1705603220 Pickvance, Ronald Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers . New york, 1986.
1705603222 Pierre, Richard. “Vincent van Gogh’s Montmartre.” Jong Holland 4, no. 1 (1988), pp. 16–21.
1705603224 Pion, Léonce, with Irène Pion-Leblanc. Catalogue du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tournai. Tournai, 1971.
1705603226 Plasschaert Albert. Vincent van Gogh . The Hague, 1898. Published in conjunction with The Hague 1898.
1705603228 Pollock, Griselda. “Vincent van Gogh and Dutch Art: A Study of the Development of Van Gogh’s Notion of Modern Art with Special Reference to the Critical and Artistic Revival of Seventeenth Century Dutch Art in Holland and France in the Nineteenth Century.” 2 vols. Ph.D. dissertation, Courtauld Institute of Art, London University, 1980.
1705603230 Pollock Griselda. “Stark Encounters:Modern Life and Urban Work in Van Gogh’s Drawings of The Hague, 1881–3.” Art History 6, no. 3 (1983), pp. 330–58.
1705603232 Proust, Antonin. Édouard Manet: Souvenirs . Paris, 1913.
1705603234 Rosenblum, Robert. Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition: Friedrich to Rothko. New York, 1975.
1705603236 Roskill,Mark W. “Van Gogh’s Blue Cart and His Creative Process.” Oud Holland 81, no. 1 (1966), pp. 3–19.
1705603238 Roskill, Mark. Van Gogh, Gauguin, and the Impressionist Circle . Greenwich, Conn., 1970.
1705603240 Roskill, Mark W. “Van Gogh’s Exchanges of Work with Émile Bernard in 1888.” Oud Holland 86, no. 2–3 (1971), pp. 142–79.
1705603242 Salzmann, Siegfried ed. Dokumentation der durch Auslagerung im 2. Weltkridg vermißtern kunstwerke der kunsthalle Bremen . Bremen, 1991. In German and Russian.
1705603244 Saunier, Charles. “Vincent van Gogh.” L’endehors, April 24, 1892. Published in translation in Stein 1986, pp. 303–5.
1705603246 Schwarz, Heinrich. “An Unnoticed Drawing by Vincent van Gogh.” Museum Notes,Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 4, no. 4 (April 1946), pp. 2–3.
1705603248 Silverman, Debora. Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Search for Sacred Art. New York, 2000.
1705603250 Silverman, Debora. “Framing Art and Sacred Realism: Van Gogh’s Ways of Seeing Arles.” Van Gogh Museum Journal 2001, pp. 45–62.
1705603252 Soth, Lauren. “Van Gogh’s Images of Women Sewing.” Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte 57, no. 1 (1994), pp. 105–10.
1705603254 Stein, Susan Alyson. “Passage du Puits-Bertin, Clichy.” In Signac, 1863–1935, by Marina Ferretti-Bocquillon et al., pp. 118–19. Exh. Cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001.
1705603256 Stein, Susan Alyson, ed. Van Gogh: A Retrospective . New York, 1986.
1705603258 Stein, Susan Alyson. “Van Gogh and Millet.” In Treasures from The Metropolitan Museum of Art: French Art from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century , pp. 39–44. Exh. cat. Yokohama: Yokohama Museum of Art, 1989.
1705603260 Stolwijk, Chris and Han Veenenbos. Account Book of Theo van Gogh and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Cahier Vincent, no. 8. Amsterdam and Leiden, 2002.
1705603262 Styles Wylie, Anne. “An Investigation of the Vocabulary of Line in Vincent van Gogh’s Expression of space.” Oud Holland 85, no. 4 (1970), pp. 210–35.
1705603264 Tellegen-Hoogendoorn, Annet. “Geen panoramalandschap bij Van Gogh.” Bulletin van het Rjiksmuseum 12, no. 2 (1964), pp. 57–61.
1705603266 Tellegen-Hoogendoorn, Annet. “Van Gogh en Montmajour.” Bulletin Museum Boijmans-Van Beuningen 18, no. 1(1967), pp. 16–33.
1705603268 Thannhauser, Henry.”Van Gogh and John Russell: Some Unknown Letters and Drawings.” Burlington Magazine 73, no. 426 (September 1938), pp. 95–104
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