1706282796 [48]“The Sanitary Movement in European Armies,” Sanitary Commission Bulletin 1 (April 15, 1864): 354, 353.关于这一新兴的人道主义,参见论述更为宏观的David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975), and David Brion Davis, Slavery and Human Progress (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984)。
1706282798 第五章 接受
1706282800 [1]Abraham Lincoln, “Special Session Message, July 4, 1861”, in James D. Richardson, ed., Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents (New York: Bureau of National Literatureand Art, 1908), vol. 6, p. 30.
1706282802 [2]关于葛底斯堡,参见Margaret Creighton, The Colors of Courage:Gettysburg’s Forgotten History: Immigrants, Women, and African Americans in the Civil War’s Defining Battle (New York: Basic Books, 2005), pp. 121—122. Kathleen Ernst, Too Afraid to Cry:Maryland Civilians in the Antietam Campaign (Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1999), p. 186; Albertus McCreary, “Gettysburg: A Boy’s Experience of the Battle,” McClure’s Magazine33 (July 1909): 243—53; Gregory A. Coco, A Strange and Blighted Land: Gettysburg: The Aftermath of a Battle (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1995), p. 338 (维克斯堡死亡数量).关于巴吞鲁日,参见Sarah Morgan Dawson, A Confederate Girl’s Diary: Sarah Morgan Dawson (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co, 1913), p. 5。关于纳奇兹,参见Mel Young, Where They Lie: The Story of the Jewish Soldiers of the North and South (Lanham, Md.:University Press of America), p. 28。同维克斯堡相关的引文,参见John T. Trowbridge,The South: A Tour of Its Battlefields and Ruined Cities(Hartford, Conn.: L. Stebbins, 1866),p. 358。另参见Willene Clark, ed., Valleys of the Shadow: The Memoir of Confederate Captain Reuben G. Clark (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1994), p. 16。关于炮轰彼得斯堡,参见J. W. McClure to My dearest Kate, J. W. McClure Papers, SCL。关于军工厂爆炸,参见Richmond Enquirer, March 17, 1863。关于那位北方士兵的引文,参见Oscar O. Winter, ed., With Shermanto the Sea: Civil War Letters, Diaries and Reminiscences of Theodore F. Upson (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943), p. 144。
1706282804 [3]Petition of Citizens of Danville, Virginia, to the Confederate Secretary of War, February 1, 1864, quoted in Robert E. Denney, Civil War Medicine: Care and Comfort of the Wounded (New York: Sterling, 1994), p. 5; Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia to the Mayor for 1861 (Philadelphia: JamesGibbons, 1862), p. 10; William T. Wragg, “Report on the Yellow Fever Epidemic at Wilmington, N.C., in the Autumn of 1862,” Confederate Medical and Surgical Journal 1 (February 1864): 17—18; Ted Alexander, “Destruction, Disease and Death: The Battle of Antietam and the Sharpsburg Civilians,” Civil War Regiments 6, no.2 (1998): 158.另参见J. Matthew Gallman, Mastering Wartime: A Social History of Philadelphia During the Civil War (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), and Frank H. Taylor, Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861—1865 (Philadelphia: The City, 1913)。
1706282806 [4]Gaines Foster, “The Limitations of Federal Health Care for Freedmen, 1862—1868,” Journal of Southern History 48 (August1982), pp. 353 (引文), 356—367 (估计)。参见Thavolia Glymph, “‘This Species of Property’: Female Slave Contrabands in the Civil War”, in Edward D. C. Campbell and Kym S. Rice, eds., A Woman’s War: Southern Women, Civil War, and the Confederate Legacy (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1996), pp. 55—71.
1706282808 [5]Jestin Hampton to Thomas B. Hampton, October 8, 1862, Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH; Caleb Cope et al., “An appeal in behalf of the Refugee Woman and Children concentrating in and about Nashville, Tennessee, December 23, 1864” (Philadelphia, 1864), printed circular, Civil War Miscellanies (McA 5786.F), McAllister Collection, LCP;关于Randolph County petition,参见Ira Berlin et al., eds., Free At Last: A Documentary History of Slavery, Freedom, and the Civil War (New York: New Press, 1992), p. 150; Mary H. Legge to Harriet Palmer, July 3, 1863, Palmer Family Papers, SCL; Charles Royster, The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991), p. 247。
1706282810 [6]Paul E. Steiner, Disease in the Civil War: Natural Biological Warfare in 1861—1865 (Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas, 1968), p. 35; Mary H. Mitchell,Hollywood Cemetery: The History of a Southern Shrine (1985; rpt. Richmond: Library of Virginia, 1999), p. 50; Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005), p. 419.
1706282812 [7]“IN MEMORIAM”, Sanitary Commission Bulletin 1 (August 15, 1864):615; Frank Moore,Women of the War: Their Heroism and Self-Sacrific(Hartford, Conn.: S. S. Scranton, 1867), pp. 390, 53; Mary Denis Maher, To Bind Up the Wounds: Catholic Sister Nurses in the U.S. Civil War (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989).
1706282814 [8]Mary Boykin Chesnut, Mary Chesnut’s Civil War, ed. C. Vann Woodward (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981), pp. 199, 209—211; Daniel E. Sutherland, Seasons of War: The Ordeal of a Confederate Community, 1861—1865 (New York: Free Press, 1995), p. 73; Winthrop D. Jordan, Tumult and Silence at Second Creek: An Inquiry into a Civil War Slave Conspiracy (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1993); Elvira J. Powers, Hospital Pencillings (Boston: Edward L. Mitchell, 1866), p. 71; Kym S. Riceand Edward D. C. Campbell, “Voices from the Tempest: Southern Women’s Wartime Experiences,” in Campbell and Rice, eds., AWoman’s War, pp. 103—106.
1706282816 [9]Leslie M. Harris, In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626—1863 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003), pp. 279—288; Iver Bernstein, The New York City Draft Riots (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990). Adrian Cook, The Armies of the Streets: The New York City Draft Riots of 1863 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1974),死者与伤者名单,见于pp. 213—232。
1706282818 [10]10. Noel C. Fisher, War at Every Door: Partisan Politics and Guerrilla Violence in Eastennessee, 1860—1869 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997), pp. 85, 74; Phillip Paludan, Victims: A True Story of the Civil War (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1981); Michael Fellman, Inside War: The Guerrilla Conflictin Missouri During the Civil War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989); Daniel E. Sutherland, ed., Guerrillas, Unionists, and Violence on the Confederate Homefront (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1999).
1706282820 [11]Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “Killed at the Ford,” Atlantic 17(April 1866): 479.
1706282822 [12]Marjorie Ann Rogers, “An Iowa Woman in Wartime,” Annals of Iowa 36 (Summer 1961): 31; Oliver Hering Middleton Family Correspondence, SCHS.
1706282824 [13]Reuben Allen Pierson, August 3, 1862, in Thomas W. Cutrer and Michael Parish, eds., Brothers in Gray: The Civil War Letters of the Pierson Family (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1997), p. 110.
1706282826 [14]Sigmund Freud, “Mourning and Melancholia,” in James Strachey, ed., The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Hogarth Press, 1957), vol. 14, pp. 245, 244.另参见Martin Jay, Force Fields: Between Intellectual History and Cultural Critique (New York: Routledge, 1993), p. 93。参见Mary Louise Kete, Sentimental Collaborations: Mourning and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2000)。另参见当时的哀悼手册:Daniel C. Eddy, The Angel’s Whispers; or, Echoes of Spirit Voices (Boston: Horace Wentworth, 1866), and Emily Thornwell, The Rainbow Around the Tomb; or, Rays of Hope for Those Who Mourn (New York: Derby & Jackson, 1857)。
1706282828 [15]Abbie Brooks Diaries, April 4, 1865, Mss 39f, Keenan ResearchCenter, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, Ga.; Kate Foster Diary, November 15, 1863, RBMSC; Kate Stone, Brokenburn: The Journal of Kate Stone, 1861—1868, ed. John Q. Anderson (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1955), p. 258; Cornelia Hancock, South After Gettysburg: Letters, 1863—1868 (New York: T. Y. Crowell, 1956), pp. 67, 15; Myrta Lockett Avary, ed., A Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861—1865 (New York: D. Appleton, 1903), p.41; Mary Greenhow Lee Diary, July 24, 1863, WFCHS.
1706282830 [16]Louis P. Towles, ed., A World Turned Upside Down: The Palmers of South Santee, 1818—1881 (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1996), pp. 341, 348, 342, 359.
1706282832 [17]J. Michael Welton, ed., “My Heart Is So Rebellious”: The Caldwell Letters, 1861—1865 (Warrenton, Va.: Fauquier National Bank, 1991); Towles, ed., World Turned Upside Down, p. 404.
1706282834 [18]Towles, ed., World Turned Upside Down, p. 404; Mrs. H. [Anna Morris Ellis Holstein], Three Years in Field Hospitals of the Army of the Potomac (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1867), p. 13.
1706282836 [19]Jean H. Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography (New York: W.W. Norton, 1987), p. 216; Major General F. H. Smith, Superintendent, Virginia Military Institute, General Orders no. 30, May 13, 1863, VMIA, online at www.vmi.edu/archives/Jackson/cwjacksn.htm.
1706282838 [20]关于哀悼服饰,参见“Fashionable Mourning”, Christian Recorder, September 19, 1863; Katherine Basanese, “Victorian Period Mourning,” The Courier: The Official Newsletter of the American Civil War Association1 (May 1995): 5—7; “The Fashionof Mourning”, Godey’s Lady’s Book 54 (March 1857): 286。另参见Joan L. Severa, Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans and Fashion, 1840—1900 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1995)。
1706282840 [21]Mary D. Robertson, ed., Lucy Breckinridge of Grove Hill: The Journal of a Virginia Girl, 1862—1864 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979), pp. 80—81. Daily South Carolinian, February 26, 1864. Patricia Loughridge and Edward D. C. Campbell Jr., Women in Mourning (Richmond, Va.: Museum of the Confederacy, 1985), p. 24.
1706282842 [22]Margaret Gwyn Diary, April 22 and 29, 1862, Special Collections, RBMSC; Nannie Haskins Diary, March 3, 1863, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville.
1706282844 [23]Welton, “My Heart Is So Rebellious,” p. 239.
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