1700080641 The thirty-two companies numbered 899 men-at-arms with three horses each(that is,899 pages and 899 valets),541 gens de trait à cheval(mounted marksmen),178 coutilliers à cheval(light horsemen),and 177 demi-lances.(A demi-lance is an individual knight who receives the samepay as two marksmen.)
1700080643 The totals were therefore as follows:
1700080648 20.A regulation for Hainaut appeared in 1470 and, according to Guillaume, p.113,stated the following: A fief-holder with more than 360 pounds of annual income had to provide one man-at-arms with a coutillier, a page, and six dismounted archers. A fief-holder with 240 pounds of income was to provide one man-at-arms. A fief-holder with 120 pounds was to provide three men on foot(dismounted archers, crossbowmen, or spearmen). The smaller and larger groups were combined in accordance with the corresponding mission. Fiefs under 64 sous had no obligation. Anyone who could not serve personally was to provide an appropriate substitute, and if he could not do so, the commanders took over that responsibility for him. Every four months the items of equipment were to be inspected.
1700080650 A similar regulation appeared in 1475 for Flanders.
1700080652 Let us note that a certain progression upward occurred, that the smallest fief-holders were completely free, and that possessions of quite a significant extent called for providing one man on foot or even on horseback, and that the men in service were paid. Let us compare with this situation the concept that in the Carolingian Empire ownership of a few hides was burdened with providing one man at his own expense.
1700080654 According to Lachauvelays, p. 258,the largest number of fiefs had an income of less than 50 francs, often only 10 francs.
1700080656 The wording of the levy that Charles’governor for Burgundy issued on 3 May 1471 is very remarkable: “All types of men, both nobles and others, regardless of their class or profession, who are accustomed to bearing and using arms, whether or not they have fiefs and whether or not they have provided somebody for the present army”(quoted in Lachauvelays, p.187). We might use this regulation as a paraphrase of the “cuncta generalitas populi”(“the whole mass of the people”)in the capitulary of Charlemagne(p.42,above)or the “universi”(“all”)in the levy of 817(p.36,above).
1700080658 21.This is specified in this way by the regulation of 31 July 1471. Olivier de la Marche, who commanded a company himself, states in his memoirs that the lance was composed of two archers, two men armed with the culverin, and two spearmen(according to Guillaume, p.121).
1700080660 7 坦嫩贝格会战、蒙莱里会战及同时期的其他若干战斗
1700080662 1.While the special study by Karl Heveker,“The Battle of Tannenberg”(“Die Schlacht bei Tannenberg”),Berlin dissertation,1906,published by Georg Nauck, has greatly advanced the understanding of the battle and has eliminated many false ideas, it still leaves important points in the dark. If I attempt to arrive at a clear picture from it, I must add that a number of points in my account are based only on supposition. Among more recent works, I cite an article by S. Kujot in Die altpreussische Monatsschrift, Vol.48,Issue No.1,and Krollmann, Oberländische Geschichtsblätter, Issue No.13,1911. Also worthy of note is the study “The Knights’Grave of Tannenberg”(“Das Rittergrab von Tannenberg”),by E.Schnippel in the Oberländische Geschichtsblätter, Issue No.11,1909.
1700080664 2.The valuable description of the terrain is to be found in Köhler, Warfare of the Knightly Period(Kriegswesen der Ritterzeit),2:717.
1700080666 3.Kujot and Krollmann arrived at other conclusions on a number of points. Nevertheless, I have in general stood by my earlier account.
1700080668 4.There is probably injected into this description an account of French knights from the battle of Nikopol, which took place fourteen years earlier. There were no Hungarians at Tannenberg.
1700080670 第五篇 瑞士人
1700080672 1 瑞士地方共同体的形成
1700080674 1.That is the opinion of Oechsli, in The Beginnings of the Swiss Confederation(Die Anfänge der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft),p.121.
1700080676 2.Oechsli, p.230. Durrer, The Unity of Unterwalden(Die Einheit Unterwaldens)Jahrbücher fur Schweizerische Geschichte,1910,p.96,confirms Oechsli’s assumption.
1700080678 3.In 1252 the abbot of Saint Gall took them into his service in a feud with the bishop of Constance. Oechsli, p.229.
1700080680 4.One of the captured monks composed a very interesting culturalhistorical poem in Latin on this subject. An old German translation of this poem with explanatory remarks has been edited by Leo Wirth, A Prelude to the Battle on the Morgarten(Ein Vorspiel der Morgartenschlacht),Aarau,1909.114 pages.
1700080682 2 莫尔加滕会战
1700080684 1.A.Nüscheler, in “The Letzinen in Switzerland”(“Die Letzinen in der Schweiz”),Mitteilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich, Vol.18,Issue No.1,Zurich,1872.With respect to Näfels, see Dändliker, Geschichte der Schweiz,1:531,note.
1700080686 2.This is expressly reported by Vitoduran.
1700080688 3.Morgarten is the mountain east of the lake. Schorno is 1,100 meters south of the lake, and Sattel is somewhat farther south, where the road from Schorno meets the road from Altmatt.
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