1707120452 (4) Richard H. Thompson, Theories of Ethnicity (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989), pp.21–48.
1707120454 (5) 将社会生物学应用在人类社会结群的诠释上,一部集大成的也是最受争议的著作,可能是Richard D. Alexander所著的Darwinism and Human Affairs (Seattle: The University of Washington Press, 1979)。萨林斯(Marshall Sahlins)曾提出他对于社会生物学使用在人类社会结群诠释上的疑虑,见其所著The Use and Abuse of Biology: An Anthropological Critique of Sociobiology (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1976)。
1707120456 (6) Marshall Sahlins, The Use and Abuse of Biology.
1707120458 (7) Clifford Geertz, “The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States,” in The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays (New York: Basic Books, 1973), pp.261–262; Charles Keyes,“The Dialectics of Ethnic Change,” in Ethnic Change, p.5.
1707120460 (8) Robin Fox, Kinship and Marriage (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967), pp.27–40.
1707120462 (9) 这在东非、欧亚草原许多多妻制(co-wives)的游牧社会中尤为明显;当这样的家庭分裂时,每一个母亲与她的子女成为一个新的家庭单位。请参考P. H. Gulliver,The Family Herds: A Study of Two Pastoral Tribes in East Africa the Jie and Turkana (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD, 1955), pp.49–100。
1707120464 (10) E. E. Evans-Pritchard, The Nuer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1940), pp.199–200.
1707120466 (11) P. H. Gulliver, The Family Herds: A Study of Two Pastoral Tribes in East Africa, the Jie and Turkana, pp.108–117.
1707120468 (12) Hildred Geertz & Clifford Geertz, Kinship in Bali (Chicago: University of Chicago,1975), pp. 85–94; Caroline Humphrey, “The Uses of Genealogy: A historical study of the nomadic and sedentarised Buryat,” Pastoral Production and Society, ed. by L’Équipe écologie et anthropologie des sociétés pastorales (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p.235.
1707120470 (13) Edmund Blair Bolles, Remembering and Forgetting: An Inquiry into the Nature of Memory(New York: Walker & Co., 1988); Yrjo Engestrom et al.,“Organizational Forgetting: an Activity-Theoretical Perspective,” in Collective Remembering, ed. by David Middleton & Derek Edwards (London: Sage Publications, 1990), pp.139–168; R. Jacoby, Social Amnesia: A Critique of Conformist Psychology from Adler to R. D. Laing (Sussex: Harvester, 1975).
1707120472 (14) David Middleton & Derek Edwards, “Introduction,” in Collective Remembering, p.2.
1707120474 (15) Lewis A. Coser, “Introduction: Maurice Halbwachs,” in On Collective Memory, ed.& trans. by Lewis A. Coser (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1992); Maurice Halbwachs, Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1952).
1707120476 (16) David Bakhurst, “Social Memory in Soviet Thought,” in Collective Remembering, pp.210–212.
1707120478 (17) F. C. Bartlett, Remembering: a Study in Experimental and Social Psychology (London: Cambridge University Press, 1932), pp.199–202, 296.
1707120480 (18) Maurice Halbwachs, On Collective Memory, pp.38, 119; Lewis A. Coser, “Introduction: Maurice Halbwachs,” in On Collective Memory, p.22.
1707120482 (19) L. S. Vygotsky, Mind in Society: the Development of Higher Psychological Processes (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978).
1707120484 (20) F. C. Bartlett, Remembering: a Study in Experimental and Social Psychology, p.206.
1707120486 (21) Alan Radley, “Artefacts, Memory and a Sense of the Past,” in Collective Remembering; F. A. Yates, The Art of Memory (London: Penguin Books, 1969).
1707120488 (22) Yrjo Engestrom et al., “Organizational Forgetting: an Activity-Theoretical Perspective,” in Collective Remembering.
1707120490 (23) Maurice Halbwachs, On Collective Memory, p.65.
1707120492 (24) David Middleton & Derek Edwards, “Introduction,” in Collective Remembering, pp.2–6.
1707120494 (25) P. Martin, G. O. Hagestad & P. Diedrick, “Family Stories: Events (Temporarily)Remembered,” Journal of Marriage and the Family 50 (1988): 533–541.
1707120496 (26) John Bodnar, “Power and Memory in Oral History: Workers and Managers at Studebaker,” Journal of American History 75.4 (1989): 1201–1221.
1707120498 (27) Julian E. Orr, “Sharing Knowledge, Celebrating Identity: Community Memory in a Service Culture,” in Collective Remembering.
1707120500 (28) Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, rev. edition (London: Verso, 1991).
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