1706283092 [2]James Russell Lowell, “Ode Recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865,” in Richard Marius, ed., The Columbia Book of Civil War Poetry: From Whitman to Walcott (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994), pp. 372, 380.
1706283094 [3]Clara Barton to Brigadier General D. C. McCallum, April 14, 1865; Barton to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, draft letter, October 1865, final version dated November 27,1865, Clara Barton Papers, LC.
1706283096 [4]“To Returned Soldiers and Others” [1865], Clara Barton Papers, LC; Elizabeth B. Pryor, Clara Barton: Professional Angel(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987), p. 154.
1706283098 [5]关于通令,参见Brevet Brigadier General J. J. Dana to Brevet Major General J. L. Donaldson, March 19, 1866, in Whitman, Letters Received, RG 92 E-A-1 397A, and E. B. Whitman, Cemeterial Movement, in Final Report, 1869, RG 92 E646, both in NARA; “Civil War Era National Cemeteries,” online at www.va.gov/facmgt/historic/civilwar.asp.另参见U.S. War Department, Quartermaster General’s Office, Compilation of Laws, Orders, Opinions, Instructions, etc. in Regard to National Military Cemeteries (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1878);Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers Who Died in Defence of the American Union, 27 nos. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 186—1871)。
1706283100 [6]Special Order no. 132 in “Report of Captain J. M. Moore,” in Executive Documents Printed by Order of the House of Representatives During the First Session of the ThirtyNinth Congress, 1865—66 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1866), vol. 3, pp.264—266; James M. Moore to Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs, July 3, 1865, M619 208Q 1865, Roll401, NARA.另参见Requests received by Colonel James Moore, 1863—1866, RG 92 E581, Requests for Information Relating to Missing Soldiers 1863—67, RG 92 E582, and Letters Received by Tommy Baker, Clerk of Office of Burial Records,1862—1867, RG 92E580,均引自NARA。
1706283102 [7]关于Andersonville,参见William Marvel, Andersonville: The Last Depot (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994)。
1706283104 [8]Clara Barton, Journal, July 8, July 12, August 5, August 6, and August 17, 1865; Clara Barton to Edmund Stanton, n.d.; all in Clara Barton Papers, LC; Pryor, Clara Barton, p. 138.
1706283106 [9]Barton, Journal, August 5—8, and 17, 1865, Clara Barton Papers, LC; see Requests for Information, NARA; Pryor, Clara Barton, pp.138—42; Monro MacCloskey, Hallowed Ground: Our National Cemeteries (New York: Richards Rosen Press, 1968), p. 32; “Report of Captain J. M. Moore,” in Executive Documents, 1865—66, vol. 3, pp. 264—266.另参见John R. Neff, Honoring the Civil War Dead: Commemoration and the Problem of Reconciliation (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005),与Edward Steere, “Genesis of American Graves Registration, 1861—1870,” Military Affairs 12 (Autumn 1948): 149—161与参见Edmund Whitman Papers, 1830—1876, Schoff Civil War Collection, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Class of 1838 Class Book, call #HUD238.714, Harvard University Archives, Cambridge, Mass.; “1838: Whitman, Edmund Burke,” Biographical File, call#HUG300, Harvard University Archives, Cambridge, Mass。
1706283108 [10]Earnshaw的话引自Monro MacCloskey, Hallowed Ground: Our National Cemeteries (New York: Richard Rosens Press, 1968), p.34。
1706283110 [11]Meigs的话引自Whitman, “Remarks on National Cemeteries,” in W. T. Sherman et al., The Army Reunion (Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1869), p. 227。
1706283112 [12]E. B. Whitman to Thomas Swords, February 13, 1867, in Whitman, Final Report; Circular, January 24, 1866, in E. B. Whitman, Letter Press Book, vol. 1, RG 92 A-1 397A, NARA; Whitman, Final Report.
1706283114 [13]Whitman, Final Report; A. T. Blackmun to E. B. Whitman, n.d.[1865]; John H. Castle to Whitman, January 24, 1866,均来自Letters Received, RG 92 A-1 397A, NARA。
1706283116 [14]E. B. Whitman, Report, May 5, 1866, Cemeterial Reports and Lists, RG 92 A-1 397A, NARA; Whitman, Final Report.
1706283118 [15]Whitman to Donaldson, June 26, 1866, in Whitman, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; E. B. Whitman, Daily Journal, vol. 2, RG 92 E-A1-397A, n.p., both in NARA; Whitman, “Remarks on National Cemeteries,” p.229.
1706283120 [16]Lieutenant Thomas Albee to Thomas Van Horne, November 28, 1865; Donaldson to Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs, December 9, 1865; Barger to E. B. Whitman, February 24, 1866;均来自Whitman, Letters Received; [Whitman], Journal of a Trip ThroughParts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia Made to Locate the Scattered Graves of Union Soldiers [1866], vol. 1, p. 93, RG 92E685, NARA。
1706283122 [17]Whitman, Appendix, Final Report; Whitman, Cemeterial Movement; clipping, April 4, 1866, Letters and Reports Received Relating to Cemeteries, RG 92 E569, NARA.
1706283124 [18]Donaldson to Colonel M. D. Wickersham, April 17, 1866, Whitman, Letters Received; Dana, Remarks of the Quartermaster General, May 26, 1866, Cemetery Reports and Lists RG 92 A-1397A;均藏于NARA。
1706283126 [19]参见Dan T. Carter, When the War Was Over: The Failure of Self-Reconstruction in the South, 1865—1867 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1985); George C. Rable, But There Was No Peace: The Role of Violence in the Politics of Reconstruction (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1984); Eric Foner, Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863—1877(New York: Harper & Row, 1988)。
1706283128 [20]Whitman, Final Report; U.S. House of Representatives, Select Committee on the Memphis Riots, Memphis Riots and Massacres, 1866 (1866; rpt. Miami: Mnemosyne, 1969).
1706283130 [21]Whitman to Donaldson, March 26, 1866, in Whitman, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; Whitman, Cemeterial Reports and Lists; Whitman to Donaldson, March 26, 1866; Whitman to Donaldson, April 18, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; [Whitman], Journal of a Trip; Whitman toDonaldson, March 26, 1866。
1706283132 [22]Whitman to Donaldson, April 29, 1866, in Whitman, Letter Press Book, vol. 1.
1706283134 [23]Whitman, “Remarks on National Cemeteries,” p. 229; Whitman to Donaldson, April 30, 1866, in Whitman, Letter Press Book, vol. 1.
1706283136 [24]Whitman to Donaldson, May 24, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; Whitman to Brigadier General H. M. Whittlesey, May 15, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; Whitman to Donaldson, May 24, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1.
1706283138 [25]Dana, Remarks of the Quartermaster General.
1706283140 [26]Whitman to Donaldson, June 26, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; [Whitman], Journal of a Trip, vol. 2, p. 26.
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