1700003037 图15: The famous but misleading three-domains tree of life. Modified with permission from: Woese CR, Kandler O, Wheelis ML. Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA87: 4576–4579 (1990).
1700003039 图16: The ‘amazing disappearing tree’. Reproduced with permission from: Sousa FL, Thiergart T, Landan G, Nelson-Sathi S, Pereira IAC, Allen JF, Lane N, Martin WF. Early bioenergetic evolution. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society B368: 20130088 (2013).
1700003041 图17: A cell powered by a natural proton gradient. Modified with permission from: Sojo V, Pom-iankowski A, Lane N. A bioenergetic basis for membrane divergence in archaea and bacteria. PLOS Biology12(8): e1001926 (2014).
1700003043 图18: Generating power by making methane.
1700003045 图19: The origin of bacteria and archaea. Modified with permission from: Sojo V, Pomian-kowski A, Lane N. A bioenergetic basis for membrane divergence in archaea and bacteria. PLOS Biology12(8): e1001926 (2014).
1700003047 图20: Possible evolution of active pumping.
1700003049 图21: The remarkable chimerism of eukaryotes. Reproduced with permission from: Thiergart T, Landan G, Schrenk M, Dagan T, Martin WF. An evolutionary network of genes present in the eukaryote common ancestor polls genomes on eukaryotic and mitochondrial origin. Genome Biology and Evolution4: 466–485 (2012).
1700003051 图22: Two, not three, primary domains of life. Reproduced with permission from: Williams TA, Foster PG, Cox CJ, Embley TM. An archaeal origin of eukaryotes supports only two primary domains of life. Nature504: 231–236 (2013).
1700003053 图23: Giant bacteria with ‘extreme polyploidy’. (A) and (B) reproduced with permission from Esther Angert, Cornell University; (C) and (D) by courtesy of Heide Schulz-Vogt, Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock. In: Lane N, Martin W. The energetics of genome complexity. Nature467: 929–934 (2010); and Schulz HN. The genus Thiomargarita. Prokaryotes6: 1156–1163 (2006).
1700003055 图24: Energy per gene in bacteria and eukaryotes. Original data from Lane N, Martin W. The energetics of genome complexity. Nature467: 929–934 (2010); modified in Lane N. Bioenergetic constraints on the evolution of complex life. Cold SpringHarbor Perspectives in Biology doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015982 CSHP (2014).
1700003057 图25: Bacteria living within other bacteria. Reproduced with permission from: (Top) Wujek DE. Intracellular bacteria in the blue-green-alga Pleurocapsa minor. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society98: 143–145 (1979). (Bottom) Gatehouse LN, Sutherland P, Forgie SA, Kaji R, Christellera JT. Molecular and histological characterization of primary (beta-proteobacteria) and secondary (gamma-proteobacteria) endosymbionts of three mealybug species. Applied Environmental Microbiology78: 1187 (2012).
1700003059 图26: Nuclear pores. Reproduced with permission from: Fawcett D. The Cell. WB Saunders, Philadelphia (1981).
1700003061 图27: Mobile self-splicing introns and the spliceosome. Modified with permission from: Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. Garland Science, New York (2002).
1700003063 图28: Sex and recombination in eukaryotes.
1700003065 图29: The ‘leakage’ of fitness benefits in mitochondrial inheritance. Reproduced with permission from: Hadjivasiliou Z, Lane N, Seymour R, Pomiankowski A. Dynamics of mitochondrial inheritance in the evolution of binary mating types and two sexes. Proceedings Royal Society B280: 20131920 (2013).
1700003067 图30: Random segregation increases variance between cells.
1700003069 图31: The mosaic respiratory chain. Reproduced with permission from: Schindeldecker M, Stark M, Behl C, Moosmann B. Differential cysteine depletion in respiratory chain complexes enables the distinction of longevity from aerobicity. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development132: 171–197 (2011).
1700003071 图32: Mitochondria in cell death.
1700003073 图33: Fate depends on capacity to meet demand.
1700003075 图34: The death threshold. From: Lane N. Bioenergetic constraints on the evolution of complex life. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015982 CSHP (2014).
1700003077 图35: Antioxidants can be dangerous. Based on data from: Moreno-Loshuertos R, Acin-Perez R, Fernandez-Silva P, Movilla N, Perez-Martos A, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Gallardo ME, Enriquez JA. Differences in reactive oxygen species production explain the phenotypes associated with common mouse mitochondrial DNA variants. Nature Genetics38: 1261–1268 (2006).
1700003079 图36: Why rest is bad for you.
1700003081 图37: A unique microorganism from the deep sea. Reproduced with permission from: Yamaguchi M, Mori Y, Kozuka Y, et al. Prokaryote or eukaryote? A unique organism from the deep sea. Journal of Electron Microscopy61: 423–31 (2012).
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