1700095961 5.Carl Neumann, World Position of the Byzantine Empire(Welts-tellung des byzantinischen Reichs),p.58.
1700095963 6.Zachariä von Lingenthal, p.273,Note 916.
1700095965 7.Zachariä von Lingenthal, p.273. Neumann, p.56,states that the threefold increase can be explained by the increased requirement for military preparations and performance. But such an increase can hardly have taken place; for a long time already, military service had meant service on horseback. But Neumann immediately adds that the increase indicated the intention of giving up the restoration of small landholdings as unsuccessful and unnecessary. This may well be correct.
1700095967 8.Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperio(On Ruling the Empire),Chap.5 2. Joh. Meursii opera(Works of John Meursius),6:1110. For other evidence, see Carl Neumann, Die Weltstellung des byzantinischen Reiches vor den Kreuzzügen,1894,pp.68 and 69-Note, for example, from Constantine IX: “He paid large fees for soldiers.”* Cedrenus,2:608.
1700095969 9.Excerpta Johannis Scylitzae Curopalatae(Excerpts of John Scylitzes Curopalates),SS. Byzantini(Bonn). Cedrenus,2:662.
1700095971 10.“Inexperienced in war, without horses, almost without arms and naked, and not even having daily supplies, they underwent many desperate straits and returned to their own land without glory.”*
1700095973 11.Neumann, pp.60,68. Gustave Schlumberger, Nicéphore Phocas, Paris,1890,pp.532-533. Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur, p.985.
1700095975 12.Neumann, p.67,presumes that the west, more thickly inhabited by barbarians, lagged behind the east culturally and was therefore incapable of paying taxes in currency.
1700095977 13.Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften,1:170.
1700095979 14.Book IV, Chap.4,Ed. Bonn, p.134.
1700095981 15.Taken from the listing in Hammer, Geschichte des Osmanischen Reichs,1:552,674,which includes, however, a few cases that are not completely confirmed.
1700095983 8 阿拉伯人
1700095985 1.In the Cultural History of the Orient under the Caliphs(Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen),by Alfred von Kremer(Vienna,1875),there is a chapter on the military system(pp.203-255)in which the source reports are assembled quite completely but without analysis and without any military-objective understanding. I have not drawn anything from this work.
1700095987 2.August Müller, Geschichte des Islam,1:31.
1700095989 3.Wellhausen,“Die religiös-politischen Oppositionsparteien im alten Islam,”Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Phil. Hist. Kl.,New Series,5.2.10.
1700095991 4.Edited and translated by F. Wüstenfeld in the Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Vol.26(1880). This work consists in part of a translation and revision of Aelian’s Tactics and must therefore, of course, be used with caution.
1700095993 5.Müller,1:164.
1700095995 6.Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen,1:30.
1700095997 7.Weil,1:60.
1700095999 8.Müller, p.238.
1700096001 9.Müller, p.243.
1700096003 10.Müller,1:252,note.
1700096005 11.Müller,1:222.
1700096007 12.Of course, not in one move. The events took place in the following sequence: in 641 the Arabs conquered Egypt; in 643 or 644 they took Tripoli. In 648-649 Moawija, as governor of Syria, built a fleet. The governor of Egypt did likewise. In 647-648 the latter, with 20,000 men, conquered Carthage but then left the country again. In the following decades, frequent raids were made from Tripoli into Tunis. In 683 the Arabs suffered a defeat, lost Tripoli, and were thrown back to Barca. In 696 Hassan arrived with 40,000 men and stormed Carthage. After a few reverses, when a Greek fleet was in action, the subjugation of the entire area up to the ocean was completed between 706 and 709. The Berbers joined Islam.
1700096009 13.Cited by Wüstenfeld, p.24. See also p.27,where the temptation to break out of ranks in battle is expressly opposed with an indication for the necessary obedience.
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