1706283192 [52]Downing的传单引自Anne Sarah Rubin, A Shattered Nation: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy, 1861—1868 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005), p. 234。
1706283194 [53]Ibid., p. 235; Neff, Honoring the Civil War Dead, pp. 146—148.关于女性与内战时期的政治,参见Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996), pp.207—219。
1706283196 [54]“Virginia—Dedication of the Stonewall Cemetery—Feeling of the Southern People—Miscellaneous Incidents,” New York Times, October 29, 1866, p. 8.关于Ashby,参见Confederated Southern Memorial Association, History of the Confederated Memorial Associations of the South (New Orleans: Graham Press, 1904), p.149。
1706283198 [55]Confederated Southern Memorial Association, History, p. 92; Rubin, Shattered Nation, p. 236.另参见Gaines M. Foster, Ghosts of the Confederacy: Defeat, the Lost Cause, and the Emergence of the New South, 1865—1913 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 36—46。
1706283200 [56]Abram J. Ryan, “Lines Respectfully Inscribed to the Ladies Memorial Association of Fredericksburg, Virginia,” December 31, 1866, VHS; Abram J. Ryan, “March of the Deathless Dead,” Poems: Patriotic, Religious (Baltimore: Baltimore Publishing Co., 1885), p. 39.参见Robert K. Krick, Roster of the Confederate Deadin the Fredericksburg Confederate Cemetery (Fredericksburg, Va.:published by the author, 1974)。
1706283202 [57]Mary J. Dogan to John S. Palmer, July 1, 1869; Dogan to Palmer, June 16, 1870;均引自Louis P. Towle, ed., A World Turned Upside Down: The Palmers of South Santee, 1818—1881 (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1996), pp. 628, 650。
1706283204 [58]Dogan to Palmer, June 16, 1870, February 25, 1871, ibid., p. 686.
1706283206 [59]Gregory A. Coco, A Strange and Blighted Land: Gettysburg; The Aftermath of a Battle (Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1995), p. 136.关于安蒂特姆的南部邦联死难者与被重葬在Hagerstown的Washington Cemetery的2240具遗体,参见Steven R.Stotelmyer, The Bivouacs of the Dead: The Story of Those Who Died at Antietam and South Mountain (Baltimore: Toomey Press, 1992),与Snell and Brown, Antietam NationalBattlefield and Cemeter。南部邦联死难者也仍埋在北方的战俘营原址。参见,例如,“Confederate Dead.Cemeteries. Elmira,” Confederate Dead Collection, ESBL。
1706283208 [60]Coco, Strange and Blighted Land, p. 134.
1706283210 [61]关于Confederate Memorial Day at Charleston, S.C. Reintermentof the Carolina Dead from Gettysburg (Charleston, S.C.: William C. Maczyck, 1871); Mary H. Mitchell, Hollywood Cemetery: The History of a Southern Shrine (1985; rpt. Richmond: Library ofVirginia, 1999), pp. 83—92。另参见Correspondence Regarding Gettysburg Dead, 1872—1902,与Correspondence and Memoranda Regarding Weaver’s Claim, 1871—1873, Hollywood Memorial Association Collection, ESBL。
1706283212 [62]Coco, Strange and Blighted Land, pp. 143—148; “Ghost of Gettysburg,” Atlanta Journal and Constitution, November 24, 1996, Dixie Living, p. 3.
1706283214 [63]参见David Charles Sloane, The Last Great Necessity:Cemeteries in American History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991)。
1706283216 [64]解释”(Accounting)一词在本章中一语双关,兼有“对……负责”之意。二者的联系为:国家应对死者负责,这就好比管家应对主人解释账本(埃德蒙·B.惠特曼),使用他人财物者应向财物所有人解释其使用情况(克拉拉·巴顿)。
1706283218 第八章 统计
1706283220 [1]Kate Campbell to Mattie McGaw, May 1, 1863, McGaw Family Papers, SCL.
1706283222 [2]Patricia Cline Cohen, A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), p. 205. I. B. Cohen, The Triumph of Numbers: How Counting Shaped Modern Life (New York: W. W. Norton, 2005); Alain DeRosières, The Politics of Large Numbers: A History of Statistical Reasoning (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998).
1706283224 [3]Walt Whitman, Specimen Days, in Whitman, Complete Prose Works (New York: Appleton, 1910), pp. 114—115.
1706283226 [4]Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy During the War of 1861—1865 (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1896), vol. 1, pp. viii, ix.
1706283228 [5]William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman (New York: Library of America, 1990), p. 607.对Sherman的伤亡数字与整个内战的伤亡数字的一个精彩分析,参见James Dawes, “Counting on the Battlefield: Literature and Philosophy After the Civil War,” in The Language of War: Literatureand Culture in the U.S. from the Civil War through World War II (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002), quote on p.29。关于McClellan,参见George B. McClellan, McClellan’s Own Story (New York: C. L. Webster & Co., 1887),与Stephen W. Sears, George B. McClellan: The Young Napoleon (New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1988)。
1706283230 [6]关于Lee,参见William F. Fox, Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861—1865 (Albany, N.Y.: Albany Publishing Company, 1889; rpt. 2002), p. 559。关于Lee在葛底斯堡战役后对伤亡统计数据的篡改,参见Shelby Foote, The Civil War: A Narrative, Vol.2 : From Fredericksburg to Meridian (New York: Random House, 1963), p. 578。
1706283232 [7]William F. Fox, “The Chances of Being Hit in Battle,” Century Illustrated Magazine 36 (May 1888): 94; Fox, Regimental Losses, p. 7.
1706283234 [8]Fox, Regimental Losses, p. 57.
1706283236 [9]John William De Forest, Miss Ravenel’s Conversion from Secession to Loyalty (New York: Harper, 1867), pp. 482—483.另参见John W. De Forest, A Volunteer’s Adventures: A Union Captain’s Record of the Civil War, ed. James H. Croushore (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1946), p. 151.关于南部邦联官兵名册的不可靠性,参见W. H. Taylor to J. E. Hagood, January 13, 1863, Hagood Papers, SCL。关于伤亡统计报告的错谬,参见George C. Rable, Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg! (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), pp. 288—289。
1706283238 [10]J. J. Woodward, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part I, Vol. I: Medical History (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), pp. xxx, xxxi;Thomas L. Livermore, Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America, 1861—1865, 2nd ed. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901), p. 6; “Notes on the Unon and Confederate Armies,” in Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel, eds., Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (New York: Century, 1889), pp. 767—768.关于抚恤金,参见Megan McClintock, “Civil War Pensions and the Reconstruction of Union Families,” Journal of American History 83 (September 1996): 456—480; Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992); William H. Glasson, Federal Military Pensions in the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1918)。
1706283240 [11]Mabel E. Deutrich, Struggle for Supremacy: The Career of General Fred C. Ainsworth (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1962), pp. 46, 91. Compiled Military Service Records (CMSR)已成为了内战研究者与系谱学者的一个必备工具。现已出版了一个索引,其中包含由Silas Felton所写的一个有用的引言。这篇引言讲解了CMSR的起源,并列出了各州官兵名册的书目信息。参见Janet B. Hewett, ed., The Roster of UnionSoldiers, 1861—1865 (Wilmington, N.C.: Broadfoot, 1997。Robert Krick为Janet B. Hewett, ed., The Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861—1865 (Wilmington, N.C.: Broadfoot, 1995)一书写了引言,并在其中同样加入了概论与各州士兵名册目录。
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