1706283150 [31]Whitman to Donaldson, June 26, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; E. B. Whitman, Speech Draft, n.d., Miscellaneous Records, RG 92A-1 397A, NARA.
1706283152 [32]Clara Barton to Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War, October 1865, Clara Barton Papers, LC.
1706283154 [33]关于这一时期的性别与契约,参见Amy Dru Stanley, From Bondage to Contract: Wage Labor, Marriage and the Market in theAge of Slave Emancipation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998)。另参见Drew Gilpin Faust, “‘The Dread Void ofUncertainty’: Naming the Dead in the American Civil War,” Southern Cultures 11 (Summer 2005): 7—32.这一正在兴起的国家责任感,是人权史的一个发展阶段。参见Lynn Hunt, Inventing Human Rights: A History (New York: W. W. Norton, 2007)。
1706283156 [34]James F. Russling, “National Cemeteries,” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 33 (August 1866): 311, 312, 321.
1706283158 [35]Ibid., p. 322.
1706283160 [36]Wilfred Owen, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, online at www.warpoetry.co.uk/owen1.htm.
1706283162 [37]. Whitman to Donaldson, October 1, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol.1; Thomas的话引自Whitman, Final Report。
1706283164 [38]Whitman to Donaldson, September 23, 1866, Letter Press Book, vol. 1; Whitman, Final Report.
1706283166 [39]Congressional Globe, 39th Cong., 1st sess., February 15, 1867, p. 1374.
1706283168 [40]Whitman, Final Report; Meigs statement of December 22, 1868, quoted in Congressional Globe, 42nd Cong., 2nd sess., May 8, 1872, p. 3220.
1706283170 [41]See www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/poplargrove/poplargrovehist.htm; New York Times, July 8, 1866, p. 4.
1706283172 [42]“The National Cemeteries,” Chicago Tribune, January 23, 1867, p.2; Steven R. Stotelmyer, The Bivouacs of the Dead (Baltimore: Toomey Press, 1992), p. 22.
1706283174 [43]“Report of the Quartermaster General,” Executive Documents Printed by Order of the House of Representatives During the Second Session of the Forty-second Congress (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1872), vol. 2, pp. 135—166; “Report of the Quartermaster General, Secretary of War,” Executive Documents Printed by Order of theHouse of Representatives During the Third Session of the Forty-first Congres(Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1871), vol. 2, p. 210; “CivilWar Era National Cemeteries,” online at www.va.gov/facmgt/historic/civilwar.asp,关于总花费,参见Charles W. Snell and Sharon A. Brown, Antietam National Battlefield and National Cemetery, Sharpsburg, Maryland: An Administrative History (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1986), p. 29; Leslie Perry, “The Confederate Dead,” clipping from New York Sun [1898] in RG 92 585, NARA。关于国家公墓的草图,参见Whitman, Final Report. Sara Amy Leach, Senior Historian, National Cemetery Administration, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, letter toauthor, October 5, 2004,这封信给出了非洲裔美国人埋葬地的详细情况。她指出,坟墓隔离似乎是源于习俗而非明确的规定。关于表格,参见“Weekly Report of the Number of Interments”, July 28, 1866, Letters and Reports Received Relating to Cemeteries, RG 92 E569, NARA。
1706283176 [44]Whitman, “Remarks on National Cemeteries,” p. 225.
1706283178 [45]John Trowbridge, “The Wilderness”, Atlantic Monthly, 17 ( January1866), 45, 46.
1706283180 [46]“Burial of the Rebel Dead”, New York Times, January 30, 1868, p.4; Russell F. Weigley, Quartermaster General of the Union Army: ABiography of M. C. Meigs (New York: Columbia University Press, 1959), pp. 308—310.
1706283182 [47]Examiner的话引自Mary H. Mitchell, Hollywood Cemetery: The History of a Southern Shrine (Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1985), p. 64.
1706283184 [48]“To the Women of the South,” in Daily Richmond Enquirer, May 31, 1866, clipping in Hollywood Memorial Association Collection, ESBL.
1706283186 [49]Oakwood Ladies Memorial Association, Minutes, April 19, 1866, Oakwood Memorial Association Collection, ESBL.
1706283188 [50]Minute Book, 1867, Hollywood Memorial Association Collection.
1706283190 [51]Henry Timrod, “Ode,” in The Columbia Book of Civil War Poetry, ed. Richard Marius (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994), p.418.关于阵亡将士纪念日,参见Blight, Race and Reunion, pp. 70—73; online at www.usmemorialday.org/order11.htm。另参见William Blair, Cities of the Dead: Contesting the Memory of the Civil War in the South, 1865—1914 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), pp. 44—76。
1706283192 [52]Downing的传单引自Anne Sarah Rubin, A Shattered Nation: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy, 1861—1868 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005), p. 234。
1706283194 [53]Ibid., p. 235; Neff, Honoring the Civil War Dead, pp. 146—148.关于女性与内战时期的政治,参见Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996), pp.207—219。
1706283196 [54]“Virginia—Dedication of the Stonewall Cemetery—Feeling of the Southern People—Miscellaneous Incidents,” New York Times, October 29, 1866, p. 8.关于Ashby,参见Confederated Southern Memorial Association, History of the Confederated Memorial Associations of the South (New Orleans: Graham Press, 1904), p.149。
1706283198 [55]Confederated Southern Memorial Association, History, p. 92; Rubin, Shattered Nation, p. 236.另参见Gaines M. Foster, Ghosts of the Confederacy: Defeat, the Lost Cause, and the Emergence of the New South, 1865—1913 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 36—46。
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