1700085350 2.When the True Advice(Frundsberg)requires “10,000 foot soldiers,1,500 saddle horses, and appropriate field pieces” against a powerful enemy, that, too, has the flavor of a “normal army.”
1700085352 3.Susane, Histoire de l’infanterie française,1:106.
1700085354 4.Collected Writings(Gesammelte Schriften),1:327,364.
1700085356 5.Essai général de Tactique,2:41,Ed.of 1772.
1700085358 6.Jähns,3:2861.
1700085360 7.Bülow, Spirit of the Newer Military System(Geist des neueren Kriegssystems),p.209.
1700085362 8.In the General-Prinzipien(1748)in the article on the campaign plans. In the “Réflexions sur la tactique”(1758),Oeuvres,28:155. To Prince Henry, dated 8 March 1760,15 November 1760,21 April 1761,24 May 1761,15 June 1761. In the introduction to the History of the Seven Years’War(Geschichte des Siebenjährigen Krieges).
1700085364 Marlborough wrote in a similar way to his friend Godolphin after his victory at Oudenarde, saying that if it had not been absolutely necessary, he would have avoided exposing himself to the dangerous chances of a battle. Coxe, Marlborough, Life and Letters.
1700085366 9.For example, on 15 and 16 August 1761,where, with considerable superiority, he could have attacked a Russian corps. Bernhardi, Friedrich der Grosse als Feldherr,2:358 ff.,describes the situation very clearly and finds the explanation only in a kind of mood, that is, that the king had determined to fight the Austrians, and not the Russians in an open battle.
1700085368 10.Guibert, Essai général de tactique,1:33:“Everywhere that the king of Prussia could maneuver, he had successes. Almost everywhere that he was forced to do battle, he was beaten—events that prove to what extent his troops were superior in tactics, even if they were not in courage.”
1700085370 第四篇 国民军时代
1700085372 1 革命与入侵
1700085374 1.Contributions to the Art of War(Beyträge zur Kriegskunst),Vol.II, foreword.
1700085376 2.General Lloyd’s Treatise on the General Principles of the Art of War(Des H. General von Lloyds Abhandlung über die allgemeinen Grundsätze der Kriegskunst),German edition, p.18.
1700085378 3.Frederick wrote to Fouqué in 1758:“Cannon fire and musket fire upward from a lower position have no effect, and to attack the enemy with firing from below means fighting against weapons with sticks; it is impossible.”
1700085380 4.The decisive statements by Bülow are collected in Caemmerer, The Development of the Science of Strategy in the Nineteenth Century(Die Entwicklung der strategischen Wissenschaft im 19.Jahrhundert),1904,but not enough attention is given to the fact that a number of Bülow’s disputed statements are very similar to some that appear in the writings of Frederick the Great.
1700085382 5.Geschichte der Kriegskunst,2:949.
1700085384 6.E.Daniels,“Ferdinand von Braunschweig,”Preussische Jahrbücher, Vols.77-80,82.
1700085386 2 革命军
1700085388 1.De la Jonquière, La Bataille de Jemappes, Paris,1902,gives the Austrians 16,000 men on page 124,but a bare 14,000 men on page 143;on page 146 Dumouriez is said to have had between 40,000 and 42,00®men, including Harville’s corps, which provided important cooperation.
1700085390 2.The results of the February recruiting were estimated at 180,000 men, while the levée en masse of August produced between 425,000 and 450,000. Kuhl, Bonaparte’s First Campaign(Bonapartes erster Feldzug),pp.32-33.
1700085392 3.According to the apparently generally reliable description by Duruy in the memoirs of Barras.
1700085394 4.Of course, other judgments concerning the newly formed French officer corps read in quite the opposite way; for example, von der Marwitz, Autobiography(Lebensbeschreibung),edited by Meusel,1:459.
1700085396 5.According to the Wars of Frederick the Great(Kriege Friedrichs des Grossen)by the Great General Staff, Vol.1,Supplement No.2,p.38,that had already been the case in 1740.
1700085398 6.Lehmann, Scharnhorst,2:147.
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