1700092062 9.The lex Burg.carries the signature of thirty-one or thirty-two comites(Binding, Fontes rerum Bernensium, p.95,Note 16). But it is no doubt not necessary that all of these comites were active administrators of counties, Binding, in his Geschichte des burgundischgermanischen Königreichs 1:324,assumes that there were at least thirty-two counties.
1700092064 10.If in lex Visig.10.1.16 it is assumed that a Goth has taken by force the third belonging to a Roman and he is supposed to return it if the situation has not existed for fifty years, that can after all only apply to estates of absentee landowners. A Roman who had been robbed of his entire property by the Goth with whom he was supposed to share would certainly have taken up the fight for his rights either immediately or never, On the other hand, a high Roman may have realized for many years that one of his estates had illegally been taken from him but then finally, after the sense of legal security had become firmer among the new masters, he might have again made his claim.
1700092066 11.Gaupp, p.404.
1700092068 第三篇 查士丁尼皇帝与哥特人
1700092070 1 查士丁尼军制
1700092072 1.A.Auler, de flde Procopii in sec.bello Persico Justiniani I imp.enarrando(On the Reliability of Procopius in Describing the Second Persian War of Emperor Justinian I),Bonn dissertation,1876.
1700092074 2.Belonging to the same period as Procopius are two theoretical documents that do not offer much in themselves but are important as controls, extension, and even refutation of Procopius. One is a writing by Urbicius(Orbikios)and the other an anonymous work, Peri stratēgikēs(On Generalship)*. For discussion of both, see Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften 1:141 ff.and Rüstow-Köchly. Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller 2:2.
1700092076 3.De Justiniani Imperatoris aetate quaestiones militares scripsit Conradus Beniamin(Military Questions from the Age of Emperor Justinian I by Conrad Benjamin),Berlin dissertation,1892,W. Weber.
1700092078 4.Mommsen, Hermes 24:258.
1700092080 5.Justinian also sought to maintain the institution of the “border guards”(Grenzer),and he organized new ones in Africa. The edict covering this was even transcribed into the code and has come to us in that way. Mommsen, Hermes 24:200. But the salary that was allocated and promised to these men, in addition to the land given to them, could not be paid to them; there was too much demand elsewhere for liquid currency. Finally, Justinian seems to have deprived them of their character as soldiers as well as their pay. Procopius, hist.arc.24,as cited by Mommsen in Hermes 24:199. Others consider this as applying only to the east.
1700092082 6.Taken from the translation by Coste in the History Writers of the Earliest German Period(Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit).
1700092084 7.Spartian, Chapter 10.
1700092086 8.Vopiscus, Chapter 7.
1700092088 9.Dahn, Procop von Cäsarea, p.395.
1700092090 10.Procopius, bell. Pers.2.17;2.18.bell. Vand.2.14.
1700092092 11.See Vol. I, p.67. Luschan,“On the Ancient Bow”(”Ueber den antiken Bogen”),Festschrift für Benndorf,1898. Jähns. Trutzwaffen: the entire very informative chapter on the bow, third phase. See also my Vol. III, Book 3. Chapter 8:“English Archery”(“Das englische Bogenschiessen”). The same account appears again there.
1700092094 12.Reproduced in Diehl, Justinien et la civilisation byzantine, p.209.
1700092096 13.Köchly and Rüstow. Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller 2:2,201. It is from the anonymous document.
1700092098 2 塔吉纳会战
1700092100 1.According to the translation by Coste in the History Writers of the Earliest German Period(Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit).
1700092102 Nissen claims that the name reads not “Taginae” but “Tadinae.”
1700092104 3 维苏威火山会战 无
1700092106 4 卡西林努斯河会战 无
1700092108 5 战略
1700092110 1.Dahn, Procop von Cäsarea, p.412.
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