1705664681 6. C. Pedretti, ALV 6 (1993), 182.
1705664683 7. ‘GLOVIS’: Vecce 1998, 309. ‘Thoughts turn to hope’: CA 190v/68v–b, with a sketch of a bird in a cage, probably a calandrino or meadow–lark, popularly supposed (as explained in Leonardo’s bestiary, H 5r) to offer a prognosis to the sick–hopeful unless the bird refused to look at you, in which case you were going to die.
1705664685 8. Beltrami 1919, doc. 218. 朱利亚诺在罗马的住所是位于蒙特焦尔达诺的奥尔西尼宫(Palazzo degli Orsini),如今也被称为塔韦尔纳宫(Palazzo Taverna)。在圣天使堡附近;列奥纳多筹备贝尔韦代雷的工作室和住宅时,可能住在那里。
1705664687 9. ‘Sewer of iniquity’ : letter to Giovanni de’ Medici (Hibbert 1979, 204–5), written in early 1492, when Giovanni was elected cardinal. Syphilis among priests: Cellini 2002, 44, calling it the ‘French disease’. “梅毒”(syphilis)一词还没有开始使用:这个词来自吉罗拉莫·弗拉卡斯托罗1530年的一首诗“Syphilis”,主角是一个牧羊人,被阿波罗惩罚,长了许多痘。
1705664689 10. Embolden 1987, 57–62.
1705664691 11. See Part III n. 23.
1705664693 12. CA 244v/90v–a.
1705664695 13. De Ludo geometrico : CA 124v/45v–a. Geometric lunes or lunulae : CA 266r/ 97r–a, 272v/99v–b, 316/114r–b, v–b. Cf. Pedretti 1965, 161–2.
1705664697 14. 为朱利亚诺·德·美第奇画肖像画的拉斐尔,可能是1515年4月朱利亚诺的两份家庭雇员花名册上提到的“拉斐尔·达·乌尔比诺”(Rafaello da Urbino,ASF.,Carte Strozziane I/10,178–9; Laurenza 2004,app. 3),但他和其他裁缝、园丁一起出现,显得十分奇怪,所以这可能是一个身份不详的同名人物。On an artistic echo of Leonardo in Raphael’s Roman work, see n. 23. 卡斯蒂廖内可能15世纪90年代在米兰见过列奥纳多,那时候他是大学的学生,与斯福尔扎宫廷也有联系(见第五章第89条注释)。他当时正在罗马创作《廷臣论》,表明他熟悉列奥纳多在绘画和雕塑间的对比,1498年前,他把他在罗马创作的那部分呈现给了卢多维科(Castiglione 1967, 96–102)。他将列奥纳多(同曼特尼亚、拉斐尔、乔尔乔内和米开朗琪罗一起)称为当时“最优秀”的画家之一(ibid., 82),所以在他写作时无疑也会提到他,“他是世界上最杰出的画家之一,却轻视艺术,尽管他在艺术方面有得天独厚的天赋,他决心研究哲学;在哲学方面,他拥有与众不同的想法和稀奇古怪的灵感,尽管他技艺高超,也无法把它们都画出来”(ibid., 149)。Atalante: a fragment of a letter addressed to ‘Talante’ (CA 890r/325r–b) probably dates from this time.
1705664699 15. Fossils on Monte Mario: CA 253v/92v–c (‘Get them to show you where the shells are on Monte Mario’), a fragmentary page containing geometrical lunes. Monte Mario lies to the north of the Vatican City. Accounts: CA 109b/39r–b, 259r/94r–b. The giulio (minted by Pope Julius II) was worth about a lira.
1705664701 16. E 80r, 96r.
1705664703 17. CA 819r/299r–a, in the hand of Melzi. It seems Ser Giuliano had artistic pretensions: a notarial book preserved in ASF has some doodled sketches which Pedretti calls ‘Leonardesque’ (PC 1.400). 根据米拉内西的说法(Vasari 1878–85, 6.25),他被委托设计1516年佛罗伦萨狂欢节上的讽喻角色,当年晚些时候,他在博洛尼亚为执政团执行外交任务(ASF, Signone Responsive 35, 214)。
1705664705 18.瓦萨里显然在图里尼的儿子朱利奥在佩夏的房子里见过这些画(一幅圣母子像,另一幅“小男孩”),但是关于这些作品,我们一无所知。
1705664707 19. CA 780v/287v–a, PC 2.388–90.
1705664709 20. E 4v. Other notes on vocal acoustics, with detailed studies on the internal structure of the mouth, throat and trachea, are in RL 19002, 19044–5, 19050, 19055, 19068 etc.
1705664711 21. G, cover.同一天,教宗批准授予了朱利亚诺一份礼物——一大片污秽的土地:帕卢迪桥,位于罗马南部。列奥纳多的彩色地图RL 12684可能是他1515年春天或初夏时对这片区域进行调查的结果。
1705664713 22. Lomazzo cited in Rosheim 2000, 6–7. Michelangelo Buonarroti the younger (Michelangelo’s nephew) describes Leonardo’s device as ‘set to work for the Florentine nation’: Descrizione delle nozze di Maria Medici (Florence, 1600), 10. See C. Pedretti, ‘Leonardo at Lyon’, RV 19 (1962).
1705664715 23. RL 12328r. For arguments about the dating of the half–length St John , see Zöllner 2003, 248, Laurenza 2004, 33–4, and sources given there.拉斐尔约1514年的两幅画中的天使(Musée Bonnat, Bayonne, 1707; Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 538)与列奥纳多的《施洗者圣约翰》中的人物非常相似,说明这幅画的年代更可能是罗马时期,但也可以追溯到早期佛罗伦萨时期的报喜天使。
1705664717 24. Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle; Clark 1988, plate 118, dated by him c. 1505–7. Bandinelli drawing: current whereabouts unknown, see photograph in Pedretti 2001, 44.科西莫·德·美第奇公爵可能拥有第一幅绘画,因为瓦萨里描述道:“天使将一条手臂举向天空,天使的头按照透视法,肩膀到手肘都[朝观者方向]缩短了,另一只手触碰着他的胸部。”(Ottino della Chiesa 1967, 110)
1705664719 25. CA 395ar/146r–b; Accademia, Venice, no. 138.
1705664721 26. 有一种说法是,19世纪时有人从温莎城堡把它偷走了。根据布莱恩·休厄尔的说法(Sunday Telegraph , 5 April 1992),“众所周知,王室曾收藏了许多列奥纳多的色情素描。我记得我为皇家图书馆工作的时候,对这个故事很着迷。这件事逐渐成为这里的一个谜。根据我听到的一个版本,有一天,一位身形高大的男子,身着夏洛克·福尔摩斯的披肩,来看这些素描。他是颇负盛名的德国学者。直到一段时间后,这些素描才被发现被偷走了……毫无疑问,这些素描让人十分尴尬,而且我想当时所有人都因为它们的消失而松了一口气。”休厄尔还补充说,肯尼斯·克拉克和安东尼·布伦特在研究女王的藏品时都故意对此避而不谈。
1705664723 27. A. Green, ‘Angel or demon?’ (1996), in Pedretti 2001, 91–4.
1705664725 28. From the concluding address by Dr Laurie Wilson at ‘Renaissance and Antiquity: Vision and Revision: A Psychoanalytical Perspective’, New York, 23 March 1991: the congress at which the Angelo was first exhibited.
1705664727 29. A. Pucci, La reina d’oriente (Bologna, 1862), canto 3, 42. On Leonardo’s knowledge of this poem, see Part IV n. 52.
1705664729 30. British Library, Cotton MS Titus C6, 7; Harley MS 6848, 185–6. See C. Nicholl, The Reckoning (London, 2nd edn, 2002), 321–7, 389.
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