1705662940 达·芬奇传:自由的心灵 [:1705655975]
1705662941 达·芬奇传:自由的心灵 注释
1705662943 按字母排序的参考文献指的是资料来源中列出的手稿和藏品。以作者/日期标明的参考文献是在那里列出的书籍和文章。①
1705662945 导言
1705662947 1. Ar 245V, dated by comparison with CA 673r/249r–b, written 24 June 1518; see Pedretti a1975.
1705662949 2. R 1566. 在留存至今的列奥纳多遗嘱手稿副本中,她的名字用意大利语写为“玛图丽娜”(Maturina),但我们几乎可以确定她是法国人,所以应该叫“玛图琳”(Mathurine)。
1705662951 3. K2 50v.
1705662953 4. Ben Jonson, Timber, or Discoveries (London, 1640), in Complete Poems , ed. G. Parfitt (Harmondsworth, 1975), 394.
1705662955 5. 里希特于1939年编辑的列奥纳多手稿索引共有5421页(“1页”是指对开页手稿的一面),但略去了以下部分:粘在《大西洋古抄本》的书页背面的小纸片;含有手稿内容的笔记本封面和封面内页;1967年发现的两本《马德里古抄本》,加上这些大概有7200页。See Richter 1970, 2.400–401; PC 1.92–7. On reported sightings of Libro W (designated thus by Leonardo’s secretary Melzi) in Milan in 1866 and 1958: Pedretti 1965, 147–8. See Part V n. 17.
1705662957 6. Charles Rogers, A Collection of Prints in Imitation of Drawings (2 vols., London, 1778), 1.5. On the provenance of the collection (probably brought from Spain by the Earl of Arundel and sold to Charles in c. 1641) see Clark and Pedretti 1968, 1.x–xiii.
1705662959 7. Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio, Discorsi (Venice, 1554), 193–6, citing the reminiscence of his father, Cristoforo Giraldi, a Ferrarese diplomat in Milan.
1705662961 8. L 77r.
1705662963 9. CA 534v/199v–a.
1705662965 10. RL 12665r. 这几句话是他于1515年写下的“对大洪水的描述”笔记的增补内容,但毫无疑问,它记载了他更早在皮翁比诺的观察,那时大约是1504年秋天。
1705662967 11. K ir. 这一页已经严重褪色,第二行的正确拼读是在1979年通过红外线检测确定的。
1705662969 12. Ar Ir, written in early 1508, when he was beginning the task of organizing his manuscripts; cf. Leic 2r: ‘So, reader, you need not wonder, nor laugh at me, if here we jump from one subject to another.’
1705662971 13. F 35r; RL 19095v; RL 19070V (cf. 19115r: ‘Show the movement of the woodpecker’s tongue.’).
1705662973 14. CA 52or/191r–a; PC 2.313. He wrote this c. 1490–92, above a drawing of a spiral entitled ‘Corpo nato dalla prospettiva ’ (‘Body born of perspective’): see illustration on p. 58. On the same sheet, now separated (CA 521v/191v–b, R1368), he wrote, ‘M °[i.e. Maestro] Leonardo fiorentino in Milano.’ Other autographs in the notebooks: Fors 3 62v, c. 1493, written left to right (see illustration on p. 58); Fors 11 3v, ‘principiato da me Leonardo da Vinci ’, dated 12 July 1505; CA 1054r/ 379r–a, ‘Io Lionardo ’ – ‘I, Leonardo’.
1705662975 15. CU 122r–125v, McM 396–410.
1705662977 16. Michelangelo 1878, 12.
1705662979 17. The most comprehensive edition of Vasari’s writings remains the nine–volume Opere , ed. G. Milanesi (Florence, 1878–85; 2nd edn 1906), in which the annotated Life of Leonardo is 4.57–90. See also Le vite , ed. R. Batterani and P. Barocchi (4 vols., Florence, 1966–76). 最早的英译本是威廉·阿格兰比(William Aglonby)1685年编译的精选集;最容易理解的现代译本是由乔治·布尔翻译的版本 (Harmondsworth, 1987),《达·芬奇传》收录在1.255–71。关于我对瓦萨里和其他早期传记作者的选择性引用,参阅《资料来源:早期传记》。
1705662981 18. Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, Codex Magliabechiano XIII 89 and XXV 636; see Benedettucci 1991.
1705662983 19. Codex Magliabechiano XVII 17. The account of Leonardo occupies fols. 88r–91v and 121v–122r. See Fabriczy 1893; Ficarra 1968.
1705662985 20. Giovio’s life of Leonardo (‘Leonardi Vincii vita ’) was first published by G. Tiraboschi in 1796; a parallel text in Latin and English is in Richter 1970, 1.2–3. Additional material on Leonardo, from another part of the Dialogi , is in PC 1.9–11.
1705662987 21. On the genesis of the Lives , see Boase 1971, 43–8.
1705662989 22. Material on Leonardo is also found in Lomazzo’s Sogni e raggionamenti (‘Dreams and discourses’), a manuscript of the early 1560s containing imagined dialogues (British Library, Add. MS 12196, 5or–224r, especially Raggionamenti 5 and 6, 117v–175r); and in his Idea del tempio della pittura (The Idea of the Temple of Painting ) (Milan, 1590). His writings are collected in Scritti sulle arti , ed. R. Ciardi (2 vols., Pisa, 1973).
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