1705662093  46.   Sironi 1981, 23–6.
1705662095  47.   Ottino della Chiesa 1967, 94. 汉密尔顿1785年7月从奇科尼亚伯爵处购得,总共支付1582里拉。奇科尼亚伯爵士是圣卡泰丽娜修道院的行政主管,占有了已经被禁的兄弟会的财产和头衔。这份文件从汉密尔顿的后代传到了兰斯顿勋爵,再传到萨福克公爵,最终1880年,他以9000基尼(guineas)的价格将之卖给了英国国家美术馆。
1705662097  48.   The Swiss Virgin of the Rocks was exhibited at the Palazzo Reale, Milan, in 2000. See F.Caroli, Il Cinquecento Lombardo: Da Leonardo a Caravaggio (Milan 2000), cat. no. II.2.
1705662099  49.   Cu 25v, McM 57.
1705662101  50.   BM 1875–6–12–17r; Zöllner 2003, no. 27; Pedretti 1968, 27–8.
1705662103  51.  Daily Telegraph , 16 January 1996.
1705662105  52.   J. McEwen, ‘Leonardo restored’, Independent Magazine , 20 May 1989, 53–7.
1705662107  53.   Dalli Regoli 2001, 116–19. 这是唯一一幅已知的“跪着的丽达”的油画版本。一般认为,乌菲兹美术馆的4幅“站立的丽达”均在1509年至1510年或这之后绘制的,又称为“斯皮罗宗丽达像”(Spirodon Leda),以前一位拥有者卢多维科·斯皮罗宗命名。马拉尼认为这些作品由费兰多·亚涅斯绘制,而娜塔莉认为是洛伦佐·迪·克雷迪工作室所绘(Dalli Regoli 2001, 140)。In the Galleria Borghese, Rome, attributed to Il Sodoma; at Wilton House, Salisbury, attributed to Cesare da Sesto; and in the Johnson Collection, Philadelphia. 赫尔曼·戈林曾短暂拥有过“斯皮罗宗丽达像”,1941年加洛蒂·斯皮罗宗伯爵夫人把画卖给了他。
1705662109  54.   Leda’s face: RL 12515–8. Her features are closely echoed in Giampietrino’s Nymph Hegeria (Coll. Brivio Sforza, Milan), Venus and Cupid (Coll. Nembini, Milan) and Cleopatra (Louvre), and to a lesser extent in his Dido (Coll. Borromeo, Isola Bella) and Salome (National Gallery, London). The stance of his Venus is demonstrably based on the standing Leda. Cf. L. Keith and A. Roy, ‘Giampietrino, Boltraffio and the influence of Leonardo’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin 17 (1996), 4–19.
1705662111  55.   Technical report by Hans Brammer (Kassell, 1990), summarized by Jürgen Lehrmann in Dalli Regoli 2001, 116–18.A further connection of Giampietrino with Leonardo’s studio in c. 1509 is the polyhedron painted on the back of his Madonna and Child (Poldi Pezzoli, Milan), which derives from one of Leonardo’s illustrations for Pacioli’s Divina proportione (Venice, 1509); a copy of the painting by Giovan Battista Belmonte bears the date 1509.
1705662113  56.   On Bernazzano, see J. Shell and G. Sironi, ‘Bernardinus dictus Bernazanus de Marchixelis’, Arte Cristiana 78 (1990), 363ff. 弗朗切斯科·梅尔齐父亲和叔叔欠他30斯库迪的记录,为我们了解列奥纳多社交圈内部复杂的人际关系提供了一条线索,而我们几乎对此一无所知。He was a native of Inzago, near Milan: on his possible connection with a Last Supper fresco at Inzago, see n. 115.
1705662115  57.   RL 12343r, 123 54r, 12356r (illustrated), 12360r, etc.; Zöllner 2003, nos. 74–86. These were first systematically distinguished from Sforza Horse studies by Clark: see Clark and Pedretti 1968, 1.xxvi–xli.
1705662117  58.   CA 492r/179v–a, R 725.
1705662119  59.   F 87r.
1705662121  60.   F 15r; Pedretti 1995, 26. Cf. notes on the canalization of the Adda, c. 1508, CA 949r/345r–b.
1705662123  61.   F 41V, R1123A; cf. two sketches of bats in flight on F 48V.
1705662125  62.   Membranes of the bat’s wings: Tn 16r. Bats fly upside down: G 63v, c. 1510–11.
1705662127  63.   F 59r, R 1148C.
1705662129  64.   F 4v.
1705662131  65.   RL 12689r, PC 2.127–8. Cf. F 41r, c. 1508: ‘The earth is not the centre of the sun’s orbit, nor the centre of the universe,’ which is relativist but not specifically Copernican.
1705662133  66.   F 12r.
1705662135  67.   The lungs of a pig: cf. RL 19054V. Avicenna: i.e. the eleventh–century Arab scientist Ibn Sina. ‘Map of Elefan’: possibly referring to the Siva temple at Ele–phanta, cf. the description of a temple in CA 775v/285r–c. ‘Maestro Mafeo’: perhaps Rafaello Maffei, whose encyclopaediac Anthropologia (1506) mentions the Last Supper , or the Veronese anatomist Girolamo Maffei, probably known to Leonardo via Marcantonio della Torre, also from Verona. The rising of the Adige: cf. Leic 20r, 23r.
1705662137  68.   MS D is a ‘meditated version’ of earlier notes and a testing by ‘isperienza ’, or experiment, of established authorities (Avicenna, Alhazen) on the subject (Pedretti and Cianchi 1995, 25).
1705662139  69.   RL 19007V.
1705662141  70.   Pedretti 1965, 140.
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