1706551415 [23] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.26.10-1.28.14;Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,109-115;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,81-96.
1706551417 [24] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.12;Valerius Maximus(‘Valère Maxime’),Faits et dits mémorables [Memorable Deeds and Sayings],ed. & French tr. R. Combès. 2 vols. Paris,1995-7,6.6.2.
1706551419 [25] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.29.1-1.30.8;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.12;Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,84-86;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,97-100.
1706551421 [26] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.30.9-1.31.8;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.11-12;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.13;Livy,History of Rome [inc. Epitome],ed. & tr. B. Foster et al. 14 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1961-7,18;Orosius(‘Paul Orose’),Histoires contre les païens [History against the Pagans],ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris,1990-91,4.9.1;Eutropius(‘Eutrope’),Abrégé d’histoire romaine [An Abridged History of Rome],ed. & French tr. J. Hellegouarch. Paris,1999,2.21.4;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,100-102.
1706551423 [27] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.36.2-4,与这一说法相反的是,其他著作说他是被迦太基人谋杀的(Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.16;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.13;Valerius Maximus(‘Valère Maxime’),Faits et dits mémorables [Memorable Deeds and Sayings],ed. & French tr. R. Combès. 2 vols. Paris,1995-7,9.6;Silius Italicus,Punica,ed. & tr. J. Duff. 2 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1934. 6.682;Appian,Roman History [inc. Civil Wars],ed. & tr. H. White. 4 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1912-13,8.1.4);Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,106。
1706551425 [28] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.32.1-1.39.6;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.14.1-23.19;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.14;Appian,Roman History [inc. Civil Wars],ed. & tr. H. White. 4 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1912-13,8.1.3;Orosius(‘Paul Orose’),Histoires contre les païens [History against the Pagans],ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris,1990-91,4.9.3-8;Eutropius(‘Eutrope’),Abrégé d’histoire romaine [An Abridged History of Rome],ed. & French tr. J. Hellegouarch. Paris,1999,2.21.4-2.22.3;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,102-12;Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,88-92.
1706551427 [29] 关于迦太基人与努米底亚人达成和解的艰难过程见Orosius(‘Paul Orose’),Histoires contre les païens [History against the Pagans],ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris,1990-91,4.9.9。
1706551429 [30] 迦太基人向这座城市派去了间谍,但据说他们的身份为梅特卢斯所识破,后者召集了全体市民,要求他们将被他们认出的间谍全部抓住(Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.14)。然而,按照佐纳拉斯的说法,穆米乌斯在公元前146年攻陷科林斯的战役中应该使用了同样的战术。
1706551431 [31] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.40.6-16.
1706551433 [32] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.39.7-1.40.16;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.21;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.14;Eutropius(‘Eutrope’),Abrégé d’histoire romaine [An Abridged History of Rome],ed. & French tr. J. Hellegouarch. Paris,1999,2.24;Orosius(‘Paul Orose’),Histoires contre les païens [History against the Pagans],ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris,1990-91,4.9.15.被引用文献中关于大象的数量有多个不同的版本:从10头(Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.40.15)到142头(Pliny,Natural History,ed. & tr. H. Rackham,W. Jones & D. Eichholz. 10 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1962-7,8.16)不等。据说梅特卢斯将俘获的能够掌控大象的驭手全部释放,并用一批巨大的筏子将他们运回意大利(Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,23.21)。佐纳拉斯(8.14),普林尼(NH 8.16)和弗朗提努斯(Strat. 1.7.1)均记载了罗马人举行的凯旋仪式,此后这些大象全部被杀死。Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,112-122;Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,92-94.
1706551435 [33] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.14.
1706551437 [34] Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.14.
1706551439 [35] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.49.1-1.54.8;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,24.3-4;Orosius(‘Paul Orose’),Histoires contre les païens [History against the Pagans],ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris,1990-91,4.10.3;Eutropius(‘Eutrope’),Abrégé d’histoire romaine [An Abridged History of Rome],ed. & French tr. J. Hellegouarch. Paris,1999,2.26.1;Livy,History of Rome [inc. Epitome],ed. & tr. B. Foster et al. 14 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1961-7,19;Suetonius,Augustus,Tiberius,in Suetonius,Lives of the Caesars,vol. 1,ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. Cambridge,Mass.,1914,2.3;Aulus Gellius,Attic Nights,ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. 3 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1961-8,10.6.罗马诗人奈维乌斯是这样形容普布利乌斯·克劳狄乌斯·普尔喀的:“由于他的骄傲轻敌,军团彻底灰飞烟灭(Naevius,Belli Punici Carminis Quae Supersunt [The Punic War],ed. W. Strzelecki. Leipzig,1964,Fr.42)。” Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,132-141,Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,119-122.
1706551441 [36] Crawford,M. 1985 Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic:Italy and the Mediterranean Economy. London,106-107.
1706551443 [37] Visona 1998,11-12.
1706551445 [38] Jenkins,G.,& Lewis,R. 1963 Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. London,Groups VIII & IX;Baldus,H. 1982 ‘Unerkannte Reflexe der römischen Nordafrika-Expedition von 256/5 v. Chr. in der karthagischen Münzprägung’,Chiron,12:163ff;Baldus,H. 1988 ‘Zwei Deutungsvorschläge zur punischen Goldprägung im mittleren 3. Jh. v. Chr’,Chiron,171-176.
1706551447 [39] Baldus,H. 1988 ‘Zwei Deutungsvorschläge zur punischen Goldprägung im mittleren 3. Jh. v. Chr’,Chiron,178-82;Manfredi,L. 1999 ‘Carthaginian Policy through Coins’,in Pisano(ed.)1999,72.
1706551449 [40] Jenkins,G.,& Lewis,R. 1963 Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins. London,Group X;Baldus,H. 1988 ‘Zwei Deutungsvorschläge zur punischen Goldprägung im mittleren 3. Jh. v. Chr’,Chiron,176-179;Crawford,M. 1985 Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic:Italy and the Mediterranean Economy. London,136;Visonà,P. 1998 ‘Carthaginian Coinage in Perspective’,American Journal of Numismatics,14.
1706551451 [41] Appian,Roman History [inc. Civil Wars],ed. & tr. H. White. 4 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1912-13,5.1.1.
1706551453 [42] Hoyos,B. D. 2003 Hannibal’s Dynasty:Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean 247-183 BC. London,11.
1706551455 [43] Seibert,J. 1993 Hannibal. Darmstadt,95-106.以过于严苛的标准来审视身为将军的哈米尔卡的才干见Seibert,J. 1993 Hannibal. Darmstadt,95-106。
1706551457 [44] Hoyos,B. D. 2001b ‘Identifying Hamilcar Barca’s Heights of Heircte’,Historia:Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte,50:490-95.
1706551459 [45] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.56.1-1.58.6;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,24.5.1-24.9.2;Zonaras,Epitome of History,ed. L. Dindorf. Leipzig,1868-75;tr. T. Banchich & E. Lane. London,2009,8.16;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,143-150.
1706551461 [46] Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,124.
1706551463 [47] Polybius,The Histories,ed. & tr. W. Paton. 6 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1922-7,1.59-1.61;Diodorus Siculus,The Library of History,ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge,Mass.,1960-67,24.11.1-2;Lazenby,J. F. 1996 The First Punic War:A Military History. London,150-156;Goldsworthy,A. 2000 The Punic Wars. London,122-127.
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