1705135864 Facial expressions can help create sound emotional appeals and can make a speech more interesting. Debaters should try to match their expressions to what they are saying. Obviously, debaters should not exaggerate their expressions, but should let their feelings about what they are saying show on their faces. Debaters should think about what they want the audience to feel about the example they are using or the explanations they are making. Audiences frequently get cues for how speakers feel about their materials from the speaker’s facial expressions and vocal tone. Having facial expressions that reflect the emotional appeals of a debater’s speech will create a consistent message sent to the audience through multiple channels of speaking, and will increase the debater’s credibility.
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1705135867 14.3.4 Gestures
1705135869 Gestures can show a speaker’s confidence and help emphasize important points in his or her speech. For gestures to look confident and serve the purpose of emphasis, they must be limited, purposeful, and varied. Speakers who are nervous frequently gesture too much in their speeches. Their hands and arms are constantly moving throughout the seven minutes of their speech. Gestures are a little like underlining or highlighting in a book. If used sparingly, highlighting draws the reader’s attention to the important passages in the book. If an entire page is highlighted or underlined, nothing stands out and the page is harder to read. In a speech, gesturing constantly can distract an audience from what the speaker is saying. Gestures should be limited to those times when the debater wants to draw attention to important words and phrases.
1705135871 Gestures can also present a visual picture of the structure of a speech or an argument. A debater might, for example, hold up a finger to help indicate his or her first point, two fingers to assist in indicating point two, and so forth. A gesture can visually represent a comparison when the debater holds out one hand and describes one half of the comparison, then holds out the other hand to describe the other half of the comparison. Debaters should make sure gestures are varied and avoid using the same gesture over and over during the speech.
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1705135874 14.4 Using the Voice in Delivery
1705135876 Voice plays a powerful role in delivering a speech. Using voice with variety and purpose enhances a debater’s speaking. This section explains how to vary the use of voice purposefully. The rate of speaking and the use of pauses, volume, and vocal tone all contribute to the quality of a speech and, used well, can give the impression of polish and poise.
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1705135879 14.4.1 Speaking Rate
1705135881 The rate of speaking is one important element of voice. As previously mentioned, a speech that starts off at a slower rate can help audiences who are unfamiliar with a debater’s accent or pronunciation adjust to that debater’s speaking. In addition to controlling the rate at the beginning of a speech, a debater can also use quicker or slower speech as a delivery strategy to keep the speech more interesting and effective.
1705135883 Speaking at the exactly same pace for the entire seven minutes is not as interesting or as easy to listen to as a speech that has some variety to it. However, debaters should not arbitrarily vary their rate of speaking. When describing the model, for example, the debater will want to slow down. Description of the model is an important part of the Prime Minister speech where a misunderstanding could not only hurt the opening government team, but the debate as a whole. Any speaker using complex concepts or processes, unfamiliar ideas, or complicated evidence should slow down during the delivery of those parts of his or her speech. A debater should increase his or her pace a little when using a narrative example, when recapping familiar ideas, or when repeating arguments already explained earlier in the debate. A quickened pace conveys confidence and enthusiasm; a slower pace conveys thought and care. Having a mixture of those qualities improves any speech.
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1705135886 14.4.2 Pauses
1705135888 Pauses are another element of voice that is important to delivery. Just as a book with no punctuation would be confusing, a speech without appropriate pauses is confusing. Using pauses in the speech can help indicate that the debater is moving on to a new idea or is open to taking a point of information. Pausing can let the audience catch their mental breath for a second and reflect on what the debater has just said. A pause would be helpful after delivering complex or important material, such as a model or a detailed piece of evidence. It is also helpful to pause after delivering a preview of the speech’s main points. That way, the judges can make sure they understand the structure of the speech before it gets underway. Debaters should also pause between points. In addition to making sure that they use pauses in their speeches, debaters also make sure that their pauses are silent. Sometimes, debaters will use filled pauses during their speeches. These are sounds like “uhhhh” or “ummmm” during a pause. Pauses are the most effective if they are silent, unfilled by sounds or words.
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1705135891 14.4.3 Volume
1705135893 Volume of a speech affects how the audience perceives the debater’s vocal delivery. Any speech should be delivered at a volume that the audience can hear. As debaters think about how loudly to speak in a debate, they need to consider the size of the room and how far away the judges are. In larger rooms with high ceilings, they will need to speak more loudly. In smaller rooms, they will want to speak more quietly so the judges don’t feel as though the debaters are shouting at them. In addition to speaking at the appropriate volume, debaters can also consider using volume as an element to make a speech sound more interesting. Purposefully varying the volume of a speech can enhance delivery and make a debater sound more polished. The debater can raise his or her voice a bit when describing an example that causes outrage, then can lower the voice describing something that is extremely serious. Going from a louder to a quieter voice will often cause a judge look up from his or her notes to listen more carefully to the debater. A debater can lower his or her volume to call attention to an important point in the debate.
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1705135896 14.4.4 Tone
1705135898 Tone, like many other elements of delivery, should be varied during the speech. A monotone speech is indicative of a boring speech. Most of the time, if debaters are speaking extemporaneously, they will not sound as monotone as they might if they were reading from a manuscript. In an extemporaneous speech, debaters will likely use the same natural variation of tone used in conversation. Tone can help emphasize important points and assist the adjudicators and audience in picking up emotional appeals. Debaters should make sure that they vary their tone according to the emotions in the speech. Debaters need to consider what they want the audience to feel. By thinking actively about how the arguments, examples, and ideas make them feel and how they want the audience to feel, debaters should have little trouble matching their vocal tone to the emotional tone of their arguments. Debaters who are struggling with varying their tone can try varying their facial expressions. One’s tone generally lines up with the emotions one is displaying facially.
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1705135901 14.5 Summary
1705135903 This chapter has been about how to use delivery to become a better speaker. The chapter began with some general features related to delivery and debate, such as speaking directly to the judge, using extemporaneous delivery, and paying attention to the context of language. Attention then was turned to the use of body and voice to improve effective speaking. The chapter then focused on some specific tips for using body and voice to become a more effective speaker.
1705135905 One point needs to be emphasized. Following those or any other delivery tips needs to be done within the context of a speaker’s natural delivery. That is to say, a speaker who simply tries to utilize the tips offered in this text without regard for his or her own natural delivery may be seen as unnatural and robotic. Every debater needs to remember that speaking is a natural human activity. Everyone speaks to someone everyday and usually does not need to worry about “delivery tips.” Those tips are presented only as a way of improving a debater’s natural delivery, not as a way of replacing it.
1705135907 Marcus Fabius Quintilian was a popular teacher of speaking during the early Roman Empire. He said that “The perfection of art is to conceal the art” (Roberts, 1922: 43-45). Debaters who use the tips offered in this text to improve themselves as more natural speakers will be effective in concealing the art and, thus, in perfecting the art of speaking.
1705135909 这一章节主要讲解了如何通过表达成为一个更加优秀的辩手。这章的开始我们提到了辩论和表达的一些基础特征,比如演讲时要有裁判意识,使用即兴的表达,以及注意语境等。然后我们着重讨论了高效表达中肢体语言的运用和声音的控制,并提供了一些具体的技巧,帮助大家通过肢体语言和声音控制提高表达效果。
1705135911 需要强调的是,应用这些表达技巧的前提是保证表达的自然性。换言之,如果辩手为了使用技巧而忽略了表达的自然性,只会适得其反,让自己的演讲变得生硬而机械。辩手们需要明确,说话是很自然的人类行为。我们每天日常交流的时候从不需要关注这些所谓的表达技巧。应用这些技巧的目的是为了提高大家的自然表达,而不是代替自然的表达方式。
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