1706551120 [48] Franke,P. 1989 ‘Pyrrhus’,in Walbank et al.(eds.)1989,463-466.
1706551122 [49] Pausanias,Description of Greece,ed. & tr. W. Jones & R. Wycherley. 5 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1918-35,1.12.1;Gruen,E. 1990 Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy. Leiden,12.
1706551124 [50] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.9;Gruen,E. 1990 Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy. Leiden,12-13;Galinsky,K. 1969 Aeneas,Sicily,and Rome. Princeton,173.
1706551126 [51] Momigliano,A. 1977 ‘Athens in the Third Century B.C. and the Discovery of Rome in the Histories of Timaeus of Tauromenium’,in A. Momigliano,Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography. Oxford,53-58;Walbank,F. W. 2002 Polybius,Rome,and the Hellenistic World:Essays and Reflections. Cambridge,172-177.蒂迈欧的观点对罗马人对迦太基的看法所起到的重要影响见Feeney,D. 2007 Caesar’s Calendar:Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History. Berkeley,52-57。
1706551128 [52] Dionysius of Halicarnassus,The Roman Antiquities,ed. & tr. E. Cary. 7 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1948-50,1.74.1.关于蒂迈欧的说法与他所使用的,将罗马与迦太基的建城年代定于同一年的方法见Feeney,D. 2007 Caesar’s Calendar:Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History. Berkeley,43-52。
1706551130 [53] 蒂迈欧解释道,罗马的10月马节——在节日期间,一匹马将被作为祭品——与希腊人攻占特洛伊的战役(指希腊人利用木马计攻陷特洛伊城)有关(Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,12.4b.1-12.4c.1)。他还说被埃涅阿斯从特洛伊取走的神物“帕纳忒斯”(Penates,罗马人的家庭守护神)一直被存放在拉丁城镇拉维尼姆城(Dionysius of Halicarnassus,The Roman Antiquities,ed. & tr. E. Cary. 7 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1948-50,1.67.3-4)。蒂迈欧调查手段的相关证据见Festus Rufus Avienus,Ora Maritima or Description of the Seacoast,ed. & tr. J. Murphy. Chicago,1999,190 L。然而,蒂迈欧宣称他的观点是真实可信的,并强调他走访了有关地区且会见了当地居民之类的说法遭到了波利比乌斯的强烈质疑与嘲笑(12.4d.1-2)。
1706551132 [54] Vattuone,R. 2002 ‘Timeo di Tauromenio’,in Vattuone(ed.)2002,221-222.蒂迈欧记载中关于皮洛士的部分得以保存下来的少之又少,这方面的情况见Pearson,L. 1987 The Greek Historians of the West:Timaeus and his Predecessors. Atlanta,255-259。
1706551134 [55] Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,4.21.6-7,4.22.1-2;Pearson,L. 1975 ‘Myth and archaeologia in Italy and Sicily-Timaeus and his Predecessors’,Yale Classical Studies,188-192.
1706551136 [56] Ritter,S. 1995 Hercules in der römischen Kunst von den Anfängen bis Augustus. Heidelberg,27-29.这一象征对于凯旋的罗马将军而言,还有着个人渊源,其中一位凯旋之将是费边家族的一位成员。盖乌斯·费边(Gaius Fabius)与另一位执政官昆图斯·奥古鲁尼乌斯(Quintus Ogulnius)都可以宣称他们的家族与钱币上的肖像人物罗慕路斯和雷穆斯有关系。费边家族据说是坚定支持雷穆斯的一群牧人的后代(Ovid,Fasti [The Festivals],ed. & tr. J. Frazer. Cambridge,Mass.,1931,2.361,2.375)。对于奥古鲁尼乌斯而言,狼与双胞胎的图案记录了他一生中最美好的时刻之一:在近三十年前,他成功地审判了几个令人憎恶的放高利贷者。一部分罚金被用于委托他人铸造一组雕像,用于展现婴儿时代的罗慕路斯与雷穆斯被母狼哺育的场景(Livy,History of Rome [inc. Epitome],ed. & tr. B. Foster et al. 14 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1961-7,10.23)。
1706551138 [57] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.10.1-2;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.6,8.8;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,22.13.5-7;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,35-37.
1706551140 [58] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.10.7-9.
1706551142 [59] Eckstein,A. M. 1987 Senate and General:Individual Decision-Making and Roman Foreign Relations 264-194 B.C. Berkeley,76-77.
1706551144 [60] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.10.3-1.11.4;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,37-41.
1706551146 [61] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.11.4-5;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.1.3-4.;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.8-9;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,43-46.
1706551148 [62] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.11.4-5;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.1.3-4.;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.8-9;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,43-46.
1706551150 [63] Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.1.4.
1706551152 [64] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.9;Frontinus Strat. 1.4.11;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,49.
1706551154 [65] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.11.9,1.20.15.
1706551156 [66] Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,49-51.
1706551158 [67] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.16;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.4;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,52-53.
1706551160 [68] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.8.2-3.
1706551162 [69] 是罗马人的贪欲导致了第一次布匿战争的爆发,相关观点见Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.11.12;Florus,Epitome of Roman History,ed. & tr. E. Forster. Cambridge,Mass.,1984,1.18。
1706551164 [70] Hoyos,B. D. 1998 Unplanned Wars:The Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars. Berlin,51-57.
1706551166 [71] Harris,W. 1979 War and Imperialism in Republican Rome:327-70 B.C. Oxford,9-53.然而,里奇(Rich)特别指出,过多地强调罗马人的好战天性是罗马卷入这一时期频频爆发的战争之中的重要原因有所不妥。埃克斯坦(2006,181-243)对罗马的军国主义思想、好战性与在外交层面的咄咄逼人倾向远远超过其竞争对手的观点表示怀疑。
1706551168 [72] Eckstein,A. M. 1987 Senate and General:Individual Decision-Making and Roman Foreign Relations 264-194 B.C. Berkeley,92.
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