1705135425 Third, having responded appropriately to the point, a debater should not allow others to ask follow-up points. As we have already said, the convention of Worlds-Style debate does not allow for follow-up questions or comments. Sometimes, a debater attempts to follow up a point of information with another argument or question. The speaker should not allow such follow-ups. One good way to discourage a debater from asking follow-up points is to carefully manage your eye contact. A debater should make eye contact with the person offering the point of information while that person is offering the point. To do so is a simple courtesy and signals that the debater is interested in listening carefully to the offer in order to respond appropriately. Then, as the debater starts to respond to the point, eye contact should shift to the judge or the audience. Doing so will usually discourage the debater from trying to follow up.
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1705135428 11.3 Summary
1705135430 Often, debates can turn on how skilled a person is at giving or responding to a point of information. In any event, points of information are among the most interesting and dynamic parts of the debate. A debate in which everyone offers and responds to points of information is much more engaging than a debate that is nothing more than eight speeches given in monologue.
1705135432 At their worst, points of information can devolve into debaters attacking other debaters to show how they are better than their opponents. At their best, they can be opportunities to interact directly with other debaters, and especially with the arguments offered by other debaters so that everyone can improve their arguments and make them the best that they can be. Effective points of information are, thus, essential for effective debating, especially if the debate is to have the generative function that is its potential.
1705135434 很多时候,辩论的质量取决于辩手们提出以及回应质询的水平。通常来讲,质询是一场辩论中最有趣和生动的部分。同只有八个独白式演讲的辩论相比,一场每一位辩手都提出、接受质询,彼此切磋的辩论显然要精彩得多。
1705135436 比较糟糕的情形下,质询可能演变成辩手们攻击对方来显示自己优越性的环节。然而理想的状态下,质询环节可以为辩手们提供直接互动的机会,从而使得辩手们不断完善自己的论证。因此,高效的辩论离不开有效的质询,尤其是当辩论有可能成为生成性辩论、产生有建设性的结果时。
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1705135439 11.4 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 11
1705135441 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705135443 · Protected time
1705135445 · Maximum time for points of information
1705135447 · Telegraphing an argument
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1705135450 11.5 Discussion Questions for Chapter 11
1705135452 · Why does the speaker have the right to accept or refuse offers of points of information? What is the maximum time for an offer of a point of information?
1705135454 · To whom and by whom can points of information be offered? What is the signal for the beginning of protected time?
1705135456 · What are the important purposes for asking points of information?
1705135458 · When does the need for clarity constitute a good reason to offer a point of information?
1705135460 · What effect does being overly aggressive in offering points of information have on judges and audiences?
1705135462 · What are important reasons for the 1st Government and 1st Opposition teams to offer points of information?
1705135464 · What are some good ways for debaters to think of effective points of information?
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1705135467 11.6 Exercise for Chapter 11
1705135469 · This exercise can be used for one student speaker and up to six other students who will offer points of information. Have one student deliver a standard Prime Minister speech. This student should be instructed to accept as many offers of points of information as possible, even if it causes the student to exceed the time limit. Other students in the audience should rise to offer points of information as often as they can think of them. Discussion that follows should focus on the effectiveness of both the offers of points of information as well as on the effectiveness of the responses.
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