1705135456 · What are the important purposes for asking points of information?
1705135458 · When does the need for clarity constitute a good reason to offer a point of information?
1705135460 · What effect does being overly aggressive in offering points of information have on judges and audiences?
1705135462 · What are important reasons for the 1st Government and 1st Opposition teams to offer points of information?
1705135464 · What are some good ways for debaters to think of effective points of information?
1705135466 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132430]
1705135467 11.6 Exercise for Chapter 11
1705135469 · This exercise can be used for one student speaker and up to six other students who will offer points of information. Have one student deliver a standard Prime Minister speech. This student should be instructed to accept as many offers of points of information as possible, even if it causes the student to exceed the time limit. Other students in the audience should rise to offer points of information as often as they can think of them. Discussion that follows should focus on the effectiveness of both the offers of points of information as well as on the effectiveness of the responses.
1705135474 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132431]
1705135475 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 Chapter 12Research Strategies for Debate
1705135477 Kathleen Spring
1705135479 Chapter Outline
1705135481 12.1 Developing Good Research Habits
1705135483 12.2 Selecting Appropriate Resources & Formulating Searches
1705135485 12.3 Evaluating Websites
1705135487 12.4 Summary
1705135489 12.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 12
1705135491 12.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 12
1705135493 12.7 Exercise for Chapter 12
1705135495 In order to analyze a motion effectively, debaters must use evidence to construct arguments to support their case and to refute their opponents’ arguments. To construct and refute arguments, debaters must be adequately prepared and must already know something about the motion’s topic. How is this kind of preparation achieved? Debaters must conduct research in advance. Research is important in debate because it provides a basis for narrowing and focusing the scope of the motion, which can result in a better debate. Most importantly, research enables debaters to construct arguments with claims supported by evidence (as addressed in Chapter 16). Research can also be helpful when debaters choose to construct a model or counter-model. Since debaters will not always know the topic that they will be arguing prior to a debate, they need to be prepared to speak on a number of different subjects. A good starting point for most debaters involves developing good research habits, selecting appropriate information resources, learning to search for information, and knowing how to evaluate both the information and its source.
1705135499 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132432]
1705135500 12.1 Developing Good Research Habits
1705135502 Not only will individuals come to debate with varying levels of public speaking and argumentation skills, but individuals will also have different levels of familiarity with current events and common debate topics. Effective debaters need to have competence in content (the “what” or substance of an argument) as much as they need to have competence in form (the “how” or reasoning behind an argument). One way that debaters can ensure competence in content is to develop good research habits.
1705135504 First, debaters should read widely, and not just within their areas of study or personal interest. While having an area of expertise on which to draw in debate rounds is very useful, it is even more beneficial to have at least some familiarity with a significant number of current issues. To achieve that kind of knowledge about a broad number of current issues, debaters should read and become familiar with a variety of information sources. Newspapers, magazines, academic journals, blogs, websites, encyclopedias, non-fiction books—all these and other information sources have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some information sources will be better for supporting particular arguments and providing evidence than other information sources. Debaters must keep in mind the points they are likely to make and should use information sources accordingly. Knowing the types of information that are commonly found in various information sources will make research easier for debaters.
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