1700092112 2.Köchly and Rüstow, Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller 2:2,167. Chapter XXXIV, p.4.
1700092114 3.Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften 1:155. See vol. IV, pp.194,207.
1700092116 第四篇 向中世纪过渡
1700092118 1 古罗马-日耳曼国家的军事组织
1700092120 1.Although the law of Valentinian I is contained in the Codex Theodosianus 4.14,Heinrich Richter has sought to interpret away this content in his work, Das weströmische Reich, p.681.Note 150. But his interpretation, considering among the barbara conjux(barbarian wife)and the gentiles(foreigners)only barbarians outside the border of the Roman Empire, is juridically untenable. That Valentinian himself gave Merobaudes a Roman as his wife, and Theodosius gave Fravitta the Goth and the Vandal Stilicho his own nieces were exceptions such as the most powerful people sometimes make for themselves.
1700092122 2.According to Zeumer,“History of the West Gothic Laws”(“Geschichte der westgotischen Gesetzgebung”),in the Neues Archiv für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde 24:574,Leovigild(569-586)legally permitted the connubium(intermarriage)between Goths and Romans; but he says that, in fact, the prohibition had already been violated and disregarded many times previously.
1700092124 3.Mommsen, Ostgotische Studien 497:“As only the Goth can be a soldier in Theodoric’s state, so too can he alone be an officer. The exclusion of Romans from the military offices counterbalances the exclusion of the Goths from positions as civil magistrates.”
1700092126 4.Procopius, bell. Goth.1.2.
1700092128 5.Dahn, Könige 3:5:36.
1700092130 6.In this third edition, this paragraph has been reworked on the basis of the study by Eugen Oldenburg, The Military Organization of the West Goths(Die Kriegsverfassung der Westgoten),Berlin dissertation,1909.
1700092132 7.Procopius, bell. Goth.1.12.
1700092134 8.The Codex Eurici, Chapter 310,uses the expression buccellarius four times; the corresponding Antiqua 5.3.1 uses the circumlocutions “quem in patrocinio habuerit”(“whom he had in patronage”)and “in patrocinio constitutus”(“placed in patronage”).
1700092136 9.Waitz 2:531.3d edition,2:1:215.
1700092138 10.Waitz 2:528.3d edition,2:1:213.
1700092140 11.Binding, History of the Burgundian-Romanic Kingdom(Geschichte des burgundisch-romanischen Königreichs)1:196,Note 671.
1700092142 12.Procopius 3.22.
1700092144 13.Brunner, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte 1:302,argues that the Romans were already referred to as subjects in the oldest existing version of the Lex Salica but still did not form any part of the army. This text is from the time of Clovis. Under Clovis’sons, however, in later texts and a supplement, note is taken of the fact that Romans can also be in the army.
1700092146 14.Roth.Benefizialwesen, p.172,has assembled examples of military accomplishments by Gallo-Romans. But when he concludes from this that, contrary to the effeminate Italians, the Gallo-Romanic population can still be generally designated as warlike, that is concluding too much. Roth especially praises the Aquitanians. Why is this particular group supposed to have been especially brave? The preference for the one area shows us the error of the whole concept: these are no more than individual events preserved by chance, which have given a false picture. Quite similar things may have happened in Italy without, as a matter of chance, being described. The refining process of civilization and the inevitably accompanying softening had affected the population of Gaul in the course of four and a half centuries no less than it had the Italians.
1700092148 15.Proven by Roth with numerous examples, p.173.
1700092150 16.Roth, Beneflzialwesen, p.180.
1700092152 17.Gregory 4.47 and elsewhere. Waitz 2:533.
1700092154 18.The Burgundians, too, already had other than free men as warriors. The Lex Gundobada, Title X, reads: “Si quis servum natione barbarum occiderit lectum ministerialem sive expeditionalem, sexagenos solidos inferat, multae autem nomine XII.
1700092156 Si alium serum Romanum sive barbarum aratorem aut porcarium XXX sol. solvat.”
1700092158 (“If anyone should have killed a barbarian slave selected for service at court or for military service, he would pay 60 solidi, and 12,moreover, as a fine.)
1700092160 (“If anyone should have killed another slave, Roman or barbarian, farmer or swine-herd, he would pay 30 solidi.”)
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