1705137546 Judges should be open to different types of arguments, even if they were unexpected. Judges should also be as impartial as possible about the topic that was presented. Judges should make their decisions based on the quality of the arguments and responses presented during the debate, not based on their previous beliefs.
1705137548 Judges should be unbiased toward any team in the debate and should reflect this behavior during their deliberation. Even if a judge knows that a particular team or a particular university has a reputation for having very good debaters, that knowledge must not affect the judge’s determination of that team’s specific performance in the debate. Good humor during the deliberation and during oral feedback can also help people feel more positively about the decision, even when it might be different from what they originally wanted. Once the judges reach a decision, unless it has been otherwise stated, that decision is shared with the debaters.
1705137550 Judges should not assess rankings based on possible refutations and arguments, but should base the rankings on the actual refutations and arguments that each team decided to advance. Decisions should not be based on specific arguments that judges wished they had heard in the debate. A judge might, however, provide debaters with ideas about how to approach a similar topic that they might debate in the future. However, judges are also reasonable people, and, if an argument is too absurd or unsupported to make sense, that argument may be taken out of consideration. Each team must earn their ranking, and no team should automatically receive first or last place because of one argument.
1705137552 The deliberation period can be contentious, so a positive attitude helps each judge feel respected and that his or her ideas were heard. Consensus decision-making will mean that some judges may not have their opinions represented by the rankings. However, using supportive non-verbal and verbal feedback will improve how everyone feels about the decision. Judges should listen carefully and stay focused on resolving areas of contention, because time is limited.
1705137554 The last responsibility of the Chair is to complete the ballot, which should occur before the oral feedback, whenever possible. A sample typical ballot is provided below. The ballot should include the following information about the debate: judges’ names, round number and start time for the debate, and room for the debate. Then, the ballot should also include a space for a ranking of each team, a space for individual speaking scores for each debater, and a space for team score (which is the total of the individual speaker points for that team).
1705137556 Sample British Parliamentary Debate Ballot
1705137564 Remember that team rankings must correspond to a team’s combined number of speaker points. If judges are having difficulty reconciling team speaker points with rankings, they may want to reconsider their rankings. Since points and rankings must correspond, it can be helpful to begin by first ranking the highest speaker and the lowest speaker to determine the range within which you are working. The Chair will also record the information on the ballot, and, if available, get the ballot to a volunteer to take back to the tabulation room. If a volunteer is not available, a panelist may need to take the ballot back to the tabulation room in order for the tournament to run on time.
1705137566 思辨精英:英语辩论-构筑全球视角 [:1705132547]
1705137567 22.3 Judge as Educator
1705137569 After the decision is made, the Chair should bring the debaters back into the room to announce their rankings and provide oral feedback. All judges should be prepared to offer specific comments both in the decision-making process and in oral feedback. The discussion of rankings and the oral feedback are important moments for the judge to act as an educator. For some debaters, public speaking may be an anxiety-causing process, and a tournament will be better if students feel supported and enthusiastic about the process, rather than defeated or nervous.
1705137571 Oral feedback is a valuable moment for debaters to learn more about argumentation and delivery. The judges’ feedback needs to clarify how the rankings were determined and why certain teams were preferred over others. The Chair should lead the discussion of the ranking to the debaters(this discussion should also be timed; five to ten minutes is standard). Clarifying the decision in a concise and thorough manner helps the debaters learn more about debate and helps them feel that their ideas were heard and considered. Good listening, both during the debate and during deliberation, good note taking, and strong communication skills of judges help students understand the decision as clearly as possible. Judges should also be prepared to give feedback to debaters about their manner and delivery that would be helpful for them to improve for future debates, but, because of time constraints, those discussions should occur after the decision has been discussed, and only as time then allows.
1705137573 While the Chair leads the discussion during the feedback session, he or she should also include the input of the panelists and, if possible, allow them time to give additional feedback. In the rare circumstance where consensus cannot be met and the panelists out-vote the Chair on the rankings, one of the panelists should lead the discussion of the rankings.
1705137575 The Chair usually has the most judging experience, and his or her role is to help lead a productive conversation that respects the opinions of each judge and yet, make decisions when opinions vary. In that moment, judges can learn from one another what arguments they find persuasive and what their thoughts are about argumentation structure and delivery. Remember that variety helps keep debate interesting, and listening with an open mind helps educate judges in different ways of thinking about debate.
1705137577 In many situations, judges may suggest that debaters find them later to discuss more specific details. Judges should attempt to make themselves available and keep their notes so they are able to have those conversations. The focus of oral feedback should be on areas that judges find relevant to debating, generally, and judges’ feedback should be constructive and especially encouraging to new debaters who may need additional practice.
1705137579 Because many judges are former debaters, they may be tempted to draw parallels between the judging process and debating. In both roles, strong listening and note-taking skills can help to better express an opinion. However, judges are cautioned against seeing the deliberation process and oral feedback periods as “debates.” While certain teams must “win,” the process should be seen as learning and teaching moments. Judges can broaden their knowledge about debate and argumentation by remaining open-minded during the consensus period and by ignoring their preconceptions about certain positions on a topic or about certain teams. Judges may become good friends and strong colleagues by remaining professional and respectful during the deliberation process—this can be a good time to “network” and meet other professionals who are also committed to debate.
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1705137582 22.4 Summary
1705137584 Oral feedback is an art. Helping students to understand their ranking, and teaching them about the nature of argumentation in a concise way may take practice, but it is a useful skill that can be applied to other group situations, to the classroom, or even to one’s career. Of course, judges who are careful about completing ballots and conscientious about time limits help a tournament run smoothly, and that improves everyone’s experience. A competition cannot happen without the debaters, but a high-quality competition also takes the hard work of thoughtful judges.
1705137586 对于裁判来讲,给予口头评价是一门艺术。裁判需要不断练习才能学会如何用简练的语言帮助辩手理解他们的排名,并教会他们论证的实质。但是掌握这种评价的艺术对一个人的团队活动、学业和事业都大有裨益。此外,详细填写辩论评价表,准确计时的裁判会使辩论赛进行得更加顺畅,也会让比赛中的所有人受益。一场辩论赛需要优秀的辩手,而一场高水准的辩论赛也离不开深思熟虑的裁判们的努力和付出。
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1705137589 22.5 Terms and Concepts from Chapter 22
1705137591 Check your memory and comprehension by describing or defining these key terms and concepts:
1705137593 · Adjudicating panel
1705137595 · Chair
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