1706283256 [19]Fox, Regimental Losses, p. 58.
1706283258 [20]Ibid., p. 1; William F. Fox, “The Chances of Being Hit in Battle,” Century Illustrated Magazine 36 (May 1888): 99.
1706283260 [21]Fox, Regimental Losses, pp. 58—59.
1706283262 [22]Ibid., pp. 58, 59, 61.
1706283264 [23]参见www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/josephstall1137476.htm; Fox, Regimental Losses, p. 46。
1706283266 [24]Walt Whitman, Memoranda During the War (1875; rpt. Bedford, Mass.: Applewood Books, 1993), pp. 74, 73, 74, 75; Walt Whitman, “Reconciliation,” in Whitman, Civil War Poetry and Prose (New York: Dover, 1995) p. 25; Whitman, “As Toilsome I Wander’d Virginia’s Woods”, in Whitman, Civil War Poetry and Prose, p. 25; Whitman, Memoranda, p. 46. Whitman的数字或许源自一封信,即Charles W. Folsom, brevet colonel and assistant quartermaster to Brevet Brigadier General A.J. Perry, U.S. Quartermaster, May 27, 1868。后者为Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers Who Died in Defence of the American Union, Interred in the National Cemeteries and Other Burial Places (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1868的第16卷写了引言,p. viii. Folsom的分类与数字同Whitman的很相似。
1706283268 [25]关于“All Quiet”当时的版本,参见,例如“Editor’s Table,” Southern Literary Messenger 34 (September—October 1862): 589,与“Journal of the War,” DeBow’s Review 2 (July 1866): 68—69。
1706283270 [26]“Only One Killed,” Harper’s Weekly, May 24, 1862, pp. 330—331; Lewis的 话引 自Robert V. Wells, Facing the “King of Terrors”: Death and Society in an American Community, 1750—1990 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 127。
1706283272 [27]参见H. M. Wharton, War Songs and Poems of the Southern Confederacy (Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1904), pp. 153—154, 131—132; “Only”, Harper’s Weekly, January 3, 1863; “One of Many,” Harper’s Weekly, April 16, 1864. “Only a Private Killed”是一首由H. L. Gordon创作、1861年11月12日送给E. H. Ogden女士的诗歌之副诗,GLC6559.01.038, Gilder Lehrman Collection, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, NYHS。
1706283274 [28]关于内战时期的伤感,参见Alice Fahs, “The Sentimental Soldier,” in Fahs, The Imagined Civil War: Popular Literature of the North and South, 1861—1865 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), pp. 93—119,与Frances M. Clarke, “Sentimental Bonds: Suffering, Sacrifice and Benevolence in the Civil War North,” Ph.D. diss. ( Johns Hopkins University, 2001)。关于讽刺,参见Claire Colebrook, Irony (New York: Routledge, 2004)。
1706283276 [29]Fox, Regimental Losses, p. 574.
1706283278 [30]“统计学”(statistics)一词的词根为“国家”(state)。 ——译注
1706283280 尾声
1706283282 [1]Walter Lowenfels, ed. and comp., Walt Whitman’s Civil War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960), p. 15; Bierce的话引自Daniel Aaron, The Unwritten War: American Writers and the Civil War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973), p. 183。
1706283284 [2]Bierce的话引自Roy Morris Jr., Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company (New York: Crown, 1996), p. 205; Sidney Lanier to Bayard Taylor, August 7, 1875, in Charles R. Anderson and Aubrey H. Starke, eds., Letters, 1874—1877, The Centennial Edition of the Works of Sidney Lanier (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1945), vol. 9, p. 230。
1706283286 [3]Susannah Hampton to Dear Sir, September 14, 1863, Philadelphia Agency, Hospital Directory Correspondence, vol. 2, box 597, U.S. Sanitary Commission Records, NYPL.
1706283288 [4]Melville的话引自Lee Rust Brown, “Introduction,” in Herman Melville, Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War: Civil War Poems (1866; rpt. New York: Da Capo Press, 1995), p. viii.
1706283290 [5]Lucy Rebecca Buck, Sad Earth, Sweet Heaven: The Diary of Lucy Rebecca Buck During the War Between the States (Birmingham, Ala.: Cornerstone, 1973), p. 50.
1706283292 [6]Frederick Douglass, “The Mission of the War,” in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass (New York: International Publishers, 1950), vol. 3, p. 397.
1706283294 [7]E. B. Whitman, “Remarks on National Cemeteries,” in W. T.Sherman et al., The Army Reunion (Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1869), p. 225; Herman Melville, “A Utilitarian View of the Monitor’s Fight,” in Battle-Pieces, p. 62.
1706283296 [8]Walt Whitman, “The Million Dead, Too, Summed Up,” Specimen Days (1882; rpt. Boston: David Godine, 1971), p. 59.
1706283298 [9]William McKinley, “Speech Before the Legislature in Joint Assemblyat the State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia, December 14, 1898,” Speeches and Addresses of William McKinley from March 1, 1897 to May 30, 1900 (New York: Doubleday & McClure, 1900), p.159.
1706283300 [10]Douglass的话引自David W. Blight, Frederick Douglass’ Civil War: Keeping Faith in Jubilee (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989), p. 238; Ambrose Bierce, “To E. S.Salomon” [1903], in Bierce, Phantoms of a Blood-Stained Period: The Complete Civil War Writings of Ambrose Bierce, ed. Russell Duncan and David J. Klooster (Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002), p. 334。
1706283302 [11]Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Soldier’s Faith: An Address Delivered on Memorial Day, May 30, 1895, at a Meeting Called by the Graduating Class of Harvard University (Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1895).在1884年的阵亡将士纪念日,Holmes曾在New Hampshire的Keene发表了这一演说的一个较早版本。参见harvardregiment.org/memorial.htm。
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