1706391899 [6]索雷尔在他著名的《暴力论》中提到,经过算计、危险且报复心强的暴力是令人厌恶的。倒是自发性的暴力、自然产生的暴力,举例来说,某一阶级为追求正义公理而发动造反,这种暴力则是纯粹且受到祝福的。——译者注
1706391904 巴尔干五百年:从拜占庭帝国灭亡到21世纪 [:1706389970]
1706391905 巴尔干五百年:从拜占庭帝国灭亡到21世纪 注释
1706391907 引言 名称的由来
1706391909 1.Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, cited in Stanko Todorov, Imagining the Balkans (New York, 1997), p.19.
1706391911 2.Warrington W.Smyth, A Year with the Turks (New York, 1854), p.169.
1706391913 3.Earl of Albermarle (George Keppel), Narrative of a Journey Across the Balcan (London, 1831); M.von Tietz, St Petersburgh, Constantinople and Napoli di Romania in 1833 and 1834(New York, 1836 ed.), p.91; Lt-Gen.A.Jochmus, “Notes on a Journey into the Balkan, or Mount Haemus in 1847”, Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 24 (1854), pp.36-86; E.Ollier, Cassell’s Illustrated History of the Russo-Turkish War (London, n.d.), vol.2, p.15.
1706391915 4.P. Vidal de la Blache and L.Gallois, Geographie Universelle, vol.7, no.2 (Paris, 1934), pp.395-396; J.Pinkerton, Modern Geography: A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States and Colonies, with the Oceans, Seas Isles in All Parts of the World, 2 vols. (London, 1802), vol.1, p.461; Jochmus, “Notes”, p.64.The earliest indigenous account is probably D.Filippides and G.Konstantas’s 1791 Geografia neoteriki:see the edition edited by A.Koumarianou (Athens, 1988).
1706391917 5.Rhigas in R.Clogg, ed., The Movement for Greek Independence, 1770—1821(London, 1976), pp.157-163.E.A.Freeman, ‘Race and Language’, Contemporary Review, 29 (1877), pp.711-741.
1706391919 6.Cf.Ami Boue, Recueil d’itineraires dans la Turquie d’Europe (Vienna, 1854), vol.2, pp.327-332; H.F.Tozer, Researches in the Highlands of Turkey (London, 1869), vol.2, pp.393-397; Saint-Marc Girardin cited in T.G.Djuvara, Cent projets de partage de la Turquie (Paris, 1914), p.496.
1706391921 7.F.Crousse, La Péninsule greco-slave(Brussels, 1876); T. Fischer, Mittelmeerbilder (Leipzig, 1906), p.44; D. M. Brancoff (Dimitur Mishev), La Macédoine et sa population chrétienne (Paris, 1905), p.3; J.R.Mariott, The Eastern Question: An Historical Study in European Diplomacy (Oxford, 1917), p.21.
1706391923 8.Harry de Windt, Through Savage Europe (London, 1907), p.15; M.Todorova, Imagining the Balkans (New York, 1997), p.122.
1706391925 9.R. West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (London, 1943), vol.1, p.23.
1706391927 10.E. Christiansen, The Northern Crusaders (London, 1997), .p.2; on the two phases of Muslim Holy War against Europe, see B. Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe (New York, 1982), pp.20-28; K.M.Setton, Prophecies of Turkish Doom (Philadelphia, 1992), p.4.
1706391929 11.K. M.Setton, op. cit., and Europe and the Levant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance(London, 1974); Knolles cited in Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe, p.32; on Muslim and Turk as synonyms, N.Matar, Islam in Britain, 1558-1685(Cambridge, 1998), p.21.
1706391931 12.L. Valensi, Venezia e la Sublima Porta: La nascita del despota (Bologna, 1989), pp.41, 44; L.Stavrianos, The Balkans since 1453 (New York, 1965), pp.74-75.
1706391933 13.N. Matar, op.cit., 14, p.22.
1706391935 14.See A. Pippidi, “La Decadence de l’empire ottoman comme concept historique, de la Renaissance aux lumières”, Revue des Etudes Sudest Européennes, xxxv, 1-2 (1997), pp.5-19.
1706391937 15.如同A.Pippidi说的, 同时代的欧洲社会中也有反潮流、亲土耳其的批评人士(但较弱势), 孟德斯鸠是其中之一: A.Pippidi, op.cit., pp.18-19。
1706391939 16.A. J. Evans, Through Bosnia and the Hercegovina on Foot (London, 1877), p.89; H. Holland, Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia etc.during the Years 1812 and 1813 (London, 1815), pp.69-70; The War Correspondence of Leon Trotsky: The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913 (New York, 1981), pp.58-59.
1706391941 17.E. A. Freeman, Ottoman Power in Europe (London, 1877), p.1; A.Oakes and R.B.Mowat, eds., The Great European Treaties of the Nineteenth Century (Oxford, 1918), p.177; N.Sousa, The Capitulatory Regime of Turkey (Baltimore, 1933), p.162.See also J.C.Hurewitz, “Ottoman Diplomacy and the European State System”, Middle East Journal, 15 (1961), pp.141-152.
1706391943 18.Anon.(Lord JR), The Establishment of the Turkish Empire (London, 1828), p.27; R.G.Latham, The Ethnology of Europe(London, 1852), p.6; The Nationalities of Europe (London, 1863) vol.2 , p.69; E.Joy Morris, Notes of a Tour through Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Arabia Petraea to the Holy Land (Philadelphia, 1842), vol.2, p.48; Edith Durham, The Burden of the Balkans (London, 1905), p.104.
1706391945 19.Ami Boue, op. cit. p.331; on the expulsion of Muslims from Balkan states, see A. Toumarkine, Les Migration des Populations Musulimanes Balkaniques en Anatolie (1876-1913) (Istabul, 1995), a useful source to set against the less balanced J. McCarthy, Death and Exile: the Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims(Princeton, 1995); on shrinking of Turkish usage, see B.Lory, “Parler le turc dans les Balkans ottomans au XIXe sièicle”, in F. Georgeon and P.Dumont, eds., Vivre dans l’empire Ottoman (Paris, 1997), pp.237-245; on destruction of monuments, see M.Kiel, Studies in the Ottoman Architecture of the Balkans (Variorum, 1990).
1706391947 20.F.Moore, “the Changing Map of the Balkans”, The National Geographic Magazine (February, 1913), pp.199-226.
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