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1700033875 [16]Nidamarthi,“Understanding and Supporting Requirement Satisfaction in the design process;”S. Ahmed,“Understanding the Use and Reuse of Experience in Engineering Design,”(PhD thesis, Cambridge University, 2001).
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1700033888 设计问题(第二辑) [:1700031701]
1700033889 设计问题(第二辑) 从看到读:基于文本的观念艺术与排印话语
1700033891 From Looking to Reading:Text-based Conceptual Art and Typographic Discourse
1700033893 露丝•布莱克塞尔[1](Ruth Blacksell)
1700033895 本文译自《设计问题》杂志2013年(第29卷)第2期。
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