1705135011 1 The interaction takes place in what is known as points of information that will be discussed later in this chapter.
1705135013 2 A motion is a statement that will be the subject of the debate. Sometimes a motion is called a debate topic, a resolution, or a proposition.
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1705135019 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Part ThreeDebating Skills
1705135021 The first two parts of this text have dealt with introductory materials relevant to educational debate and specific materials related to the style of debate called Worlds-Style debate. Part Three now transitions from those ideas about arguments and argumentation to particular debating skills.
1705135023 Any number of debating skills might have been chosen to be included in this part, but some of the most important and generalizable skills were selected. Refuting and rebuilding arguments, an essential skill of debate regardless of format, is the subject of Chapter 10. Chapter 11 focuses on points of information, a skill important to all forms of parliamentary debate, including Worlds-Style debate. The question of research in debate, covered in Chapter 12, is relevant to anyone who might ever engage in debate of any kind. Having a broad and deep knowledge of the topic of debate helps the debater make arguments that are cogent and persuasive. Similarly, listening and taking notes, the topic of Chapter 13, is especially helpful to anyone striving for excellence in debate. Knowing and understanding the arguments presented in favor of and against the topic is essential to being a good debater, and effective listening and note taking help accomplish that kind of understanding. Finally, delivery as an important skill for the debater to master is considered in Chapter 14. Of course, the content of a debater’s knowledge is the most important element of that argument, but the manner in which that content is delivered also has an important effect on the overall success of the argument.
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1705135029 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 10Refuting and Rebuilding Arguments
1705135031 Robert Trapp
1705135033 Chapter Outline
1705135035 10.1 Refuting Arguments
1705135037 10.2 Rebuilding Arguments
1705135039 10.3 Summary
1705135041 10.4 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 10
1705135043 10.5 Discussion Questions for Chapter 10
1705135045 10.6 Exercises for Chapter 10
1705135047 So far, the discussions in this text have focused mainly on the process of constructing arguments. For ease of understanding, this text has spoken about making arguments to support or oppose a motion as if those arguments existed in their own space, without regard to any other debaters or any other issues. Of course, in an actual debate, arguments are made always with an eye toward how they interact with other arguments. Furthermore, anytime anyone makes an argument, they take the risk that another person will confront their argument. In a debate, that risk is almost a certainty. This chapter will focus on how one speaker refutes the arguments of another, then how, once refuted, another speaker revives and rebuilds those arguments.
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1705135052 10.1 Refuting Arguments
1705135054 Refutation is the act or process of refuting an argument raised by another debater. According to that usage, “refutation” is a noun and “refute” is a verb. In any debate, refutation is one of the processes used for interacting with other arguments. Refutation is the act of refuting or criticizing an argument made by someone else, to show how that argument is somehow problematic. The argument can be shown to be weak, incomplete, poorly proven, or false. In addition to using refutation to weaken an argument, it also can be used to defend a position that another debater has refuted. Refutation is an interactive process wherein debaters critically examine one another’s arguments by comparing them to other arguments deemed to be cogent, or by subjecting them to various tests of strength. The process of refutation applies both to invalidating or validating an argument.
1705135056 Refutation also applies to rebuilding. Thus, this chapter deals with the twin topics of refuting and rebuilding. Refuting is generally thought of as a process of invalidating an argument, and rebuilding is considered a process of revalidating an argument. The first part of the chapter will deal with refutation used to disprove, debunk, discredit, or otherwise invalidate an argument, and the second part of the chapter will deal with rebuilding, repairing, and reconstructing arguments previously refuted.
1705135058 Refutation serves several purposes. The first one that people ordinarily think about is that refutation weakens, destroys, dismantles, or overturns an argument. Thinking of refutation in that manner occurs when debaters are interested in making arguments that prevail over those of other debaters. In that situation, debaters would use refutation to weaken the argument of their opponents so that judges will see their arguments as superior.
1705135060 A second function of refutation, even when it is used to invalidate an argument, involves a generative process where refutation shows the weaknesses of an argument and those weaknesses are then used to generate better arguments. This generative process of refutation can lead the original debater to improve his or her argument to account for the weaknesses pointed out in the refutation. Refutation also can help the person refuting to make better arguments to support his or her side of the motion. The second function of refutation, the generative function, is much better suited to the nature of excellent debate than the first. Of course, a debater can weaken or even “destroy” an opponent’s arguments using refutation, but a truly excellent debater uses refutation to make a better debate by generating better arguments.
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