1700095887 1.“Lord” is an Anglo-Saxon word and means literally “bread-giver.”The title “baron” came into England with the Conquest. It means the same thing as homo,“vassal,” and originally applied to all those directly enfeoffed by the king, but it gradually became limited to the most important men among them, the most eminent of whom were given the title of “earl.”
1700095889 2.The number of servitia debita that were provided by men not settled on the land, and the number of those who were settled, above and beyond the number of servitia debita, were therefore almost in balance, so that the number 5,000 appears in both cases. See p.179.
1700095891 3.Pollock and Maitland, The History of the English Law before the Time of Edward I,2d ed.,1898,1:236.
1700095893 4.In the battle Lincoln(1141),in which King Stephen was captured, he had a few earls on his side, who no doubt bore important names but had only a few men with them. One source, Gervasius of Canterbury, calls them “ficti et factiosi comites”(“false and factious earls”). They had no other connection with the counties whose titles they bore except that a third of the income from those counties was paid to them(Oman, p.393). Consequently, it was probably less a question of bad will than a lack of resources that prevented them from providing the king better support.
1700095895 5.Stubbs, Constitutional History,2d ed.,1:434.
1700095897 6.Robert de Monte, for the year 1159,cited in Stubbs, p.588.
1700095899 7.Dialogus de scaccario(Dialogue concerning the Exchequer),written in 1178-1179. Cited in Stubbs, p.588.
1700095901 8.Section 51.“Et statim … amovebimus de regno omnes aliegenas milites, balistarios, servientes, stipendiaries, qui venerint cum equis et armis ad nocumentum regni.”(“And immediately … we shall remove from the kingdom all foreign soldiers, crossbowmen, sergeants and mercenaries who will have come with horses and arms for the harm of the kingdom.”)
1700095903 9.Morris, The Welsh Wars of Edward I, p.185,passim.
1700095905 10.Pollock and Maitland,1:233,point out that the forty-day rule could hardly ever have had legal force but always remained only a theory. John of England once required eighty days.Recently, Guilhiermoz, Essai sur l’origine de la noblesse française, convincingly stated that it was Henry II of England who introduced the forty-day rule.
1700095907 11.Robert de Monte, cited in Stubbs, Constitutional History,1:455.
1700095909 12.Pollock and Maitland, p.234.
1700095911 13.Stubbs, Constitutional History,1:590.
1700095913 14.Gneist, Englische Verfassungsgeschichte, p.289,note(according to a manuscript in the Cotton Library).
1700095915 15.Pollock and Maitland,2:252.
1700095917 16.Pollock and Maitland,1:246.
1700095919 17.The shift from personal service to money payments was, as Pol-lock and Maitland,1:255,suppose, the origin of the otherwise inexplicable reduction of the roster. In 1277,the clergy, who had had to provide 784 knights in 1166,acknowledged having hardly 100. The great earls did likewise. But the compensation for the individual knights was increased correspondingly.Morris, of course, explains this reduction differently in The Welsh Wars of King Edward I. On p.45 f.,he states that the reduction in the number of those to be provided was compensation for the extension of the period of service by several times the usual forty-day standard.
1700095921 18.Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce,3d ed.,1:196.
1700095923 19.In 1294,the clergy provided one-half, the earls, barons, and knights one-tenth, and the cities one-sixth.
1700095925 In 1295,the clergy provided one-tenth, the nobles one-eleventh, and the cities one-seventh.
1700095927 In 1307,one-fifteenth was provided; that amounted to 40,000 pounds for all of England.
1700095929 20.Stubbs, Select Charters, p.255(from Roger of Hoveden).
1700095931 21.Constitutional History of England,1:573.
1700095933 6意大利的诺曼人国家
1700095935 1.Lupus Protospatharius, Mon. Germ. SS.,5.52,gives the strength for Olivento as 3,000. Gaufredus Malaterra, in his History of Sicily(Geschichte Siciliens),Muratori, SS.,5.533 ff.,gives 500. William of Apulia, in his epic poem which he dedicated to Robert Guiscard’s son(Mon. Germ. SS.,9-239 ff.),gives the number as 1,200. The reported strength for the battle of Cannae is given in the Annals of Barri, Mon. Germ.,5.51 ff. All these points are taken from von Heinemann, History of the Normans in Lower Italy(Geschichte der Normannen in Unteritalien),p.359.
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