1705134649 A second way to generate new and varied ideas is by approaching the motion in both principled and consequential ways. A clever member speaker can prepare arguments of value, such as the importance of the discipline in developing a good community. Those values differ from the consequential arguments such as how students will be benefited by learning discipline, or the classroom will be impacted by strict discipline. By dividing arguments in terms of consequence or principle, the bottom half teams are able to distinguish themselves from the first half of the debate, the First Government or First Opposition will not usually present arguments in terms of both consequence and principle.
1705134651 This section has focused on strategies for preparing for the Member speech of a bottom half team. Preparation time is not needed to focus on the Whip speech because that should be written during the debate, as the Whip speaker will not know the main points of clash until the debate is underway.
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1705134654 8.4 Summary
1705134656 This chapter has covered the unique responsibilities of the Member speeches and ways to use preparation time to effectively fulfill those requirements. The Members of Government and Opposition should contribute an extension of ideas heard in the first half of the debate that are loyal and consistent with the first half, yet, are unique and distinguishable. Three simple ways to accomplish loyalty and consistency include a new line of argumentation, an in-depth analysis, or a case study.
1705134658 这章主要讨论了辩论中成员演讲的独特责任,以及如何有效利用准备时间去实现成员演讲的责任。内阁和反对党成员都需要对前半部分辩论中出现的论点进行延伸,这些延伸既需要和己方上院的观点一致,又要具有独特性从而突出自己队伍的特点。本章提供了三种方法:从一个新的角度进行议论,对已有论点进行深度挖掘或者进行案例分析。
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1705134661 8.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 8
1705134663 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining the following key terms and concepts:
1705134665 · Qualities of a good extension argument (new argument, consistent with first half, distinguishes Member from speakers in the first half).
1705134667 · What are some different types of extension arguments (additional line of argument, more in-depth reasoning and evidence, focused case study).
1705134669 · What are some important considerations when choosing extension arguments? (loyalty, distinguished from first half debaters, demonstrates a distinct perspective).
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1705134672 8.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 8
1705134674 · How and to what extent should both Member speakers invest effort in supporting the general direction and case of the teams from the first half of the debate?
1705134676 · What are the different considerations that a Member of Opposition speaker should make with regard to refuting arguments from the first half of the debate and from refuting arguments of the Member of Government?
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1705134679 8.7 Exercises for Chapter 8
1705134681 · Exercise 1:
1705134683 For Member of Government Speech: Have a group of debaters listen to the first half of an on-line debate. Such a debate can be found at: Willamette.edu/cla/china_debate or at a variety of other places on the Internet. Then have the debaters in groups of two discuss possible extension arguments that might be made in the Member of Government speech. Then the debaters should take two minutes to present their ideas to the other members of the group.
1705134687 · Exercise 2:
1705134689 For Member of Government Speech: Based on the information generated in Exercise 1, have the debaters construct and present a complete Member of Government speech to be followed by constructive criticism.
1705134693 · Exercise 3:
1705134695 For Member of Opposition Speech: Have a group of debaters listen to the first half of an on-line debate. Such a debate can be found at: http://willamette.edu/cla/ china_debate/ curriculum/index.html. Then have the debaters in groups of two discuss possible extension arguments that might be made in the Member of Opposition speech. Then the debaters should take two minutes to present their ideas to the other members of the group.
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