1700264158 VIII 关于光化学催化的逆三羧酸循环实验,参见:Zhang, Xiang V.; Martin, S. T.(2006). Driving parts of krebs cycle in reverse through mineral photochemistry.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(50): 16032-16033.
1700264160 IX 金属单质催化还原二氧化碳生成乙酰辅酶A路径产物的论文,参见:Varma, S. J.; Muchowska, K. B.; Chatelain,P.; et al. Native iron reduces CO₂ to intermediates and end-products of the acetyl-CoA pathway.Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 1019–1024。
1700264162 第九章
1700264164 I 数据依据CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2009, pp.5-42, 90th ed., Lide。
1700264166 II 二人合作提出白烟囱假说的论文,参见:Martin, W.; Russell, M.(2003). On the origins of cells: a hypothesis for the evolutionary transitions from abiotic geochemistry to chemoautotrophic prokaryotes, and from prokaryotes to nucleated cells.Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 58(1429):59-83。
1700264168 III B. J. Skinner, R. C. Erd, and F. S. Grimaldi, American Mineralogist 49, 543 (1964).
1700264170 IV Anthony, J. W.; Bideaux, R. A.; Bladh, K. W.; Nichols, M. C., eds. (1990).Handbook of Mineralogy(Vol I). Chantilly, VA,US: Mineralogical Society of America; Lefèvre, C. T.; Menguy, N.; Abreu, F.; et al.(2011). A cultured greigite-producing mag netotactic bacterium in a novel group of sulfate-reducing bacteria.Science, 334(6063): 1720-1723; Gorlas, A.; Jacquemot, P.; Guigner, J.-M.; Gill, S.; et al.(2018). Greigite nanocrystals produced by hyperthermophilic archaea of Thermococcales order.PLoS ONE, 13(8): e0201549.
1700264172 V 关于鳞角腹足螺的“铁甲”,参见:Yao, Haimin; Dao, Ming; Imholt, T.; Huang, J.; et al.(2010). Protection mechanisms of the iron-plated armor of a deep-sea hydrothermal vent gastropod.PNAS, 107 (3): 987–992。
1700264174 VI White, L. M.; Bhartia, R.; Stucky, G.; et al.(2015). Mackinawite and greigite in ancient alkaline hydrothermal chimneys: Identifying potential key catalysts for emergent life.Earth and planetary science letters, 430: 105-114.
1700264176 VII 关于铁复硫矿催化乙酰辅酶A路径,参见:Roldan, A.; Hollingsworth, N.; Rofey, A.; et al.(2015). Bio-inspired CO2 conversion by iron sulfide catalysts under sustainable conditions,Chemical communications, 51(35):7501–7504。
1700264178 VIII 实验论文参见:Preiner, M.; Igarashi, K.; Muchowska, K. B.; et al.(2020) A hydrogen-dependent geochemical analogue of primordial carbon and energy metabolism. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4: 534–542。
1700264180 IX Russell, M. J.; Nitschke, W.(2017). Methane: Fuel or exhaust at the emergence of life?Astrobiology, 17(10): 1053–1066.
1700264182 X 二氧化碳被氢气还原成甲酸,参见:Moret, S.; Dyson, P. J.; Laurenczy, G.(2014). Direct synthesis of formic acid from carbon dioxide by hydrogenation in acidic media.Nature communications, 5: 4017。
1700264184 XI Herschy, B.; Whicher, A.; Camprubi, E.; et al.(2014). An origin-of-life reactor to simulate alkaline hydrothermal vents.Journal of molecular evolution, 79(5-6): 213–227;Volbeda, A.; Fontecilla-Camps J. C.(2006). Catalytic nickel–iron–sulfur clusters: from minerals to enzymes. In: Simonneaux, G.(eds).Bioorganometallic Chemistry.Topics in organometallic chemistry, 17: 57–82. Berlin, Germany:Springer.
1700264186 XII 实验论文,参见:Herschy, B.; Whicher, A.; Camprubi, E.; et al.(2014). An origin-of-life reactor to simulate alkaline hy drothermal vents.Journal of molecular evolution, 79(5-6): 213–227。
1700264188 XIII 在这个实验最终发表后的论文:Vasiliadou, R.; Dimov, N.; Szita, N.; et al.(2019). Possible mechanisms of CO2 reduc tion by H2 via prebiotic vectorial electrochemistry.Interface focus, 9(6)。
1700264190 XIV Hudson, R.; de Graaf, R.; Rodin, M. S.; et al.( 2020). CO2 reduction driven by a pH gradient.Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences, 117 (37): 22873-22879.
1700264192 XV 关于甲酰甲烷呋喃脱氢酶的催化原理:Wagner, T.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.(2016). The methanogenic CO2 reduc ing-and-fixing enzyme is bifunctional and contains 46[4Fe-4S] clusters.Science, 354(6308): 114–117.
1700264194 XVI 关于甲酰甲烷呋喃脱氢酶,参见:Wagner, T.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.(2016). The methanogenic CO2 reducing-and-fix ing enzyme is bifunctional and contains 46[4Fe-4S] clusters.Science, 354(6308): 114–117。
1700264196 XVII 关于钴咕啉铁硫蛋白的作用机理,参见:Svetlitchnaia, T.; Svetlitchnyi, V.; Meyer, O.; Dobbek, H.(2006). Struc tural insights into methyltransfer reactions of a corrinoid iron–sulfur protein involved in acetyl-CoA synthesis.Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences, 103(39): 14331-14336; Stich, T. A.; Seravalli, J.; Venkateshrao, S.; et al.(2006). Spec troscopic studies of the corrinoid/iron-sulfur protein from Moorella thermoacetica.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(15):5010–5020。
1700264198 XVIII 关于一氧化碳脱氢/乙酰辅酶A合成酶,参见:Dobbek, H.; Svetlitchnyi, V.; Gremer, L.; et al.(2001). Crystal struc ture of a carbon monoxide dehydrogenase reveals a [Ni-4Fe-5S] cluster.Science, 293(5533): 1281–1285; Lindahl, P. A.(2009).Nickel-carbon bonds in acetyl-coenzyme a synthases/carbon monoxide dehydrogenases.Metal ions in life sciences, 6:133-150。
1700264200 XIX 关于乙酰辅酶A合成酶的铁硫簇A催化机制,参见:Hegg, E. L.(2004). Unraveling the Structure and mechanism of acetyl-coenzyme a synthase.Accounts of chemical research, 37(10): 775–783。
1700264202 第十章
1700264204 I 关于白烟囱假说对甲硫醇和硫代乙酸甲酯的倾向,参见:Martin, W.; Russell, M. J.( 2007). On the origin of biochemistry at an alkaline hydrothermal vent.Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 362(1486):1887–1925。
1700264206 II Kitadai, N.; Maruyama, S.(2018). Origins of building blocks of life: A review.Geoscience frontiers, 9(4): 1117-1153.
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