1706392103 26.G. Rouillard, La vie rurale dans l’Empire Byzantine (Paris, 1953), p. 199; cf. for useful methodological remarks, V. Shevzov, “Chapels and the Ecclesial World of Prerevolutionary Peasants”, Slavic Review, 55, no 3 (Fall 1996), pp. 584-613, and C. Chulos, “Myths of the Pious or Pagan Peasant in Post-emancipation Central Russia (Voronezh province)”, Russian History, 22, no 2 (Summer, 1995), pp. 181-216. My thanks to Laura Engelstein for these references.
1706392105 27.Cited in Balivet, “Aux origins”, p. 18; see the work of W. Christian, esp. Local Religion in Sixteenth Century Spain (Princeton, 1981). My thanks to Ken Mills for this reference. Foster, ed. , Busbecq, pp. 136-137.
1706392107 28.A“shared world”is the title of M. Greene, A Shared World (Princeton, 2000); N. Todorov, “Traditions et transformations dans les villes balkaniques avec l’instauration de l’Empire Ottoman”in his Society, the City and Industry in the Balkans, 15th-19th Centuries (Variorum, 1998), vol. 3, p. 99; Jennings, Christians and Muslims, pp. 134, 142.
1706392109 29.B. F. Musallam, Sex and Society in Islam (Cambridge, 1983); S. Purchas, Purchas His Pilgrimes vol. 8 (Glasgow, 1905), p. 276; N. Pantazopoulos, “Church and Law in the Balkan Peninsula during Ottoman Rule”, Epistimoniki epeterida:Anticharisma ston Nikolao I. Pantazopoulo, vol. 3 (Thessaloniki, 1986), pp. 327-329; Stanford and Finopoulos, Lord Charlemont, pp. 48-49. The practice of kepinion is also described in the 17th century accounts of Thevenot and Rycaut [History of the Present State of the Greek and Armenian Churches].
1706392111 30.F. Babinger, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time (Princeton, 1978), pp. 16-18; Memoirs of Ismail Kemal Pasha, p. 38.
1706392113 31.Jennings, Christians and Muslims, p. 29; Greene, A Shared World; C. Imber, “‘Involuntary’ Annulment of Marriage and Its Solutions in Ottoman Law”in Imber, Studies in Ottoman History and Law (Istanbul, 1996), p. 226.
1706392115 32.R. Dankoff[translator], The Intimate Life of an Ottoman Statesman Melek Ahmed Pasha (1588-1662), as portrayed in Evliya Celebi’s Book of Travels [Seyahat-name] (Albany, New York, 1991), pp. 249-250; see also, Bracewell, Uskoks of Senj, pp. 181-182.
1706392117 33.F. W. Hasluck, Christianity and Islam under the Sultans (Oxford, 1929), ii, p. 554; Durham, Burden of the Balkans, p. 356.
1706392119 34.Durham, Burden of the Balkans, p. 51.
1706392121 35.New Martyrs, p. 39; Durham, Some Tribal Origins, pp. 290-291.
1706392123 36.R. Gradeva, “Ottoman Policy towards Christian Church Buildings”, pp. 14-35; J. V. de la Roiere, Voyage en Orient (Paris, 1836), p. 273.
1706392125 37.D. Warriner, ed. , Contrasts in Emerging Societies, p. 234.
1706392127 38.S. Deringil, Well-Protected Domains:Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909 (London, 1999), p. 115.
1706392129 39.New Martyrs (Martyrdom of Holy New Hieromartyr, Serafim, Bishop of Phanarion), p. 361.
1706392131 40.F. Venturi, The End of Old Regime in Europe, 1768-1776 (Princeton, 1989), pp. 10-29.
1706392133 41.G. Finlay, The History of Greece under Ottoman and Venetian Domination (London, 1861), pp. 323-324; Varlaam cited by T. Prousis, Russian Society and the Greek Revolution (Dekalb, Illinois, 1994), p. 6; T. Blancard, Les Mavroyeni, vol. 3 (Paris, 1909), pp. 84-85; Dapontes in Mango, “Phanariots and Byzantine tradition”, p. 55.
1706392135 42.Numbers of books in print cited by C. Koumarianou, “The Contribution of the Intelligentsia towards the Greek Independence Movement, 1798-1821”, in Clogg, ed. , The Struggle for Greek Independence, p. 70.
1706392137 43.P. Kitromilides, “The Enlightenment East and West:a Comparative Perspective on the Ideological Origins of the Balkan Political Traditions”, in his Enlightenment, Nationalism, Orthodoxy, pp. 51-70; Clogg, “Aspects of the Movement for Greek Independence”, in Clogg, ed. , The Struggle for Greek Independence, p. 26.
1706392139 44.Text in Clogg, ed. , The Movement for Greek Independence, 1770-1821, pp. 157-163.
1706392141 45.Clogg, “Aspects”, pp. 25-29; Clogg, Movement, pp. 58-61, 89-90.
1706392143 46.Paisii cited by Clogg, “Aspects of the Movement”in Clogg, ed. , Struggle, p. 21; On the Romanian enlightenment, see K. Hitchens, The Romanian National Movement in Transylvania, 1780-1849 (Cambridge, Mass. 1969).
1706392145 47.P. Sugar and I. Lederer, eds. , Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Seattle, 1969), pp. 105-106, 373-379, 401-402.
1706392147 48.P. Kitromilides, “‘Imagined Communities’ and the Origins of the National Question in the Balkans”, in his Enlightenment, Nationalism, Orthodoxy, XI:p. 158.
1706392149 49.C. Frazee, The Orthodox Church and Independent Greece, 1821-1852 (Cambridge, 1969), p. 31.
1706392151 50.Frazee, Orthodox Church, p. 188; P. Ramet, ed. , Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twentieth Century (Durham, NC, 1988), pp. 10-11.
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