思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 11Points of Information
Robert Trapp
Chapter Outline
11.1 Offering Points of Information
11.2 Responding to Points of Information
11.3 Summary
11.4 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 11
11.5 Discussion Questions for Chapter 11
11.6 Exercise for Chapter 11
Points of information are elements of Worlds-Style debate as well as other formats of parliamentary debate where debaters have the opportunity for direct exchange with one another. A point of information is a question or a statement made by one debater to another debater who is in the process of giving a speech. The debater who wants to ask a question of or make a statement to the debater who is giving a speech is said to be offering a point of information. In the most positive sense of the word “offering,” one debater is offering another the chance to engage a potential weakness or lack of clarity regarding the argument that is being presented. But, a point of information is not a gift in the traditional sense because it is usually offered as a criticism rather than as a support of a point the debater is making.
In the true sense of an offer, the debater who is giving the speech can either accept or reject the offer of a point of information. After all, the speaker has been given a certain limited amount of time to speak and, therefore, has the right to use that time as he or she sees fit. So, the speaker can accept or refuse the offer of a point of information as he or she decides. If the offer of the point of information is refused, the person offering the point should sit down and allow the speaker to continue. If the offer of the point of information is accepted, the person offering the point has a maximum of 15 seconds to make a statement or ask a question. After the point of information is given, the speaker then will respond directly to the statement or the question.
By convention of Worlds-Style debate, points of information are only offered by members of one side (Government or Opposition) to members of the other side. Thus, speakers on the Opposition side can only offer points of information to speakers on the Government side, and speakers on the Government side can only offer points to speakers on the Opposition side.
As stated previously, the point of information can last no more than 15 seconds, and the person offering the point is not allowed to follow up with an additional comment or question.
Also, by convention, points of information cannot be offered during the first minute of the speech and cannot be offered during the last one minute of speaking time. The purpose of that convention is to allow the speaker to begin and end his or her speech without the possibility of interruption. As a signal that the time has come when points of information can be offered, the judge will knock one time on the table after one minute of a speech has elapsed. As a signal that points of information no longer are allowed, the judge will again knock once on the table when only one minute remains in the speaking time. The knocks signal when the speaker is or is not in protected time when no other points of information are allowed.
The remainder of this chapter will discuss points of information from the perspective of the person of fering a point, and from the perspective of the speaker who must decide whether to accept or reject the point and, how to respond if accepted.
11.1 Offering Points of Information
Any discussion of offering points of information should include the reasons underlying points of information and how to think about what kinds of points of information to offer. Additionally, the discussion should include the choices available to debaters about procedures they should follow to offer effective points of information.
11.1.1 Purposes of Points of Information
Points of information are offered for a variety of reasons. Reasons range from clarifying arguments, to refuting arguments, to telegraphing one’s points to the audience, to setting the overall agenda for the debate.
One reason for offering a point of information is to clarify what a speaker is saying. Sometimes, a speaker is so unclear that the audience, the judge, and the other debaters have difficulty understanding one or more points that the speaker is making. Offering a point of information as a request to clarify a point that is not particularly clear may not be the best strategy for the debater whose singular goal is to try to win the debate or to try to place first in the debate but an ethical debater may want to offer a clarifying point of information in order to help create a better debate for all involved. A point offered for this reason usually benefits the speaker rather than the person offering the point of information because it signals to the speaker that things need to be clarified and gives him or her the opportunity to that which is confusing.
However, for the debater who has a genuine interest in creating a better debate for all four teams, such a point of information is a good one. Adding clarity to an opponent’s speech—especially if that speech is the Prime Minister’s speech—has the potential to have a positive effect on the overall debate and, thus, improve the experience for all four teams. Therefore, offering a point of information to clarify an argument or a position can be seen as a positive contribution to the debate, although it is not a selfish contribution to a particular team or debater.
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