1706550520 [104] Tusa,V. 1984 Lilibeo testimonianze archeologiche dal IV sec. a.C. al V sec. d.C. Palermo,36-37,49-55,69-71.
1706550522 [105] Tusa,V. 1984 Lilibeo testimonianze archeologiche dal IV sec. a.C. al V sec. d.C. Palermo,35。
1706550524 [106] Caruso,E. 2003 ‘Lilibeo-Marsala:le fortificazioni puniche e medievali’,in Atti di Quartet Giornate Internazionale di Studi sull’area Elima. Pisa. 173-226;Tusa,V. 1984 Lilibeo testimonianze archeologiche dal IV sec. a.C. al V sec. d.C. Palermo,24-35;Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,101-105.
1706550526 [107] Tusa,V. 1984 Lilibeo testimonianze archeologiche dal IV sec. a.C. al V sec. d.C. Palermo,21-23;Purpura,G. 1981 ‘Un graffito di nave in un cunicolo delle fortificazioni puniche di Lilibeo’,Sicilia Archeologica Trapani,13,44:39-42.
1706550528 [108] Jenkins,G. 1971-8 ‘Coins of Punic Sicily’. Parts 1-4 in Swiss Numismatic Review,8-33.
1706550530 [109] Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,13.59.3;Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,123-129;Tusa,V. 1984 Lilibeo testimonianze archeologiche dal IV sec. a.C. al V sec. d.C. Palermo,36-37.
1706550532 [110] Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,127.
1706550534 [111] Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,47。
1706550536 [112] Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,127。然而,尽管明显受到了迦太基文化的影响,但公元前4世纪玛拉弗鲁斯圣殿的宗教用途,显然是对当地重大宗教仪式可能长期得到希腊人和迦太基人极大尊重这一事实的再度确认。
1706550538 [113] Acquaro,E. 1988 Gli insediamenti fenici e punici in Italia. Rome,38-39.
1706550540 [114] Moscati,S. 1986 Italia Punica. Milan,130-155;Acquaro,E. 1988 Gli insediamenti fenici e punici in Italia. Rome,41-43.
1706550542 [115] Morris,I.,et al. 2001 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,I:Preliminary Report on the 2000 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,46:253-71;Morris,I.,et al. 2002 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,II:Preliminary Report on the 2001 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,47:153-98;Morris,I.,et al. 2003 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,III:Preliminary Report on the 2002 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,48:243-315;Morris,I.,et al. 2004 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,IV:Preliminary Report on the 2003 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,49:197-279.
1706550544 [116] Lysias,Olympiacus,ed. & tr. W. Lamb. Cambridge,Mass.,2000,33.3;Plutarch Tim. 1.1-2.
1706550546 [117] Cornelius Nepos,Hamilcar,Hannibal,Timoleon,in Lives of Eminent Commanders,ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. London,1929. 3.1.
1706550548 [118] 考古学者在当地发现了大量由迦太基铸币厂铸造的军用币,以及运输用的迦太基双耳细颈椭圆土罐,因而得出这一结论。对蒙特阿拉德诺的研究见Fiorentini,G. 1995 Monte Adranone. Rome。
1706550550 [119] 发现物包括迦太基铜币、骰子、大量盛酒用的双耳细颈椭圆土罐和进口希腊陶器(Morris,I.,et al. 2001 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,I:Preliminary Report on the 2000 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,46:253-71;Morris,I.,et al. 2002 ‘Stanford University Excavations on the Acropolis of Monte Polizzo,Sicily,II:Preliminary Report on the 2001 Season’,Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome《罗马美国学院学报》,47:153-98)。
1706550552 [120] Anello,P. 1986 ‘Il trattato del 405/4 a.C. e la formazione della “eparchia” punica di Sicilia’,Kokalos,170-172.
1706550554 [121] Fariselli,A. 1999 ‘The Impact of Military Preparations on the Economy of the Carthaginian State’,in Pisano(ed.)1999,62-65.一些人甚至欲将这种现象视为一种“经济保护国”模式的建立:让雇佣军们移居迦太基人享有宗主权的地区,而让他们保护这些地区。然而,这些新移民点——在那里出土了大量来自北非的双耳细颈椭圆土罐——与西西里西部的旧迦太基城市相比,在物质文化方面存在着明显的差异(在西西里西部的旧迦太基城市发现的大部分双耳细颈椭圆土罐均为本地出产)。这种差异似乎体现了这样一个事实,这些新移民点并不是日渐繁荣的当地经济的一部分(Bechtold,B. 2007 ‘Nuovi dati basati sulla distribuzione di ceramiche campane e nordafricane/cartaginesi’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,54-58)。
1706550556 [122] Whittaker,C. R. 1978 ‘Carthaginian Imperialism in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries’,in P. D. A. Garnsey & C. R. Whittaker(eds.)1978 Imperialism in the Ancient World. Cambridge,60,88-90.
1706550558 [123] Bechtold,B. 2007 ‘Nuovi dati basati sulla distribuzione di ceramiche campane e nordafricane/cartaginesi’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,65-67;Bechtold,B. 2008 Observations on the Amphora Repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Ghent,56-74,76.
1706550560 [124] Bechtold,B. 2007 ‘Nuovi dati basati sulla distribuzione di ceramiche campane e nordafricane/cartaginesi’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,54-58.
1706550562 [125] Bechtold,B. 2007 ‘Nuovi dati basati sulla distribuzione di ceramiche campane e nordafricane/cartaginesi’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,54-58.
1706550564 [126] Docter,R. et al. 2006 ‘Carthage Bir Massouda:Second Preliminary Report on the Bilateral Excavations of Ghent University and the Institut National du Patrimoine(2003-2004)’,Bulletin antieke Beschavung《古代文明学报》,54.
1706550566 [127] Chelbi,F. 1992. Céramique à vernis noir de Carthage. Tunis,18-20.
1706550568 [128] Bechtold,B. 2008 Observations on the Amphora Repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Ghent,49-50.
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