposition is supporting the status quo, the Leader of Opposition’s argument should support the status quo and simultaneously oppose the Prime Minister’s stance.
1705134248 In one sense, creating constructive arguments for the Opposition is like creating a case for the motion. When creating a case for the motion, the Prime Minister will frequently create a model or establish a clear stance that sets the direction that both Government Teams will take during the debate. Similarly, the Leader of Opposition should describe an Opposition stance that will guide both Opposition Teams for the entire debate. Also, like the Prime Minister creates an argument or a series of arguments that provide a sufficient case for an audience or a judge to accept the position taken by the First Government Team, debaters creating a case against a motion must attempt to create an argument or a series of arguments that, singly or in combination, create a sufficient case to reject the First Government Team’s position.
1705134250 Below is an outline of potential speeches by Leaders of Opposition. The outline is of a speech on a policy motion. A speech on a value motion would follow a similar process.
1705134252 Potential Speech on a Policy Motion
1705134254 Introduction
1705134258 Motion for debate: “The nations of the world should guarantee a minimal level of education for all its citizens.”
1705134260 Statement of advocacy:
1705134262 The First Opposition Team will support the current level of funding and infrastructure for all levels of education. Our belief is that nations of Sub-Saharan Africa have greater spending priorities that must be maintained first.
1705134264 Speech preview:
1705134266 During the remainder of this speech, I will present two arguments: 1) The Prime Minister’s proposal will not solve the problem of increased access to education, and 2) the Prime Minister’s proposal will divert needed funds from treatment of HIV and AIDS. My colleague the Deputy Leader of Opposition will then suggest even more priorities that may be sacrificed.
1705134268 Argument 1: The Prime Minister’s proposal will not solve the problems.
1705134270 Sub-claim 1: Students do not complete education because of HIV/AIDS.
1705134272 Sub-claim 2: Even if they are guaranteed funding and infrastructure, they will not complete their education.
1705134274 Sub-claim 3: Because they do not complete their education, they will still be confined to poverty.
1705134276 Argument 2: The Prime Minister’s proposal will interfere with work on HIV/AIDS.
1705134278 Sub-claim 1: The Government proposal advocates spending money on education.
1705134280 Sub-claim 2: The funds devoted to education will come from research on HIV/AIDS.
1705134282 Sub-claim 3: Devoting money to HIV/AIDS will have a larger effect than devoting money to education.
1705134284 Conclusion
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