1705603302 Van Heugten, Sjraar. “Working in Black and White and Colour: Van Gogh’s Regard for Tonality and Technique”. In Vincent’s Choice: The Musée Imaginaire of Van Gogh , edited by Chris Stolwijk et al., pp. 123–32. Exh. cat. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, 2003.
1705603304 Van Meurs, Jan Gerritt Willem. Isographieën systeem W. van Meurs. Volledige geªllus-treerde catalogus . Amsterdam, [1910].
1705603306 Van Rapprad-Boon, Charlotte,Willem van Gulik, and Keiko van Bremenlto. Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum’s Collection of Japanese Prints . Introduction by Tsukasa Ködera. Amsterdam, 1991.
1705603308 Van Tilborgh, Louis. The Potato Eaters by Vincent van Gogh / De Aardappeleters van Vincent van Gogh . Contributions by Dieuwertje Dekkers et al. Cahier Vincent, no. 5. Zwolle, 1993.
1705603310 Van Uitert, Evert and Michael Hoyle, eds. The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh . Amsterdam, 1987.
1705603312 Vanbeselaere, Walther. De Hollandsche periode (1880–1885) in het werk van Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890). Amsterdam, [1937].
1705603314 Vellekoop, Marije and Sjraar van Heugten. Vincent van Gogh Drawings,. Vol. 3, Antwerp and Paris, 1885–1888 . Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, 2001. Published in conjunction with Amsterdam 2001–2.
1705603316 Vellekoop, Marije and Roelie Zwikker. Vincent van Gogh Drawings. Vol. 4, Arles Saint Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise, 1888–1890. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, 2006. Forthcoming.
1705603318 Vincent van Gogh. Catalogue of 276 Works in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo . [Otterlo, 1974.]
1705603320 Vincent van Gogh: A Detailed Catalogue of the Paintings and Drawings by Vincent van Gogh in the Collection of the Kröller-Müller National Museum . 4th ed. Otterlo, 1980.
1705603322 Visser, W. J. A. “Vincent van Gogh en ‘s-Gravenhage.” Geschiedkundige Vereniging Die Haghe . Jaarboek 1973, pp. 1–125.
1705603324 Vogelsang, W. “Tentoonstelling Vincent van Gogh.” Onze Kunst 4, 2nd semester (1905), pp. 59–68.
1705603326 Wadley, Nicholas. Impressionist and Post-impressionist Drawing . London, 1991.
1705603328 Wadley, Nicholas. The Drawings of Van Gogh . London, 1969.
1705603330 Waldstein, Agnes, comp. Museum Folkwang . Vol. 1, Moderne Kunst, Malerei, Plastik, Grafik. Essen, 1929.
1705603332 Walker, John A. “Van Gogh’s Drawing of La Crau from Mont Majour.” Master Drawings 20 (Winter 1982), pp. 380–85.
1705603334 Weisbach,Werner. Vincent van Gogh: Kunst und Schicksal. 2 vols. Basel, 1949–51.
1705603336 Wilson, Carol and Catherine Young. “Deux tableaux de Vincent van Gogh identifiés à Auvers-sur-Oise.” Vivre en Val-ìOise , no. 34 (November 1995), pp. 62–65.
1705603338 Zemel, Carol. “The ‘spook’ in the Machine: Van Gogh’s Pictures of Weavers in Brabant.” Art Bulletin 67, no. 1 (1985), pp. 123–37
1705603340 Zemel, Carol. “Sorrowing Women, Rescuing Men: Van Gogh’s Images of Women and Family.” Art History 10, no. 3 (1987), pp. 351–68.
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1705603346 梵高手稿:梵高书信、画作、珍贵手稿(典藏修订版) 附录2:艺术图片版权声明
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