1706762614 19. “Nankin tokumu kikan kōsaku gaikyō”(State of work of the Nanjing Special Service Agency). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, April 1938.
1706762616 20. “Buko senbuhan kōsaku gaikyō”(State of work of the Wuhu pacification team). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, April 1938.
1706762618 21. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Chinkō han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Zhenjiang team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, August 1939.
1706762620 22. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Shōkō han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Songjiang team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, November 1939.
1706762622 23. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Taisō han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Taicang team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, November 1939.
1706762624 24. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Kōshū tokumu kikan, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Hangzhou Special Service Agency, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, March 1940.
1706762626 25. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Kasan han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Jiashan team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai iimusho, April 1940.
1706762628 26. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Yōshū han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Yangzhou team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, April 1940.
1706762630 27. “Senbu kōsaku gaikyō: Tanyō han, kan 2”(State of pacification work: Danyang team, volume 2). Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho, 30 April 1940.
1706762632 Inukai Takeru. Yōshikō wa ima mo nagarete iru(The Yangtze River is flowing still). Tokyo: Bungei shunjū, 1960.
1706762634 Itō Takeo. Life along the South Manchurian Railway: The Memoirs of Ito Takeo, trans. Joshua A. Fogel. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1988.
1706762636 Kaikōsha, ed. Nankin senshi(History of the war in Nanjing). 2nd ed. Tokyo: Kaikōsha, 1993.
1706762638 Katō Kōzan. “Congshi xuanfu gongzuo zhi huigu”(Reminiscence of doing pacification work). 2 parts. Nanjing xinbao(New Nanjing daily), 2——3 July 1939.
1706762640 Kōain kachū renrakubu(Central China liaison office of the Asia Development Board). Naka Shina jūyō kokuhōshigen shiryō sakubutsu chōsa hōkokusho (Report on an investigation into grain crops as an important national defense resource in Central China). Shanghai, March 1940. Copy in the Stanford University Library.
1706762642 ——. Katei, Taisō, Chōshū ni okeru juyō nōsakubutsu no kenshū kankō(Cultivation practices for major agricultural crops in Jiading, Taicang, and Changshu). Shanghai: Kōain, December 1939. Copy in Tōyō bunka kenkyūjo, Tokyo University.
1706762644 Kumagai Yasushi. Shina kyōchin zatsuwa: Chōkō senbu kiroku (Observations on village China: memoirs of pacification along the Yangzi River), 1943.
1706762646 Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho(Shanghai Office of the South Manchurian Railway Company). Naka Shina ni okeru nōgyō seisatsu no dōkō(Trends in agricultural policies in Central China). Shanghai: South Manchurian Railway Company, October 1939. Copy in the Stanford University Library.
1706762648 Mantetsu Shanhai jimusho chōsashitsu(Survey group of the Shanghai Office of the South Manchurian Railway Company). Kōsōshō Chōshūken nōson jittai chōsa hōkokusho(Report of the survey of conditions in rural Changshu county, Jiangsu province). Shanhai Mantetsu chōsa shiryō, no. 34. Shanghai: South Manchurian Railway Company, 1939.
1706762650 ——. Naka Shina nōsakubutsu no nōkō jijō(Conditions for the cultivation of agricultural commodities in Central China). Shanghai: South Manchurian Railway Company, 1939. Copy in Stanford University Library.
1706762652 ——. Shanhai tokubetsushi Katei ku no jittai chōsa hōkokusho(Research report on the rural situation in Jiading district of Shanghai special municipality). Shanghai: South Manchurian Railway Company, 1939.
1706762654 Maruyama Susumu. “Watakushi no Shōwa shi-Nankin jiken no jissō”(My history of the Showa era: a true picture of the Nanjing Incident), 6 parts. Mantetsu wakabakai kaihō, nos. 133——138 (5 August——1 October 2000).
1706762656 Matsui Iwane. “Nankin nyūjō no kangai”(My feelings on entering the city of Nanjing). Shina jiken ichinen shi(History of the first year of the China Incident), special issue of Hanashi (Discussions), July 1938, pp. 234——237.
1706762658 Miyakawa Sōtoku. Yūbō Shina o kataru(Speaking about our friend-country China). Tokyo: Genshōdō, 1938. Copy in Tōyō bunka kenkyūjo, University of Tokyo.
1706762660 Mōgi Kikno. Shanhai shi daidō seifu shisaku hōkoku(On-the-spot report on the Great Way Government of Shanghai municipality). Tokyo: Kinzensha, 1938. Copy in the Stanford University Library.
1706762662 Naka Shina hōmengun shireibu (Headquarters of the Central China Area Army). “Kongo no seiji bōryaku taikō”(Outline of future political strategy), 4 December 1937. SDF, Shina: Shina jihen: zenpan 315.
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