1706282712 [6]Elvira J. Powers, Hospital Pencillings: Being a Diary While in Jefferson General Hospital (Boston: Edward L. Mitchel, 1866), p.19.关于牧师,参见Warren B. Armstrong,For Courageous Fighting and Confident Dying: Union Chaplains in the Civil War(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998), p. 134n98,这本书在这里引用了坎伯兰军区助理医疗主任1864年的一则命令。牧师数量参见Steven E. Woodworth, While God Is Marching On: The Religious World of Civil War Soldiers (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001), p. 148。
1706282714 [7]Daily South Carolinian, June 16, 1864.
1706282716 [8]Daily South Carolinian, July 22, 1863; F. S. Gillespie to Mrs.Carson; Mathew Jack Davis Narrative, “War Sketches,” CAH; Joseph Willett to Dear Sister, June 6, 1864, Misc. Mss. Cummings, NYHS; Henry W. Raymond, ed., “Extracts from the Journal of Henry J. Raymond II”, Scribner’s Monthly 19 (January 1880): 419—20; Steven R. Stotelmyer, The Bivouacs of the Dead (Baltimore:Toomey Press, 1992), p. 17.
1706282718 [9]关于信件,参见W. D. Rutherford to Sallie Fair Rutherford, June 5, 1864, William Drayton Rutherford Papers, SCL。
1706282720 [10]J. W. Hoover to Mr. Kuhlman, September 8, 1864, J. W. Hoover Papers, WHS; Reverend Lemuel Moss, Annals of the United States Christian Commission (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1868), pp.411, 506.关于葛底斯堡战役后的信件,参见Andrew Boyd Cross, “The Battle of Gettysburg and the Christian Commission”, in Daniel J. Hoisington, ed., Gettysburg and the Christian Commission ([Roseville, Minn.]: Edinborough Press, 2002), p. 59。一刀相当于24或25张同样大小同样材质的纸。
1706282722 [11]Moss, Annals, pp. 512, 487—488, 563, 475.参见U.S. Christian Commission, Record of Letters Written for Soldiers, Army of the Potomac, 1865, RG 94 E 746与U.S. Christian Commission, Abstracts of Letters Written for Sick and Wounded Soldiers, Army of the Potomac, 1864—1865, RG 94 E745, NARA。
1706282724 [12]Moss, Annals, pp. 409, 439—440.参见U.S. Christian Commission, Letters Received, Individual Relief Department, 1864—1865 RG 94E748, NARA; U.S. Christian Commission, Record of Inquiries, Central Office, 186—1865 RG 94 E743, NARA。
1706282726 [13]U.S. Christian Commission, Death Register, 1864—1865, October 6, 1864; October 9, 1864; October 8, 1864; September 19, 1864; October 3, 1864; November 3, 1864; October 18, 1864, RG 94E797, NARA.
1706282728 [14]Moss, Annals, pp. 508, 439. U.S. Christian Commission, Record of the Federal Dead Buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville and Camp Lawton Prisons and at City Point and in the Field Before Petersburg and Richmond (Philadelphia: J. B. Rodgers, 1866).参见U.S. Christian Commission, Correspondence Concerning “Record of the Federal Dead”, RG 94 E795, NARA。
1706282730 [15]C ha r le s J. S ti l lé, Hi s to r y o f t he U ni te d S ta te s Sani ta r y Co m mi s sion (Ne w Yo r k: Hurd & Houghton, 1868), p. 451; George M. Fredrickson, The Inner Civil War: Northern Intellectuals and the Crisis of the Union (New York: Harper & Row, 1965), chap. 7; Judith Ann Giesberg, Civil War Sisterhood: The U.S. Sanitary Commission and Women’s Politics in Transition (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000); Jeanie Attie, Patriotic Toil:Northern Women and the American Civil War (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1998); William Quentin Maxwell, Lincoln’s Fifth Wheel: The Political History of the United States Sanitary Commission (New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1956).
1706282732 [16]Stillé, History of Sanitary Commission, pp. 287, 308.
1706282734 [17]Ibid., p. 309; John Herrick to Frederick Law Olmsted, December14, 1862, Washington Hospital Directory Archives, Letters of Inquiry, Box 192.2, folder 3, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282736 [18]Sanitary Reporter, January 15, 1864, p. 135.
1706282738 [19]Stillé, History of Sanitary Commission, p. 309; Howard A. Martinto H. A. de France, July 4, 1863, John Bowne to H. A. de France, July 9, 1863, July 16, 1863, and July 21, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 1, Box 596, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL; H. A. de France to Jos. P. Holbrook, July 27, 1863 and July 18, 1863, Washington Hospital Directory Archives, Box 195.1, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282740 [20]Richard Deering, June 13, 1864, Louisville Hospital Directory Archives, Chattanooga, Special Inquiries, April 8, 1864, to August 25, 1864, Box 284.2, folder 1, p. 58; Report of Hospital Directory, July 9, 1864, Washington Hospital Directory Archives, Box 192.3, folder 12, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL; “The Hospital Directory”, Sanitary Commission Bulletin 1 (December 15, 1863):109.
1706282742 [21]Report of Hospital Directory, July 9, 1864, Washington Hospital Directory Archives, Box 192.3, folder 12, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.关于伤亡数字,参见James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 742。
1706282744 22Peter Williams to Dear Sir, March 28, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 1, Box 596, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL. Susannah Hampton to Dear Sir, September 14, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 2, Box 597, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282746 23Mrs. Biddy Higgins to Sir, December 16, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 2, Box 597, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282748 24John Bowne to John W. Wilson, December 17, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 2, Box 597, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706282750 25Stillé, History of Sanitary Commission, pp. 310, 309.
1706282752 26Louisiana Soldiers’ Relief Association and Hospital in the City of Richmond, Virginia (Richmond, Va.: Enquirer Book and Job Press, 1862), p. 30; Kurt O. Berends, “‘Wholesome Reading Purifies and Elevates the Man’: The Religious Military Press in the Confederacy”,in Randall M. Miller, Harry S. Stout, and Charles Reagan Wilson, eds., Religion and the American Civil War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 147.
1706282754 27P. Hunter to Oliver H. Middleton, July 27, 1864; Henry W. Richardsto Oliver H. Middleton, December 19, 1864; E. W. Mikell to Colonel B. H. Rutledge, June 21, 1864,均来自Middleton-Blake Papers, SCHS。
1706282756 28Harper’s Weekly, September 3, 1864, p. 576.
1706282758 29W. H. Fowler, Guide for Claimants of Deceased Soldiers (Richmond, Va.: Geo. P. Evans & Co., 1864), pp. 66, 17; Megan McClintock, “Civil War Pensions and the Reconstruction of Union Families”, Journal of American History 83 (September 1996): 456—480; Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge; Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992), pp. 106—107.
1706282760 30Daily South Carolinian, May 17, 1864; W. D. Rutherford, telegramto Sallie F. Rutherford, July 6, 1862, William Drayton Rutherford Papers, SCL.
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