1706345462 ——, “Jan Compagnie in Japan: 1672—1674, or Anglo-Dutch Rivalry in Japan and Formosa”, in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan , Second series, VII,(Tokyo, 1931).
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1706345466 ——, “Notes on Early European Military Influence in Japan, 1543—1853”, in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan , Second series, VIII,(Tokyo, 1931).
1706345468 ——, “Rin Shihei and his Picture of a Dutch East-India Ship, 1782”, in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan , Second series, IX,(Tokyo, 1932).
1706345470 ——, “Issac Titsingh’s Embassy to the Court of Ch’ien Lung, 1794—1795”, T’ien Hsia Monthly , VIII, I., Jan.(Shanghai, 1939).
1706345472 ——, “The Maritime Twilight of the V. O. C., 1780—1795, Some Sources and Problems”, in Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis , 1—2, The Hague,(1982).
1706345474 Brandon, William, New Worlds for Old ,(Athens, Ohio, and London: Ohio University Press, 1986).
1706345476 Brightwell, P.J., “The Spanish System and Twelve Years Truce”, in English Historical Review , Ixxxix,(1974).
1706345478 ——, “The Spanish Origins of the Thirty Years War”, in European Studies Review , ix,(1979).
1706345480 Britain and the Netherlands, Papers delivered to the Oxford-Netherlands Historical Congress , 1959(London, 1960), Edited by J.S. Bromley & E.H. Kossmann, Vol.II, Papers Delivered to the Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference 1962 ,(Groningen, 1964), appeared after the present work Gone to press.
1706345482 Bowen, H.V., eds., The Worlds of the East India Company ,(Woodbridge: Boydell, 2002).
1706345484 Broeze, Frank, ed., Bridge of the Sea, Port Cities of Asia from the 16th —20th Centuries ,(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989).
1706345486 Burke, Peter, and R. Po-Chia Hsia, eds., Cultural Translation in Early Modern Europe ,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
1706345488 Campell, William M., Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Sources ,(London: Kegan Panl, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1903).
1706345490 Carr, William, An Accurate Description of the United Netherlands ,(London: R. Taylor, 1693)First published in Amsterdam under a different title in 1688, this work continued to be reprinted under varying titles and in slighted differing editions, mostly with the omission of Carr’s name, down to 1744 at least.
1706345492 Carter, Alice, “The Dutch and English Public Debt in 1777”, in Economica ,(Nov.1953).
1706345494 ——, “Dutch Foreign Investment, 1738—1800”, in Economica ,(Nov.1953).
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1706345498 Chisholm, H., The Encyclpaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Science, Literature and General Information , Eleventh Edition,(New York: Horace Hooper, 1911).
1706345500 Christensen, A. G., Dutch Trade to the Baltic about 1600 ,(Copenhagen-Hague, 1941).
1706345502 Chuchiak IV, John F., edited and translated by., The Inquisition in New Spain, 1536—1820, A Documentary History ,(Baltimore: The John Hopkins University, 2012).
1706345504 Chudoba, Bohdan., Spain and Empire, 1519—1643 ,(Chicago: 1952).
1706345506 Correia-Afonso, S.J., John., editor, annotator, and translator, Intrepid Itinerant, Manuel Godinho and His Journey from India to Portugal in 1633 ,(Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1990).
1706345508 Costa, João Cruz, A History of Ideas in Brazil, The Development of Philosophy in Brazil and Evolution of Natural History , translated by Suzette Macedo,(Berkeley and Los Angles: University of California Press, 1964).
1706345510 Davies, Charles M., The History of Holland and Dutch Nation, From the Beginning of Tenth Century to the End of the Eighteenth: Including an Account of Municipal Institution, Commercial Pursuits, and Social Habits of the People; the Rise and Progress of Protentant Reformation, in Holland; the Intestine Dissensions, Foreign Wars ,(London: G. Willis, 1851).
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