[1][Stephen Elliott],Obsequies of the Reverend Edward E. Ford, D.D., and Sermon by the Bishop of the Diocese…(Augusta, Ga.: Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, 1863), p. 8.
[2]James David Hacker,“The Human Cost of War: White Population in the United States, 1850—1880”, Ph.D. diss. (University of Minnesota, 1999), pp. 1, 14. Hacker认为,由于对南部邦联死于疾病人数估计不足,内战死亡人数可能被严重低估。内战伤亡及死亡率数据是全盘有问题的,南部邦联记录的不完整使这些数据尤其不可信。参阅该书第八章。Maris A. Vinovskis的结论是,北部13至45岁白人男性有大约6%死于战争,而在南部,相同年龄段的白人男性则有18%死去。但因为在南方白人中军事动员程度更高,南部士兵死亡率是北方的两倍而非三倍。詹姆斯·麦克弗森所引用的死亡率是南部邦联士兵31%,联邦士兵16%。Gary Gallagher认为,Vinovskis估计的南部总体死亡率太低了;他估计,四个而非五个达到参军年龄的南部白人男子中,便有一个人在战火中丧生。我所引用的是更为保守的总数。参见Vinovskis,“Have Social Historians Lost the Civil War?”载于Maris A.Vinovskis, ed.,Toward a Social History of the American Civil War: Exploratory Essays(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 3—7; James M. McPherson, personal communication to author, December 27, 2006; Gary Gallagher, personal communication to author, December 16, 2006。
[3]James M. McPherson,Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam(NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. 3, 177, n. 56.
[4][Francis W. Palfrey],In Memoriam: H.L.A.(Boston: Printed for private distribution, 1864), p. 5; Richard Shryock,“A Medical Perspective on the Civil War,”American Quarterly 14(Summer1962): 164; H. Clay Trumbull,War Memories of an Army Chaplain (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1898), p. 67.这段时间的关键数据非常少,最完整的数据只涵盖马萨诸塞州。我感谢天普大学(Temple University)的历史人口学家Gretchen Condran同我讨论这些问题。参见U.S. Bureau of the Census,Historical Statistics of the United States, Part I (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975), pp. 62—63。关于19世纪中叶的英格兰“一个成年孩子的过早死亡”之为“尤其令人痛心的事情”,参见Patricia Jalland,Death in the Victorian Family(New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 39。
[5]“死亡之丰收”意象一次引人注目的呈现,出现于Timothy O’Sullivan的一张关于葛底斯堡战场满地死人的照片被加的标题中,此照片出自Alexander Gardner, Gardner’sPhotographic Sketchbook of the War(1866; rpt. New York: Dover, 1959), plate 36; Kate Stone, Brokenburn
:The Journal of Kate Stone, 1861—1868, ed. John Q. Anderson (Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1955), p. 264; C. W. Greene to John McLees, August 15, 1862, McLees Family Papers, SCL。
[6][Frederick Law Olmsted],Hospital Transports: A Memoir of the Embarkation of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in the Summer of 1862(Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863), p. 115.
[7]关于死亡的文献非常丰富浩瀚。这本书在其他处未引用的一些关键文本,包括Thomas Lynch,The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade(New York: W. W.Norton, 1997); Thomas Lynch,Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000); Sandra Gilbert,Death’s Door: Modern Dying and the Way We Grieve(NewYork: W. W. Norton, 2006); Paul Monette, Borrowed Time:An AIDS Memoir(San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988); Paul Monette,Last Watch of the Night(New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994); Jessica Mitford,The American Way of Death(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1963); Sherwin B. Nuland,How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994); Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry, eds.,Death and the Regeneration of Life(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982); Peter Metcalfand Richard Huntington,Celebrations of Death: The Anthropology of Mortuary Ritual, 2nd ed. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991)。
[8]Mrs. Carson to R. F. Taylor, September 14, 1864, Carson Family Papers, SCL.关于自我观念的变迁,参见Charles Taylor,Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989),与Jerrold Seigel,The Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe Since the Seventeenth Century(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005)。
[9]New York Times, October 20, 1862.参见William A. Frassanito,Antietam: The Photographic Legacy of America’s Bloodiest Day (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978); Franny Nudelman,John Brown’s Body: Slavery, Violence and the Culture of War(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), pp. 103—131; and Alan Trachtenberg,Reading American Photographs: Images as History, Mathew Brady to Walker Evans(New York: Hill & Wang, 1989)。即使我们承认内战摄影的影响,我们也需要意识到,真正看过布雷迪或其他人关于死人的摄影的美国人非常少。报纸与杂志尚无法复制照片,只能用它们的雕版来印刷,例如本书所包含的《哈珀周刊》插图便是如此。
[10]Maude Morrow Brown Manuscript, z/0907.000/S, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Miss.;关于19世纪的科学与变化了的死亡之意义,参见Adam Phillips,Darwin’s Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories(New York: Basic Books, 2000)。
[11]宪法真正的捍卫者”。根据詹姆斯·沃克(James Walker)的一幅素描制成的雕版画,《哈珀周刊》,1865年11月11日。
第一章 死亡
[1]Chesnut的话引自James Shepherd Pike, The Prostrate State(New York: D. Appleton, 1874), pp. 74—75。
[2]致Mattie J. McGaw的信, 1863年5月5日, McGaw Family Papers, SCL。关于美国革命时期大陆军的规模及其死亡率的分析,参见Charles H. Lesser,The Sinews of Independence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976), pp. 84—86,与Howard H. Peckham,The Toll of Independence(Chicago
:University of Chicago Press, 1974)。关于内战军队规模,参见James M. McPherson,Battle Cry of Freedom(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 306n。
[3]Alonzo Abernethy,“Incidents of an Iowa Soldier’s Life, or Four Years in Dixie,”Annals of Iowa, 3rd ser. 12 (1920): 411; William A.Hammond,“Medical Care, Battle Wounds, and Disease,”online at www.civilwarhome.com/civilwarmedicine.htm; George Worthington Adams,Doctors in Blue: The Medical History of the Union Army in the Civil War(New York: H. Schuman, 1952), pp. 222, 242, 125.关于南部邦联军队腹泻与痢疾,参见Horace Cunningham, Doctors in Gray
:The Confederate Medical Service (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1958), p. 185; Paul E. Steiner,Disease in the Civil War: Natural Biological Warfare in 1861—1865(Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1968), p. 14。营地水槽部分引自U.S. Sanitary Commission,Two Reports on the Condition of Military Hospitals(New York: W. C. Bryant, 1862), p.6。另参见Joseph Janner Woodward,Outlines of the Chief Camp Diseases of the United States Armies as Observed During the Present War(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1863); Robert E. Denney,Civil War Medicine: Care and Comfort of the Wounded (New York: Sterling, 1994); John W. Schildt,Antietam Hospitals (Chewsville, Md.: Antietam Publications, 1987); Frank R. Freemon,Gangrene and Glory: Medical Care During the American Civil War (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998); James I. Robertson Jr.,Soldiers Blue and Gray(Columbia: University of South CarolinaPress, 1988), pp. 145—169。另参见Lisa Herschbach,“Fragmentation and Reunion: Medicine, Memory and Body in the American Civil War,”Ph.D. diss. (Harvard University, 1997)。
[4]The Sentinel: Selected for the SoldiersNo. 319 (Petersburg, Va.
:n.p., 1861), p. 1.
[5]E. G. Abbott to Mother, February 8, 1862, Abbott Family, Civil War Letters, MS Am 800.26(5), Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
[6]A. D. Kirwan, ed.,Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade: The Journal of a Confederate Soldier (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1956), p. 93.
[7]John Weissert to Dearest wife and children, October 17, 1862. Box1, Correspondence Sept.–Oct. 1862, John Weissert Papers, BHL.
[8]Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying(London: R.Royston, 1651); Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living(London: Francis Ash, 1650); Sister Mary Catherine O’Connor,The Art of Dying Well: The Development of the Ars Moriendi (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), pp. 11, 208.另参见L. M. Beier,“The Good Death in Seventeenth Century England”, in Ralph Houlbrooke, ed.,Death, Ritual and Bereavement(New York: Routledge, 1989); Ralph Houlbrooke,Death, Religion, and the Family in England, 1480—1750 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998); Ralph Houlbrooke,“The Puritan Death-Bed, c. 1560–c. 1600”, in C. Durston and J. Eales, eds.,The Culture of English Puritanism, 1560—1700(New York: St. Martin’s, 1996), pp. 122—144; M. C. Cross,“The Third Earl of Huntingdon’s Death-Bed: A Calvinist Example of the Ars Moriendi,”Northern History21 (1985): 80—107; R. Wunderle and G. Broce,“The Final Moment Before Death in Early Modern England,”Sixteenth Century Journal20 (1989): 259—275; David Cressy,Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England(New York: Oxford University Press, 1997)。
[9]Frances Comper, ed.,The Book of the Craft of Dying and Other Early English Tracts Concerning Death(London, 1917); Nancy Lee Beaty,The Craft of Dying: A Study in the Literary Tradition of the Ars Moriendi in England(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970); Jeremy Taylor,The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying(London: R.Royston, 1651).在19世纪上半叶,Taylor的书至少有8个版本在伦敦出版,在波士顿有1864年版与1865年版;费城有1835年、1859年、1869年版;纽约有1864年版。关于建议与行为指导类图书中的“死亡之艺术”概念,参见Margaret Spufford,Small Booksand Pleasant Histories: Popular Fiction and Its Readership in Seventeenth Century England(Athens: University of GeorgiaPress, 1981), pp. 200—208。关于一则布道的一个例子,参见Eleazer Mather Porter Wells,Preparation for Death…Trinity Church, Boston (n.p., 1852)。关于公众健康,参见John Willison,The Afflicted Man’s Companion(Pittsburgh: Luke Loomis & Co., 1830)一书的许多美国版本,该书被纽约的美国小册子协会(American Tract Society)于1851年重印。Dickens的连载小说The Old Curiosity Shop如此受欢迎,以至于纽约人在码头排队等待新一分册的到来,以得知Little Nell的命运。Harriet Beecher Stowe的Uncle Tom’s Cabin是19世纪美国最畅销的书。Charles Dickens,The Old Curiosity Shop(London, 1841); William Makepeace Thackeray,The Newcomes(London: Bradbury & Evans, 1844—1845); Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Boston: John P.Jewett, 1851).另参见Samuel Richardson’sClarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady(London: Published for S. Richardson, 1748)一书对死亡所作的分析。
[10]William Corby,Memoirs of Chaplain Life(Notre Dame, Ind.: Scholastic Press, 1894), p. 184.关于这一时刻的纪念碑,位于圣母(Notre Dame)与葛底斯堡战场。据估计,天主教徒占联邦军队士兵的7%。而南部邦联士兵中天主教徒的比例应小得多。参见Randall M. Miller,“Catholic Religion, Irish Ethnicity, and the Civil War,”in Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson, eds.,Religion and the American Civil War (New York
:Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 261。
[11]Bertram Korn,American Jewry and the Civil War(Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1951), p. 59; D. DeSola Pool,“The Diary of Chaplain Michael M. Allen, September 1861,”Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society39 (September 1949): 177—182; L. J. Lederman, letter to parents of David Zehden upon his death, quoted in Mel Young,Where They Lie: The Story of the Jewish Soldiers…(Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1991), p. 149; Rebecca Gratz,Letters of Rebecca Gratz, ed. Rabbi David Philipson (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1929), pp. 426—427.参见From This World to the Next: Jewish Approaches to Illness, Death and the After life(New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1999), and Jack Riemer, ed.,Jewish Insights on Death and Mourning(New York: Schocken Books, 1995), pp. 309—353.关于泛基督教主义(ecumenism),参见Korn,American Jewry and the Civil War, p. 59; Warren B. Armstrong,For Courageous Fighting and Confident Dying: Union Chaplains in the Civil Wa(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998), pp. 53—54; Kurt O. Berends,“‘Wholesome Reading Purifies and Elevates the Man’: The Religious Military Press in the Confederacy,”in Miller, Stout, and Wilson, eds.,Religion and the American Civil War, pp. 134, 157; Peter Paul Cooney,“The War Letters of Father Peter Paul Cooney of the Congregation of the Holy Cross,”ed.Thomas McAvoy, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society44 (1933): 223, 164; Louis-Hippolyte Gache,A Frenchman, a Chaplain, a Rebel: The War Letters of Louis-Hippolyte Gache(Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1991), pp. 176—177, 118—119; Sara Trainer Smith, ed.,“Noteson Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia,”Records of the American Catholic Historical Society8 (1897): 404。关于那种泛基督教主义的局限性,参见Gache, Frenchman, pp. 190—191。
[12]Once to Die(Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 186—), p. 3;另参见Karl S. Guthke,Last Words
:Variations on a Theme in Cultural History(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), p. 36。
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