1706373231 Rents and Mortgage Interest Restriction Bill (1915) 285-6,792-3.
1706373233 Repington,Lt Colonel Charles à Court:calls for Kitchener to become Secretary of State 71;and Haldane 99;hears from Kitchener that BEF needs reinforcements 132;reports on shell shortage (the Shell Scandal) 220-21,228,229,230,240,249;and Lloyd George 293,420;and Sir John French 299;and recruitment 326,336-7,426;on public acceptance of casualties 417;and Lloyd George and Robertson 438;and Aitken 489;colludes with Haig 557;has building repairs 603;his articles are rewritten by Dawson 657-8;resigns from The Times 658;moves to Morning Post 665;prosecuted by Lloyd George 665-6;criticises Lloyd George’s plan to fight the Turks 669,and the War Cabinet 680;accuses Lloyd George of misleading Parliament 690-91,and failing to supply Army needs 705-6;and Maurice 710,712.
1706373235 Representation of the People Act (1918) 625,734.
1706373237 Reuter,Rear Admiral Ludwig von 823.
1706373239 Reynold’s News 66,468,737.
1706373241 RFC see Royal Flying Corps.
1706373243 Rhodes,Cecil 418.
1706373245 Rhondda,David Thomas,1st Viscount 534-7,538,539-40,541,542-4,593,620,649,764.
1706373247 Ribblesdale,Thomas Lister,4th Baron 660.
1706373249 Ribot,Alexandre 561,567.
1706373251 RIC see Royal Irish Constabulary.
1706373253 Richardson,Sir Albion 805.
1706373255 Ricketts,Oscar Gristwood 333.
1706373257 Riddell,Sir George 38;relations with Lloyd George 179,200,244,397,438,439,480,694;on Law 224;arranges for Runciman to meet miners’ leader 270,271;critical of Northcliffe 312,438;on Frances Stevenson 403;and Churchill 518;warned by Carson of food shortages 529;tells Lloyd George of sugar queues 533-4;foresees confrontation between Lloyd George and the generals 562;and Burnham 583;warns Lloyd George of a grim year ahead 643;and Northcliffe 736;in conspiracy to buy Daily Chronicle 737;quotes MacDonald 76,Seely 95,Lloyd George 179,279,292,326,378,420,446,483-4,513,520,547,682,694,734,770,Northcliffe 199,241,Lady Lyttelton 223,Churchill 231,412,443-4,Long 386,Smuts 559,Beaverbrook 659.
1706373259 Riezler,Kurt 10.
1706373261 Rivers,William Halse R. 573,783.
1706373263 Roberts,Frederick Roberts,Field Marshal Earl 127-8.
1706373265 Robertson,John 648-9.
1706373267 Robertson,Field Marshal Sir William (‘Wullie’) 297;and Sir John French 129,298;and Haig 194,297,299;as CIGS 399,306;and need for conscription 306,308,324,326,328,337;on the Easter Rising 360;his advice relied on by War Committee 395;and Kitchener 398;praises Lloyd George 399;and Lloyd George’s appointment as secretary of war 400-1,402;and Somme offensive 408-9,412,421;and Lloyd George’s interference 402,438,439;refuses to go to Russia 439;contemptuous of Lansdowne’s paper on the war 440;on Asquith and the War Committee 447;clashes with Lloyd George 450,486-7,491,503;furious at not being consulted about Nivelle plan 505-6;and the King 507;and the inefficient state of the Admiralty 512;and need for further recruitment 544,546;considers disabled soldiers 554;and failure of Nivelle offensive 555;commits with Haig to Western campaign 556-7,560;opposes Lloyd George’s ideas for Italian offensive 560-61;offers Derby his resignation 562-3;and Lloyd George’s attempts to force him out 563,565,567;and French’s report 563-4;and the Supreme War Council 565;suspected of intriguing against Lloyd George 565,566;and stories of German ‘corpse factory’ 571;on injustices of recruitment 580;and defence against German bombing raids 608-9;further clashes with Lloyd George over troop numbers 642;attacked by Northcliffe 643,657,658,660,664;Lloyd George wants to replace with Sir Henry Wilson 646,647,648,657;dismayed by Haig’s political stupidity 647;falls out with Lloyd George at Supreme War Council meeting 669;refuses to work with the Council 670;forced out by Lloyd George 671-4,675-6,678,692;Haig fails to support 677;and Maurice Letter 709,710;postwar award 796;and mutiny of demobilised soldiers 802.
1706373269 Robinson,Albert,Archdeacon of Surrey 177.
1706373271 Robinson,Geoffrey see Dawson,Geoffrey.
1706373273 Robinson,Lt William Leefe 430-31.
1706373275 Rochdale:cotton workers 246-7.
1706373277 Rodd,Sir James Rennell 20.
1706373279 Romania 82,139.
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