1705664881 Facsmile edition: Il Codice Atlantico , ed. Augusto Marinoni (24 vols., Florence, 1973–80).
1705664883 RL Royal Library, Windsor. A collection of 655 drawings and manuscripts, catalogued as folios 12275–12727 (general) and 19000–19152 (anatomical). The anatomical folios were previously bound into three volumes: Anatomical MS A (= RL 19000–19017), B (= RL 19018–59) and C, divided into six ‘quaderni di anatomia’ , or anatomical notebooks, numbered I–VI (= RL 19060–19152).
1705664885 Facsimile edition: The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen , ed. Kenneth Clark and Carlo Pedretti (3 vols., London, 1968).
1705664887 巴黎手稿
1705664889 A Paris MS A. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2172). 64 folios, 212 × 147 mm. See also BN 2038.
1705664891 B Paris MS B. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2173). 84 folios, 231 × 167 mm. See also BN 2037.
1705664893 C Paris MS C. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2174). 42 folios, 310 × 222 mm.
1705664895 D Paris MS D. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2175). 10 folios, 158 × 220 mm.
1705664897 E Paris MS E. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2176). 96 folios, 150 × 105 mm.
1705664899 F Paris MS F. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2177). 96 folios, 145 × 100 mm.
1705664901 G Paris MS G. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2178). 93 folios, (originally 96), 139 × 97 mm.
1705664903 H Paris MS H. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2179). 142 folios, 128 × 90 mm, consisting of three pocket-books bound together: H1(fols. 1–48), H2 (fols. 49–94) and H3 (fols. 95–142).
1705664905 I Paris MS I. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2180). 139 folios, 100 × 75 mm, consisting of two pocket-books bound together: I1 (fols. 1–48) and I2(fols. 49–139).
1705664907 K Paris MS K. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2181). 128 folios, 96 × 65 mm, consisting of three pocket-books bound together: K1 (fols. 1–48), K2 (fols. 49–80) and K3(fols. 81–128).
1705664909 L Paris MS L. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2182). 94 folios, 109 × 72 mm.
1705664911 M Paris MS M. Institut de France, Paris (MS 2183). 94 folios, 96 × 67 mm.
1705664913 BN 2037 Institut de France, Paris (MS 2184). 13 folios, 231 × 167 mm. Formerly part of MS B, stolen by G. Libri in c . 1840, and returned by Lord Ashburnham (hence also known as Ashburnham 1875/1); thereafter at the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Though now at the Institut de France, the BN collocation is generally used.
1705664915 BN 2038 Institut de France, Paris (MS 2185). 33 folios, 212 × 147 mm. Formerly part of MS A (subsequent history as for BN 2037). Also known as MS Ashburnham 1875/2.
1705664917 Facsimile edition: I manuscritti dell’ Institut de France , ed. Augusto Marinoni (12 vols., Florence, 1986–90).
1705664919 其他笔记本和手稿
1705664921 Fors Forster Codices. Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Three volumes containing five notebooks. Fors I1, 40 folios; Fors I2, 14 folios, 135 × 103 mm. Fors 21, 63 folios; Fors 22, 96 folios, 95 × 70 mm. Fors 3, 88 folios, 94 × 65 mm.
1705664923 Facsimile edition: I Codici Forster , ed. Augusto Marinoni (3 vols., Florence, 1992).
1705664925 Leic Codex Leicester. Bill Gates Collection, Seattle. 88 folios, 94 × 65 mm. Previously known as the Codex Hammer.
1705664927 Facsimile edition: The Codex Hammer , ed. Carlo Pedretti (Florence, 1987).
1705664929 Ma Madrid Codices. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid (MSS 8936, 8937). Ma I,184 folios, 149 × 212 mm. Ma II, 157 folios, mostly 148 × 212 mm.
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