1700075661 2.Here I believe it is permissible to combine the accounts by Eunapius and Zosimus with that of Ammianus. See Excursus.
1700075663 3.Constantine Joseph Jirecek. The Military Road from Belgrade to Constantinople(Die Heerstrasse von Belgrad nach Konstantinopel),1877,p.145.
1700075665 4.In addition to the Generalkarte of the Balkans, published by Artaria in Vienna in 1897,there is now available a still better Bulgarian map(1:420,000),which I have used. It is based on surveys made by Russian officers during the war of 1877-1878. The map of European Turkey published by the Turkish general staff, although it bears the title “Drawn up by the General Staff of His Majesty, through Allah’s Grace all-powerful and all-protecting,” is only a scarcely changed reproduction of the Austrian Generalkarte, according to Hardt von Hartenthurm in the Mitteilungen des königlich-kaiserlichen militärischen geographischen Instituts, Vol.18. See Austria-Hungary and the Balkan Countries(Oesterreich-Ungarn und die Balkanländer),by L.v. Thalloczy, Budapest,1901.
1700075667 5.Socrates 4.38.
1700075669 6.Theodoret 4.33.
1700075671 7.Sozomenos 6.40.
1700075673 8.Socrates 4.38.
1700075675 4 军队兵力
1700075677 1.G.Kaufmann, Deutsche Geschichte 1:89.
1700075679 2.I cannot understand how Schmidt, in Geschichte der Vandalen, p.130,can interpret the remark by Procopius 2.7,that Belisarius with 5,000 horsemen defeated the enemy, as meaning that the Guard was 5,000 men strong and these are to be added to the 15,000 men that Procopius 1.11 gives as the army strength.
1700075681 3.Panegyriki 9 praises Constantine for having accomplished more with fewer troops than did Alexander, who had supposedly had 40.000.
1700075683 Panegyriki 8. 3.3.says he defeated Maxentius “vix enim quarta parte exercitus contra centum milia hostium”(“with scarcely a quarter of his army against 100,000 of the enemy”).
1700075685 In 313 against Licinius, he is also said by Anon. Bales.to have had 25,000 men.
1700075687 4.A very energetic addition to the analysis of the figures reported by Procopius is given by H. Eckhardt in the Königsberg Program(1864),“On Agathias and Procopius as Sources for the War with the Goths”(“Ueber Agathias und Procop als Quellenschriftsteller für den Gotenkrieg”). In the final analysis, however, he still holds that, everything considered, a figure of 200,000 men for the East Goths is quite believable(page 11).
1700075689 5.The number of Cimbrian warriors who crossed the Brenner Pass in 101 and descended into Italy is given by the Romans as 200.000. Judging from the length and the type of route they took, I have felt justified in estimating that they were at most 10,000 strong. See Vol. I, page 513. Preussische Jahrbücher 147(1912):199.
1700075691 6.The passage reads: Malchus, ed. Bonn, p.268:“They established peace on condition that the emperor supply pay and food for 13,000 men whom Theodoric chose.”*
1700075693 7.That this ruse was also common with the Romans, particularly in this period, is amply documented in A.A. Müller’s “Excurs zu Tacitus 1.46,”Philologus 65:306. Among other passages, Zosimus 2.33;4.27. Also in Libanius.
1700075695 8.See Dahn, Könige 2:78,where the source passages are also indicated. Hist.misc.,p.100,and Ennod.v. Epiph.,p.390.
1700075697 9.Recently published in Beihefte zum Militär-Wochenblatt 11(1901).
1700075699 10.History of the Burgundian-Roman Kingdom(Geschichte des burgundisch-römischen Königsreichs),p.323.
1700075701 11.A very thorough treatment of this, as of the whole question, is to be found in Jahn, Geschichte der Burgunder 1:337. See also Wietersheim-Dahn 2:212.
1700075703 12.The passages are quoted in Jahn 1:345.
1700075705 13.Orosius 7.40.
1700075707 14.Sidonius Apollinaris 7.7.“viribus propriis arma hostium publicorum remorati: sibi adversus vicinorum aciem tam duces fuere quam milites.”(“They held back the forces of the public enemy with their own strength. They were their own generals as well as soldiers against the army of the enemy at hand.”)Cited by Dahn 5:93.
1700075709 15.Constit.novellae Valentin. III, title V:
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