1705136523 Argument by incompatibility is an interesting way to make arguments of value—especially in debates where the opposing debaters are expected to state their own positions. Because most people have come to believe consistency is important, incompatibility links can be very persuasive. The next category of arguments is sometimes used in reaction to arguments of incompatibility.
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1705136526 17.7 Argument by Dissociation
1705136528 Most of the previous kinds of arguments discussed operate by linking various concepts with one another. The causal argument associates cause and effect, argument by example associates several examples with one another, and argument by authority associates persons and acts. The last type of argument is different because it takes as its starting point a unified concept and divides it into two different concepts using a process called dissociation (Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, 1969: 411-459).
1705136530 The process of dissociation starts with a concept that the audience is assumed to value, and then divides that concept into two new concepts, one which is valued and one which is not. Then, the arguer shows how valuing one of the new concepts and opposing the other can avoid the incompatibility. In this manner, the argument by dissociation is a means to argue against an argument of incompatibility.
1705136532 At one point in the history of many cultures, a concept of the place of a woman was valued and agreed upon. In those cultures, the “place” of a woman was in the home, supporting her husband and her children. Any woman who stepped outside of that place was not valued. However, the notion of a “woman’s place” has changed. Many cultures now are coming to think that the real place of a woman is much larger than simply in the home. So, the place of a woman has been dissociated into two concepts: a woman’s traditional place and a woman’s real place, which might more appropriately be called “women’s roles in society.” That dissociation is developed by repeated argument about the place of women until the “place of women” that was once a unified concept is now divided into two concepts: the traditional place of women and the real roles for women in society. So, imagine an advocate’s response when someone accuses him or her of not respecting that “A woman’s place is in the home.” The advocate might argue by dissociation that “I do not restrict a ‘woman’s place’ to the traditional notion of supporting a home, husband, and children. In reality, the role of women in society is much broader, including not only in the home, but in other things like careers, service to society, government service, etc.” By dissociating the concept of a “woman’s place” into the dual concepts of a “woman’s traditional place” from a “woman’s real role in society,” the advocate is able to answer the incompatibility.
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1705136535 17.8 Summary
1705136537 This chapter has described a variety of methods of linking evidence to claims. One purpose is to catalogue various methods that debaters can use to draw such links. Another purpose is to encourage the debater to think about ways that certain kinds of evidence can be used in conjunction with certain kinds of links in order to support certain kinds of claims. In all cases, care needs to be taken to make sure that links are clear and adequately drawn.
1705136539 这一章介绍了连接论据和论点的几种方法。目的之一是将辩手们经常使用的连接方法进行归类。此外,本章还意在鼓励辩手们去思考与总结:用何种连接方式,可以使某类论据支撑特定的某类论点。当然在所有情况下,辩手们都要注意给出的连接必须清晰且足够有说服力。
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1705136542 17.9 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 17
1705136544 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705136546 · Authority
1705136548 · Generalization
1705136550 · Analogy
1705136552 · Causal links
1705136554 · Principle
1705136556 · Incompatibility
1705136558 · Dissociation
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1705136561 17.10 Discussion Questions for Chapter 17
1705136563 · What are some criteria for determining whether or not a person is an authority who is adequate to use as evidence?
1705136565 · What are some criteria for determining the adequacy of an argument using generalization?
1705136567 · How can an analogy be used to support an argument of evaluation?
1705136569 · What are four methods of supporting a causal association?
1705136571 · What is the difference in using an argument by principle instead of an argument by consequence?
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