1706282932 [10]A. S. Collins and H. Collins to Jestin Hampton, March 21, 1865; Thomas B. Hampton Obituary [March 1865]:据来自Thomas B. Hampton Papers, CAH。
1706282934 [11]P hi li p pe A riè s, T he Hour o f Our Dea t h, t ran s. He len Weav er (Ne w Yo r k: A l f re d A. Knopf, 1981), pp. 557—601; Philippe Ariès, Western Attitudes Toward Death: From the Middle Ages to the Present, trans. Patricia M. Ranum (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974).
1706282936 [12]“My God! What Is All This For?”, Wolf C116, American Song Sheets Collection, LCP.
1706282938 [13]Captain Edson Gerry, “Battle of Winchester,” Wolf 108, online at musicanet.org/robokopp/usa/harkthem.htm; “Tell Mother, I Die Happy,” words by C. A. Vosburgh, music by Jabez Burns (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 2290.另参见,“Shall We Know Each Other There?,” Wolf 2081, “Our Southern Dead”, Wolf C130, E. Walter Lowe, “The Dying Soldier” (New York: Charles Magnus, n.d.), Wolf 5486; L. Katzenburger, “The Dying Confederate’s Last Words,” Wolf C49, “Oh! Bless Me, Mother, Ere I Die,” Wolf 1653,均载于American Song Sheet Collection, LCP。
1706282940 [14]J. L. M’Creery, “There Is No Death,” Arthur’s Home Magazine 22 (July 1863): 41.
1706282942 [15]Swedenborg的话引自Colleen McDannell and Bernhard Lang, Heaven: A History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988), p.186。参见Erland J. Brock, ed., Swedenborg and HisInfluenc(BrynAthyn, Pa.: Academy of the New Church, 1988)。我感谢James Kloppenberg与Trygve Throntveit在Swedenborg的问题上为我提供了帮助。关于天堂,另参见Jeffrey Burton Russell, Paradise Mislaid: How We Lost Heaven and How We Can Regain It (New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 2006)。
1706282944 [16]James H. Moorhead, “‘As Though Nothing At All Had Happened’:Death and Afterlife in Protestant Thought, 1840—1955,” Soundings 67, no. 4 (1984): 458—459. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Swedenborg; or, the Mystic,” in Robert E. Spiller, ed., Selected Essays, Lectures and Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson (New York: Washington Square Press, 1965), p. 155.
1706282946 [17]Emily Dickinson to Fanny Norcross and Loo Norcross, April 1861, in Mabel Todd Loomis, ed., Letters of Emily Dickinson (Boston:Roberts Brothers, 1894), vol. 2, p. 237. Dickinson的话引自ShiraWolosky, Emily Dickinson: A Voice of War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984), p. 44; Emily Dickinson, “I never felt at Home—Below—,” #413, in Thomas H. Johnson, The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (Boston: Little, Brown, 1960); McDannell and Lang, Heaven, p. 228; Daily South Carolinian, April 24, 1864; Phillip Shaw Paludan, A People’s Contest: The Union and Civil War, 1861—1865 (1988; rpt. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996), p. 367; Harper’s Weekly, December 5, 1863, p. 784;诗歌载于Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 26 (February 1863): 384, and 29 (October 1864): 584。
1706282948 [18]Robert Patterson, Visions of Heaven for the Life on Earth (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1877); Harper’sWeekly, December 5, 1863, p. 784; William Branks, Heaven Our Home: We Have No Saviour But Jesus and No Home But Heaven (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1864).这本书共有25章,被分为了三个部分;第二部分为“Recognition。”Rebecca Gratz to Ann Boswell Gratz, September 12, 1861, in David Philipson, ed., Letters of Rebecca Gratz (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1929), p.427.关于天堂与犹太人,参见Henry Harbaugh, “Heavenly Recognition Among the Jews,” The Heavenly Recognition; or, An Earnest and Scriptural Discussion of the Question, Will We Know Our Friends in Heaven (Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blackiston, 1865), pp. 85—115。
1706282950 [19]Epes Sargent, The Proof Palpable of Immortality: Being an Account of the Materialization Phenomena of Modern Spiritualism (Boston: Colby and Rich, 1875).
1706282952 [20]Robert S. Cox, Body and Soul: A Sympathetic History of American Spiritualism (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2003), p. 169; James Henry Hammond Diary, December 13, 1853, James Henry Hammond Papers, SCL;参见Drew Gilpin Faust, A Sacred Circle: The Dilemma of the Intellectual in the Old South, 1840—1860 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977), pp.66—67. Ann Braude展示了唯灵论同女权主义尤其紧密的联系,参见Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth-Century America (Boston: BeaconPress, 1989)。关于唯灵论者数量,North American Review在1855年估计,1855年至少有200万;Harriet Beecher Stowe在1869年认为,为400万至500万;相信唯灵论的作家Emma Hardinge在1870年估计,为1100万。Nina Baym, “Introduction”, in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Three Spiritualist Novels (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000), p. ix.
1706282954 [21]Jean H. Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography (New York: W.W. Norton, 1987), pp. 218—220, 221; “Lincoln’s Attendance at Spiritualist Seances,” Lincoln Lore, no. 1499 (January 1963): 1—4; no. 1500 (February 1963): 1—2; John Pierpont, “My Child,” online at www.poetry-archive.com/p/pierpont_john.htm; Henry Ingersoll Bowditch, Memorial (Boston: John Wilson & Son, 1865), p. 49; Bret E. Carroll, Spiritualism in Antebellum America (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997), pp. 16—34。
1706282956 [22]Cox, Body and Soul, p. 176.
1706282958 [23]Epes Sargent, Planchette: or, The Despair of Science (Boston:Roberts Brothers, 1869). “Novel amusement”的说法来自“The Boston Planchette,” American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., reproduced in Braude, Radical Spirits, fig. 5, after p. 114
1706282960 [24]R. Laurence Moore, In Search of White Crows: Spiritualism, Parapsychology, and American Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977), p. 38; Epes Sargent, The Scientific Basisof Spiritualism (Boston: Colby & Rich, 1881), p. 346; John W. Edmonds and George T. Dexter, Spiritualism (New York: Partridge & Brittan, 1853), p. 360; Sargent, Planchette, p. 279.
1706282962 [25]“The Second Death,” Banner of Light, October 19, 1861, p. 6; “Message Department,” April 26, 1862, p. 6; May 31, 1862, p. 6; July 2, 1864, p. 1.; December 13, 1862, p. 6.
1706282964 [26]Banner of Light, April 26, 1862, p. 6.
1706282966 [27]Banner of Light, September 19, 1863; July 16, 1864; May 10, 1862; all p. 6.
1706282968 [28]Banner of Light, August 29, 1863, p. 6.
1706282970 [29]Ibid.参见S. Weir Mitchell用小说形式呈现的一位被截肢者同其四肢的唯灵论式重聚,“The Case of George Dedlow,” Atlantic Monthly, July 1866, online at www.painonline.org/pdf/dedlow.pdf。
1706282972 [30]National Park Service, Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, Names Index Project, online at www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/info.htm.其数据来自National Archives的General Index Cards of the Compiled Military Service记录。
1706282974 [31]Banner of Light, May 31, 1862, p. 5; Sweet, Speaking Dead, pp.11, 12, 3.
1706282976 [32]Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Chapters from a Life (Boston: Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1896) pp. 96, 97, 98, 127, 128; Helen Sootin Smith, “Introduction,” Phelps, The Gates Ajar (1868; rpt. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964), p. xxxiv.参见Barton Levi St. Armand, “Paradise Deferred: The Image of Heaven in the Work of Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps,” American Quarterly 29 (Spring 1977): 55—78; Ann Douglas, “Heaven Our Home: Consolation Literature in the Northern United States, 1830—1880,” American Quarterly 26 (December 1974): 496—515; Lisa Long, “The Corporeity of Heaven: Rehabilitating the Civil War Body in The Gates Ajar,” American Literature 69 (December 1997):781—811;与Carol Farley Kessler, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1982).
1706282978 [33]Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, The Gates Ajar, in Three Spiritualist Novels pp. 5, 32.参见Mark Twain对The Gates Ajar的“滑稽讽刺” ——Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven (1909; rpt. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996)。这或许是The Gates Ajar文化影响的最好证明。
1706282980 [34]Phelps, Gates, pp. 41, 110, 42.
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