1706762546 Ruskola, Teemu. “Legal Orientalism. ” Michigan Law Review 101: 1(October 2002): 179—234.
1706762548 Scott, Munroe. McCIure: The China Years. Toronto: Canec, 1977.
1706762550 Smythe, Lewis S. C. War Damage in the Nanking Area, December, 1937 to March, 1938: Urban and Rural Surveys, Shanghai: Mercury Press, 1938.
1706762552 South Manchurian Railway Company, Information and Publicity Department. Japanese Spirit in Full Bloom: A Collection of Episodes, South Manchurian Railway Company, 1937.
1706762554 Strand, David. Rickshaw Beijing: City People and Politics in the 1920s, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.
1706762556 Timperley, H. J. Japanese Terror in China. New York: Modern Age Books, 1938.
1706762558 Vespa, Amleto. Secret Agent of Japan. Introductory note by H. J. Timperley. Boston: Little, Brown, 1938. Reprint, Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing, 1941.
1706762560 Wakeman, Frederic, Jr. The Shanghai Badlands: Wartime Terrorism and Urban Crime, 1937—1941, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
1706762562 West, Rebecca. The Meaning of Treason. 1949, 1965, 1982. Reprint, London: Phoenix Press, 2000.
1706762564 Zhang Kaiyuan, ed. Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2001.
1706762568 (三)日文部分
1706762570 Chūgoku nōson kankō chōsa(Studies of customs in Chinese villages). 1952. Reprint, 4 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1981.
1706762572 Hsü Shuhsi, ed. Documents on the Nanking Safety Zone. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1939. Photoreproduced in Documents on the Rape of Nanking, ed. Timothy Brook. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999.
1706762574 Iguchi Kazuki et al., eds. Nankin jihen: Kyōto shidan kankei shiryō shū (The Nanjing incident: a collection of materials concerning the Kyoto divisions). Tokyo: Aoki shoten, 1989.
1706762576 Inoue Hisashi, ed. Kachū senbu kōsaku shiryō(Materials on pacification work in central China). Tokyo: Fuji shuppan, 1989. This documentary collection includes:
1706762578 1. “Jūichigatsu senbu kōsaku kika”(November plan for pacification work). Mantetsu Hoku Shina jimukyoku, 1 November 1937.
1706762580 2. “Daisankai senbuhan renraku kaigi gijiroku”(Minutes of the third pacification team liaison meeting), 8 November 1937. Mantetsu Hoku Shina jimukyoku, 25 November 1937.
1706762582 3. “Daiyonkai senbuhan renraku kaigi gijiroku”(Minutes of the fourth pacification team liaison meeting), 8 December 1937. Mantetsu Hoku Shina jimukyoku, 14 February 1938.
1706762584 4. “Mantetsu haken Naka Shina senbu kōsaku jōkyō hōkoku”(Report on the situation of pacification teams sent to Central China by the South Manchurian Railway Company), 30 December 1937. Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 4 January 1938.
1706762586 5. “Naka Shina hōmen senbu kōsaku jōkyō”(The situation of pacification teams in the Central China area), 30 December 1937. Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 12 February 1938.
1706762588 6. “Naka Shina senryō chiiki ni okeru nanmin no jōkyō narabi busshi no jōkyō”(The situation of refugees and resources in the occupied region of Central China). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 12 February 1938.
1706762590 7. “Naka Shina senryō chiiki nai fukkimin narabi nanmin shūjō ni kansuru sho kōsaku”(Various work concerning returnees and refugee accommodation within the occupied region of Central China), 4 February 1938. Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 21 February 1938.
1706762592 8. “Naka Shina senryō chiku nai jichi iinkai setsuritsu jijō”(The situation regarding the founding of self-government committees in the occupied region of Central China), 4 February 1938. Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 21 February 1938.
1706762594 9. “Naka Shina senbukō kōsei yōzu”(Sketch map of the formation of the pacification network in Central China). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 21 February 1938.
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