1705137529 Table Two Speaker Point Range and Frequency
1705137531 The range of points is 50-100, but in practice the points are almost never outside the 55-95 range. In fact, about 99% should be in the 60-90 range, and about 95% will be in the range of 65-85. So, that means that you should hesitate for a moment before awarding speakers points under 65 or over 85. Avoid giving extremely high or low points (outside the 65-85 range) unless all the judges are very confident that it was an exceptionally good or bad speech. The average points given at a tournament should be 75, so if the points that you are personally awarding to speakers is averaging more or less than this, there might be a problem. (Of course, some judges will be lucky enough to see more above average debaters and some will end up seeing more below average debaters, so it might be okay that you are awarding more high or low points.)
1705137540 After the debate, the Chair should dismiss the debaters and have them wait outside while the judges discuss their decision. One aspect that distinguishes Worlds-Style debate from other varieties of debate is that judges make decisions by consensus. In rare situations, only one judge adjudicates a debate. However, more often, two or more judges must agree through consensus on the rankings of the teams and the speaker points for each individual speaker for the debate. Taking good notes is important for judges to make their cases for particular rankings. To facilitate the consensus process, the Chair should lead a discussion to determine each team’s appropriate ranking.
1705137542 In the discussion to determine rankings, the Chair has several responsibilities. The Chair should make sure that the discussion happens in a timely manner and should set a timer to help make sure that discussion time does not run overly long. Many tournaments set a time limit of ten or fifteen minutes for such discussion. Generally, the Chair will give the other judges (the panelists) a few minutes to review their notes and independently decide on their own initial rankings. That process is important to help ensure that panelists gain experience making their own decisions about a debate and also makes sure that the Chair’s opinions do not overly influence the other judges. The panelists should share their decisions before the Chair. When first offering rankings, discussion should be brief; areas of disagreement can receive more attention later. Panelists should indicate whether they have uncertainty about any rankings, but by offering their initial impression of the round, they help give direction to the discussion. Because of time limitations, discussion may need to be focused on areas of disagreement, but all positions should be discussed. The Chair should act as a facilitator; the Chair will have his or her own rankings, but should be open to the perspectives of the panelists. During the discussion, the judges must also come to a consensus on the speaker points that each individual speaker receives. Whenever possible, consensus judging is preferred. However, in some situations, rankings will have to be put to a vote. In those situations, the Chair’s vote serves as a tiebreaker.
1705137544 All judges, and especially the Chair, should be familiar with the rules of Worlds-Style debate(outlined in Chapter Five). The rules of Worlds-Style debate are not so firmly cast that any particular action will automatically earn a team first or last place. The rankings and the speaker points are an accumulation of the things debaters do to make them more or less persuasive.
1705137546 Judges should be open to different types of arguments, even if they were unexpected. Judges should also be as impartial as possible about the topic that was presented. Judges should make their decisions based on the quality of the arguments and responses presented during the debate, not based on their previous beliefs.
1705137548 Judges should be unbiased toward any team in the debate and should reflect this behavior during their deliberation. Even if a judge knows that a particular team or a particular university has a reputation for having very good debaters, that knowledge must not affect the judge’s determination of that team’s specific performance in the debate. Good humor during the deliberation and during oral feedback can also help people feel more positively about the decision, even when it might be different from what they originally wanted. Once the judges reach a decision, unless it has been otherwise stated, that decision is shared with the debaters.
1705137550 Judges should not assess rankings based on possible refutations and arguments, but should base the rankings on the actual refutations and arguments that each team decided to advance. Decisions should not be based on specific arguments that judges wished they had heard in the debate. A judge might, however, provide debaters with ideas about how to approach a similar topic that they might debate in the future. However, judges are also reasonable people, and, if an argument is too absurd or unsupported to make sense, that argument may be taken out of consideration. Each team must earn their ranking, and no team should automatically receive first or last place because of one argument.
1705137552 The deliberation period can be contentious, so a positive attitude helps each judge feel respected and that his or her ideas were heard. Consensus decision-making will mean that some judges may not have their opinions represented by the rankings. However, using supportive non-verbal and verbal feedback will improve how everyone feels about the decision. Judges should listen carefully and stay focused on resolving areas of contention, because time is limited.
1705137554 The last responsibility of the Chair is to complete the ballot, which should occur before the oral feedback, whenever possible. A sample typical ballot is provided below. The ballot should include the following information about the debate: judges’ names, round number and start time for the debate, and room for the debate. Then, the ballot should also include a space for a ranking of each team, a space for individual speaking scores for each debater, and a space for team score (which is the total of the individual speaker points for that team).
1705137556 Sample British Parliamentary Debate Ballot
1705137564 Remember that team rankings must correspond to a team’s combined number of speaker points. If judges are having difficulty reconciling team speaker points with rankings, they may want to reconsider their rankings. Since points and rankings must correspond, it can be helpful to begin by first ranking the highest speaker and the lowest speaker to determine the range within which you are working. The Chair will also record the information on the ballot, and, if available, get the ballot to a volunteer to take back to the tabulation room. If a volunteer is not available, a panelist may need to take the ballot back to the tabulation room in order for the tournament to run on time.
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1705137567 22.3 Judge as Educator
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