1705137073 Given the described features, how can a debater create a sub-claim that associates the features of Great Apes and humans with one another and also with a principle, the second element of the basic pattern? One such way is to examine the principle of justice: “Beings in the same essential category should be treated in the same way” (Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, 1969: 219). The basic requirement of the principle of justice is that beings are considered to belong to the same essential category. According to the comparison of humans and Great Apes, that requirement is arguably satisfied—both humans and Great Apes are animals possessing similar cognitive abilities and, so, share that essential category. Thus, according to the principle of justice, since humans and Great Apes belong to the same category, they deserve to be treated in the same way. The link to the principle of justice is straightforward. Since a general agreement in the United Nations UDHR is that humans belong to a certain category that deserves “human rights,” Great Apes deserve those same rights.
1705137075 Finally, the task of evaluation is accomplished by creating a sub-claim that evaluates the basic principle of justice. The most straightforward way to apply the principle of justice to Great Apes involves having the UN pass the Declaration of Rights of Great Apes. Because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has declared Universal Human Rights belonging to humans, the United Nations should do the same for Great Apes. Doing so would protect Great Apes in at least three ways: 1) by declaring that they have a right to life, that they cannot be killed except in self-defense; 2) by protecting their individual liberties, that they may not be imprisoned unless they have been convicted of a crime; and, 3) by protecting them from torture, that they may not be subjected to severe pain because of a perceived benefit to others.
1705137077 The foregoing example of how to support a policy claim using a principle is explained in the illustration below:
1705137082 The example has some subtle differences between it and some of the others that have been introduced earlier. Most, but not all, of the earlier examples used causal associations rather than associations of similarity to link the object of evaluation to a value or principle. In this case, an association of similarity has been created between Great Apes and humans. Then, a second association of similarity has been created between an existing policy (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and a proposed policy (a Declaration of the Rights of Great Apes). The positive associations between Great Apes and humans were used to illustrate and support the principle of justice that became the primary evaluation criteria in that case. Then, the association between the UDHR and the Declaration of Rights of Great Apes was used to justify applying the principle of justice to Great Apes as it is applied to humans. Thus, an argument of principle can be used to support a value claim.
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1705137085 20.4 Summary
1705137087 Previous sections in this chapter have focused on how individual arguments are structured. This chapter has focused on how arguments are combined with one another to create yet another argument, and particularly, on the means by which sub-claims are combined to support a primary claim. The basic pattern described in this chapter shows how descriptive, associational, and evaluative sub-claims can be combined to create claims of value and of policy. The basic pattern has been shown to be useful when applied to both consequential and principled arguments.
1705137089 One of the purposes of this chapter is to provide students with a basic pattern for combining arguments that will help them learn to combine a series of sub-claims so that those sub-claims provide coherent support for a primary claim. Creating such combinations is useful in creating arguments that support or oppose various motions in debate.
1705137091 之前,我们关注了每一个独立的论点是如何被论证的,而这章则重点关注各个论点之间是如何相互联系、成就另一个论点的,尤其是,各个分论点是如何结合起来支持中心论点的。这章介绍了运用描述、关联和评价型分论点相结合的方法来论证价值类和措施类论点的模式。这种模式在结果型和原则型论证时都非常有用。
1705137093 本章所介绍的用以连接各个分论点的一般方法,有助于辩手们将各分论点有机而连贯地结合起来,更好地支持自己的中心论点。无论是作为辩论中的正方还是反方,这种方法都是非常有用的。
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1705137096 20.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 20
1705137098 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705137100 · Describe, associate, evaluate pattern
1705137102 · Association using causal arguments
1705137104 · Association using arguments of similarity
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1705137107 20.6 Discussion Questions for Chapter 20
1705137109 · How can a principle be supported using an argument by analogy? Can you think of other ways to support a principle?
1705137111 · Are the methods of combining claims using consequences significantly different from combining claims using principles?
1705137113 · Are the ways of combining claims for a motion about value significantly different from combining claims about policy? If so, how?
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1705137116 20.7 Exercise for Chapter 20
1705137118 · Take any of the motions used earlier in the text. Construct at least one consequential argument for the motion and another against the motion. Then construct at least one principled argument for the motion and another against the motion. In each case, follow the describe, associate, evaluate pattern.
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