1706372631 Lille,France 132,138 Lion,HMS 138.
1706372633 Lipton’s (tea merchants) 649.
1706372635 literature 262-3,264,265,446;see also poetry Liverpool 215,218,268,317,617,752,766,781-2;dockers’ battalion 203;Lloyd George’s speech 246.
1706372637 Liverpool,Robert Jenkinson,2nd Earl of 464.
1706372639 Liverpool Pals 100 Lloyd,Blanche 64,66,99,295-6.
1706372641 Lloyd,Frank 738.
1706372643 Lloyd,George 64,66,296,307.
1706372645 Lloyd George,David 480;character traits 200,212,213,227,235,480,508,511;and Boer War 35,79;anti-war sentiments 35-6;and the economic situation 49,54,57,61,62,79;threatens resignation 63,67;and Asquith 68,70,71;changes his mind over fighting 70,79,85,105;suggests formation of Propaganda Bureau 105-6;and the appearance of the £1 note 121;and Irish Home Rule 123,124;gives histrionic speech 145;disgusted by Churchill 147;introduces his War Budget 157-9;his rapport with unions 166-7;anti-drink policies 168,169-74,211;argues for equal treatment of unmarried women 176;and Kitchener 179,180,199;in War Council 182-3,186,193;in charge of Munitions Committee 194;critical of Asquith 198;his views on the war 199;rumoured to be conspiring with Northcliffe against Asquith 199-200,201;his relationship with Frances Stevenson 200;and Dardanelles campaign 201;clashes with Kitchener over munitions 201,203;and McKenna 208;and Asquith’s Newcastle speech 210-11;and Northcliffe 211,221,227,228,239,241,287;receives Repington’s report on munitions situation 221;and Fisher’s resignation 223-4;and coalition 224,225,227,229,231,235-6;and Churchill 230-31;as Minister of Munitions 231-2,233-5,246-8,455;replaced as Chancellor by McKenna 236;suspected of conspiring against Asquith 244,273;relations with the unions 247-8,271,272,281-2,283-4,286,316,337;and Addison’s dire report 248-9;and female employment 274-5;in favour of conscription 277-8,279,280,281,288,292,293,307,312,326,327-8;disillusioned by Asquith 287-8,291,292,294,323;threatens to resign 288,294,307,326;wants small War Cabinet 293;joins Asquith’s new War Committee 295,299;Clementine Churchill’s view of 300;and Northcliffe 308,312,315,325,397;and Carson 312;clashes with Kitchener 314,315;makes statement about arms supplies 315-17;urges improved air defences for London 318;disillusioned with conduct of the war 320,323,326;schemes against Asquith 326-7,328;decides not to resign 328;and Ireland 358,373,376-92 passim,397;and Kitchener’s death 397,398-9;becomes war secretary 399,400-3;and Battle of the Somme 412,420,421;writes letter for premiere of The Battle of the Somme 416;and Bertrand Russell 423,424;and conscription in Ireland 427,428;criticised by Esher 435-7,and Haig 437;gives United Press of America interview 436,440;attacked in the press 437-8;wants Robertson out 438,439,450;moves towards coup against Asquith 446,447-8,450-51,456,457,458-75 passim,488;asked by the King to form a government 476-9,481-3;his War Cabinet 483-6,502;and Robertson and Haig 486-7,491;offers Aitken a peerage 488-9;and growth of civil service 490;fails to attend Parliament 491,500-1;and German peace overtures 491,492;addresses Parliament for the first time as prime minister 492-6;takes over Propaganda Bureau 501;summons Imperial Conference of prime ministers 502;his war strategies 503;and Nivelle’s plan 503-6,507,555;clashes with Haig and Robertson 504-7;and Derby 508,520-21,545;and Dardanelles Commission report 508,510;puts Geddes in charge of Admiralty 511,512-13;brings Churchill back 513-16,517-18;relations with Northcliffe 518-20;abuses honours system 521-3,524;and food shortages 524-5,526,538,529,533-4,538-9,540-41,543,544;and Neville Chamberlain 545-6,546,547,550-52;and manpower problems 547-8,549,550,551;and postwar reconstruction 554;favours ‘Salonica’ strategy 314,399,438,450,487,503,555;and Robertson/Haig plan (Ypres) 556-7,558,559,560,561-2;wants to launch offensive in Italy 556,557,560-61;and Turkey 561;plans Supreme War Council 562,564,565,566;hostile to Robertson 562-4,565;berates Haig 564-5;gives Paris speech on dangers of Allied disunity 565,566;holds Cambrai ‘failure’ against Haig and Robertson 567;meets French prime minister 567;and growing cynicism 576;and Henderson and the Labour Party 576-8;and Lansdowne’s letter 583,584;makes speech on war aims to the unions 584-5;and the Tsar’s request for asylum 587,588,589,590;warned of the effects of the Russian Revolution 587,593;and industrial unrest 592,593,594-5,654;and public spending 601,602;and air raids on London 608,609-10;and national health insurance 620;appoints Barnes responsible for care of disabled soldiers 621;and suffrage 622,623-4;and the Irish question 626-7,628-9,630-31,633,636;dishonest over troop numbers 642-3,658;speaks to trades unionists 645;and Sir Henry Wilson 646;enraged by the generals’ callousness 646-8;has problems with Northcliffe and Robertson 657,658;wishes to avoid further slaughter 658;criticised for appointing Beaverbrook Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 659,660-61,662-3,664;attacked by Repington 665-6;forms Alien Committee 668;at Versailles Supreme War Council 669;comes to an agreement with Clemenceau 669;clashes with Robertson and dismisses him 669,670-73,674-6,677-8;attacked by Asquith 673-5;retains Haig 674-5,676-7,678-80,681;duped by Wilson 681,682;‘the greatest liar’ 682;and conscription 682;and Churchill 683,759;optimistic 684;and Irish conscription 685,686,687,688-9,690,691,692,694-5,696-7,69
1706372647 Lloyd George,Megan 824.
1706372649 Local Government Board (LGB) 149,237,471,534,614,747,752,753.
1706372651 Lodge,Lady Mary (née Marshall) 419.
1706372653 Lodge,Sir Oliver 418-19;Survival of Man 419.
1706372655 Lodge,Raymond 419.
1706372657 Lody,Carl Hans 114-15,116.
1706372659 Logue,Cardinal Michael,Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland 348,695.
1706372661 London:Neutrality League 55;and war fever 66,72,77;The Oval 94;enemy aliens 109,110;Tower of London execution 114;trafficking 122;arrival of the wounded 140;Asquith’s Guildhall speech 144;blackout 150,318;Queen’s Hall concerts 151;rioting (1915) 218;Zeppelin raids 245,255,259,277,287,431,432,605;exhibitions 264,265;nightclubs and clubs 287,525,751;blackout 287,317,318,617;bombing by aircraft 440,558,607-11,684;food shortages 525-6;taxi-drivers 550;coal shortages 553;housing 598,791-2;prostitution 611-12,618;VD and VD centres 613,655;juvenile delinquency 615-16;police see Metropolitan Police;concerts 652-3;Spanish ’flu 751-2,758;Armistice 754-5,758,759,760;The Cenotaph 780;postwar suburbs 785.
1706372663 London,Treaty of:1839 58,92;1867 64.
1706372665 London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality 287.
1706372667 London County Territorials 140.
1706372669 Londonderry,Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart,7th Marquess of 103,697.
1706372671 Londonderry,Edith Vane-Tempest-Stewart,Marchioness of (formerly Lady Castlereagh;née Chaplin) 103,785.
1706372673 Londonderry,Dowager Lady Theresa (née Chetwynd-Talbot) 785.
1706372675 London Opinion 152.
1706372677 London Rifle Brigade 750.
1706372679 London Symphony Orchestra 652.
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