1705035413 西南联大英文课(英汉双语版) [:1705033806]
1705035416 By Nora Waln
1705035418 FRAGMENTS FROM A FLOWER DIARY, by Nora Waln, from The Atlantic Monthly magazine, Vol. CLIV, No. 1, July, 1934, pp. 50-53.
1705035420 Nora Waln, an American lady who came to China, married an Englishman, lived in Nanking, and who contributes to The Atlantic Monthly on Chinese subjects. Her book The House of Exile , describing her life in a Chinese family, has been very favorably received.
1705035422 “Habits and customs differ, but all peoples have the love of flowers in common.”
1705035424 —Chinese Proverb .
1705035426 I
1705035428 It was in northern Hopei. The clouds had failed to gather in their season, and the time of showers has passed without rain. Parched by the midsummer sun, the earth was a dull beige in color. We had traveled three days over plains, valleys, and hills and seen nothing green except in the artificially irrigated plots near hamlets.
1705035430 The ancient stone-paved trail led up along a narrow ledge. We waited at the foot for a line of pack coolies to come down. They were heavily laden with inland produce which they were transporting to the coast for foreign export. The containers roped on their backs towered high above their heads. Yet, despite his burden, the foremost man swerved out suddenly to the very edge of the cliff, and, as they came on, each of the nine men behind him did the same.
1705035432 When they had passed us, we began our climb. My pack coolie was before me. When I came up to the place round which the others had swerved, he had squatted down and was pouring the last of the contents of his drinking canteen into a crevice in the paving. There, through the dust between the stones, a wild rose had grown—a slender fragile tendril with five pale leaves and an open flower. A perfect flower, beautifully tinted, and sweetly fragrant. “It is from such a one as this,” my coolie said, “that we learn fortitude.”
1705035434 II
1705035436 It was in the province of Kwangtung. The temple had once been beautifully furnished, but was now dirty and neglected. I chided the abbot concerning the dust on a Buddha’s face. He did not answer me immediately. He led me across two courtyards and along a dark narrow passage.
1705035438 At the end of the passage he opened a door and motioned to me to pass him and go through it. Beyond the door, I stood in a tiny garden above a deep ravine. All was neat and tidy there. No weeds grew in the rich, much-worked loam. A low wall of carefully placed rocks kept the garden from sliding down the mountain side.
1705035440 In his garden, the abbot spoke to me, saying, “The furniture on an altar is but the symbol of religion … in the face of a flower the heart of God is revealed.”
1705035442 I had no answer. At my feet were tall white lilies, each with a golden heart. Over my head a magnolia was in bloom.
1705035444 Lifting a clump of pansies with a careful trowel, the abbot planted them in an earthen pot, “Take this home,” he said.“If you are one who sincerely seeks the truth, by living with a flower you will find it.”
1705035446 III
1705035448 Bald-the-third, my serving matron, was stiff with anger. A filthy beggar had erected a mat shed against the wall of our residence at Nanking, and settled down to live just by the gate which led from our garden to the hill path.
1705035450 He would have to go, she declared. Disease would be carried over the wall by every breeze. We should all be sick. Probably Small Girl would die of cholera.
1705035452 Bald-the-third went out to clear him away. Sometime later I discovered her seated on the sewing-room floor hemstitching a sheet, an occupation she often uses to calm herself when she has been overwrought.
1705035454 “Has the beggar gone?” I asked.
1705035456 “No—he is still there,” she answered.
1705035458 “Oh! He defeated you in argument, did he?” I pressed her.
1705035460 “I did not speak to him,” she said. “He has a sprig of jasmine growing in a broken pot, and has given it the least drafty place in his miserable shelter. He certainly hadn’t much tea, but he was sharing what he had with the flower. I do not think that such a man will do us any harm. People can be too concerned regarding physical health and neglect the health of the spirit. I’ve sent him out a gift of rice and fish.”
1705035462 IV
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